A friend sent the above quote.
It made us think and ponder. It is not something new and we have said the exact words without realising that it was said earlier by Paule Coelbe. Most likely, we heard it from someone else.
There is a twist to the above quotation.
Fanatics, those filled with prejudice and those that tend to presume things tend to be so. But those really with the right attitude to "agree to disagree" are those that are:
Usually, we hear what that needs to hear but we will stick to a position based on a certain premise. The Arabic word is Itiqamah. It is based on a certain guiding moral principle or public interest.
So far, we have been mostly right. Sometimes we could be wrong ...
Off course, they will be those that laugh off at flaws and mistakes. But then again, sometimes it is too early to conclude it as flaws and mistakes. They may have laughed it off too early.
You see, someone said:
And, the last best laugh could be the longest:
But then, why do we need to laugh and spew insult. Sometimes those thinking they are laughing last:
Talking about last, many especially woman in arguing with the man partner tend to:
... without realising that:
The more intelligent, rational thinking and knowledgeable tend to:
If there is really the need ...
Enough of explaining to the those that do not want to hear. It is fulfilling the ego to the be the one to laugh last and say the last word but it is far beyond us already.
At the end, what matter is inner peace. Peace with oneself, others and God. Given the circumstances, strongly believe the path taken remain the right one. The wrong is still wrong and the right is still right. We are at peace.
Those righteous ones out there, are you so sure? Are you at peace with yourself?
The Malays have a saying ... tepuk dada tanya selera. May your true conscience be your guide. You must be sure of yourself before you can have a conscience.