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More than meet the eyes


For us mere mortals, we can only decide on what is available and visible. Nothing is what as it seemed. There is always the chance that there is more than meet the eyes.

What a person say maybe not what is intended to express. It could be a caution but accidently hinted clue of something bigger. There is something more than what was found and the real picture unknown to many is a bigger problem than what is perceived.

At times, what is being said is to hides the real reason. Action and expression on display may not be as it was meant to be but cryptic signals to mean something else.

The Cameron Highland incident and the Protasco boardroom tussle could be example of events that is more than meet the eyes.

NST's turn?

While waiting for our plane back to Kuala Lumpur yesterday, we bought NST and Berita Harian to keep abreast with the latest on the Cameron Highland incident.

NST was reporting on the Sultan of Pahang visit to Cameron Highlands. His highness expressed concern and wants stern action to be taken against those land scheme culprits.

Pahang Menteri Besar Dato Adnan Yaacob could be seen accompanying the Sultan. He is not as feisty and angry as before. However, Utusan Malaysia has stopped giving the Cameron Highland incident frontpage news.

Will he be angry at NST and BH now?

It seemed the suspicion that this whole episode is another Khir Toyo like attempt to ouster him has not simmered. Was it him or his Highness complained of Putrajaya giving only RM2 million when RM40 million was needed to solve the river problem.

Nevertheless, the presence of his Highness was useful for Tok Nan and helped neutralise the bad publicity to the palace when NST disclosed the presence of "surat kuning" last week. It is the "surat kuning" that led to the illegal encroachment into government land and causing the environmental degradation and deluge of illegal immigrants at Cameron Highlands.

About money 

The money made from the land scam to vegetable farmers is exorbitantly large and run to couple of hundred thousands per acre of land. However, do not be surprise that these farmers can afford it. The payback is not that long. It serves both sides purpose.

Read NST past report below:
‘Insane’ profits from farms in Camerons

By Farrah Naz Karim And Aliza Shah - 17 November 2014 @ 1:35 PM

KUALA LUMPUR: PROFITS from illicit farming in Cameron Highlands is so insane that authorities fear it will be an uphill battle to stop the illegal clearing of government land and forests in the highlands.

New revelations have suggested a gaping difference between the “official” output from land under Temporary Occupation Licences, and the actual tonnage of produce harvested from the highlands.

The New Straits Times was made to understand that some 500,000 tonnes of farm produce, from three harvests, are exported from the highlands each year. This is all supposedly from farms under TOLs. Income derived from these exports is in the region of a whopping RM1.5 billion a year.

Agricultural experts and authorities told the NST that the kind of tonnage coming out of Cameron Highlands would have been from at least 5,300ha of farmland.

However, official documents suggest that only some 2,000 TOLs were issued for agriculture in the highlands, covering an area of roughly 2,000ha.

The number of state-issued TOLs for Cameron Highlands in 2003 was 1,843. By 2012, it had increased to 2,041. Each licence is roughly for a tract of land between 0.8ha and 1.6ha. Illegally expanded farms are a different story.

The output of farm produce from 2,000ha of land in Cameron Highlands, according to agricultural experts, should logically be in the region of 180,000 tonnes a year, if harvested three times annually.

“Unless the officially allowed acreage for TOL land cultivation had been expanded by 3,300ha (from 2,000ha to tally with the output of produce from 5,300ha of farm land) since 2012, it is rather perplexing to see so much produce coming out of legal cultivation.

“Just how do you explain the difference in tonnage? Where did the rest come from? I think we all know the answer,” said the expert.

Meanwhile, the Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry Ministry’s Horticulture Division director Normah Othman told the NST that records showed that 50 per cent of the farm produce from Cameron Highlands were exported to Singapore.

“The up to 500,000 tonnes of produce that comes from Cameron Highlands we are talking about are all from TOL land. For every kilogramme of farm produce, the average profit is RM3,” she said.

If basic calculations are anything to go by, greedy and unscrupulous farmers have been laughing all the way to the bank, with some RM890 million every year, thanks to the dubiously sourced produce tonnage.

This latest revelation has also prompted stronger calls for a thorough audit of official data of land approved for cultivation under TOLs against farming currently being carried out in the highlands.

Malaysian Institute of Integrity Datuk Dr Mohd Tap Salleh said only by doing so would the authorities know the extent of the damage that irresponsible farmers had done.

“The institute welcomes the positive response from the state government to the suggestion by NST for a full land audit to be carried out.

“We also welcome the National Audit Department’s response that they would soon send their auditors for the purpose,” he said.

The NST had been running a series of issues besieging Cameron Highlands.

Among others, it had exposed the existence of a highly-confidential document known to those in business in the highlands as surat kuning. This “recommendation letter” is usually sent to the district office by influential figures.

This newspaper then called for a thorough audit of the highlands’ administration, including the issuance of land development permits, if the state was serious in arresting the ongoing land encroachment problem in the highlands.

Pahang Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Adnan Yaakob responded to the NST, agreeing to an audit that would cross-check the development of land against what had been set in the highlands’ development plan.

He said in the district’s planning, land-use categories had been pre-identified and marked and that “all development programmes needed to tally with the plan”.

In his statement, he denied that the surat kuning from palace officials, was among the root causes of problems that Cameron Highlands was facing, saying that it was only normal for many applicants to get testimonials and recommendations from whom they think could lend support to their applications.

He said testimonials and recommendations from all, including palace officials, were looked into, but in the end, it would be the state authorities who would decide, based on merit.

The NST has learnt that the issuance of new TOLs has been frozen since 2001.
Bukan berlakun 

It does not take too long to unravel the real culprit.

Today, NST publish a report that MACC probe the black sheep. What black sheep? Will it mean the black sheep of the royal family?

The black sheep identified must be but one Tengku's name that kept cropping up. Not another Tengku Wong but the one whose usual nicname to such a name is associated with a one time hot young male singer. His late wife was a popular singer too.

Many Pahang princes marry celebrities. So it could be anyone. However, no one dare to openly mention the singing Tengku's name because he has connections with the unsavory world.

Sultan Ahmad Shah must mean business for taking the trouble to come to Cameron Highland. His highness will not have the palace name smeared because of some black sheep. The paper reported today of his majesty insist on the farmers to return the government land back.

His highness is unlike other royalties. Ini bukan berlakun (this is not an act). So it should not have anything beyond what is seen.

Talking of the public images of royals, it reminded us of one Sultan with a state capital along the East Coast. One former Deputy Minister delivered a speech and mentioned of a plan to upgrade certain institutions. He was then summonned to the palace. It seems the Sultan kept abreast of news.

The royal highness was also sharp in his assessment. The Deputy Minister was commended for the effort planned by the Ministry. Without mincing his words, his majesty said, "Awak mesti perlu bina macam-macam untuk tujuan ini. Projek ini kasi saya ... Kita share."

His highness had no shame.

Tasteless politics

While all the stuff was making it's way in the newspaper, one politician reported to distastefully take political advantage of the incident today.

He cannot see beyond what was happening but decided to take potshot at Cameron Highlands MP, Dato G Palaneivel. Bulldozers lack foresight to see things beyond their sight.

Give him a break.

He is only a year as MP there and is busy with his other duties as Minister and MIC President. While he is what he is, it was not his fault. He has neither the power nor the authority to stop this from happening.

Surely he should be seen there and make his face available in the midst of a crisis. That is the least he should do. Although he claim to take care of his constituency, this crisis might cost his seats.

And he would not want to be another MIC president to lose his Parliamentary seats.

Damn if I do

The Protasco boardroom tussle could be more than meet the eyes on many aspects.

Dato Chong Ket Peng has yet to lay out his own money trail in his various accusations toward Tey Por Yee and Ooi Kock Aun. Maybe there is more than meets the eye than his unsubstantiated accusations.

He could be holding back his information till the right moment. Most likely he will bare open his accusation on the day of the November 26th EGM. Tey Por Yee and Ooi Kock Aun could be made stunned without well articulated explanation to tell shareholders.

Being young and straight forward characters, Tey and Ooi could easily be irritable towards lies and fabrications. They lack the experience and the control on their feelings and expressions. The elderly Chong may have the exterior of being decent and composed but sometimes when it warrants, they may lie too. It is easier to believe him and his team.

However, being brash and straightforward young men, Tey and Ooi may be as WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) and has nothing to hide. It is Chong that is lying.

Then there is also the possibility that Chong dare not be as confrontational for fear of something else. There could be a bigger picture hidden from the public eyes that could unveil itself should it becomes a full blown court case.

Holding back 

Protasco mainstay is in construction and road maintenance.

It is not difficult to find out to the going-ons in public construction works. The walls in the industry do speak and the trail can be made as to know what happened inside.

Was that why Chong could not appoint Tey as Executive Director as agreed? He was supposed to be appointed Executive Director 2 years ago but till only recently he was only appointed as independent Director.

However, Protasco already claimed PT ASU as their subsidiary in their Annual Report. So what could be the real reason for holding back Tey's appointment as Executive Director?

They went into oil and gas industry and show the Indonesian company as part of their corporate structure but yet to hire anyone with the experience in oil and gas. The logical explanation could be they will commit once the deal is completed.

However, as an ongoing concern, PT ASU cannot wait but continue to move on. Something is more than meet the eyes. 

On the line

In the whole world, construction is known to be the most corrupted industry in the world. Prostitution is commonly mentioned as the oldest profession and not the most immoral profession.

The presence of Tan Sri Hadenan Abdul Jalil lend credence to Protasco as construction based company. So no one would suspect that there is more than meet the eyes in the company.

Though not strong in business reporting, the conflict of interest to Hadenan in the boardroom tussle could even be spotted by Utusan Malaysia:

Kedudukan Hadenan dalam Protasco jadi tanda tanya
20 November 2014 3:04 AM

KUALA LUMPUR 19 Nov. – Kedudukan Tan Sri Dr. Hadenan Abdul Jalil sebagai Pengerusi Protasco Berhad (Protasco) menimbulkan persoalan dalam kalangan sesetengah pihak apabila syarikat tersebut menghadapi krisis di peringkat pengurusan tertinggi.

Persoalan timbul apabila pihak yang bertelagah di dalam syarikat itu dikatakan perlu merujuk kes tersebut kepada Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) mengenai dakwaan wujud salah laku membabitkan pengurusan syarikat terbabit.

Apa yang menimbulkan persoalan pihak terbabit ialah kedudukan Hadenan selaku Pengerusi Panel Penilaian Operasi SPRM dan status beliau tersebut dikhuatiri boleh menimbulkan konflik kepentingan selain aspek soal integriti urus tadbir korporat.

Kemelut dalam Protasco timbul setelah Pengarah Bukan Eksekutifnya, Tey Por Yee dilaporkan memfailkan tindakan mahkamah bagi pihak dan kepentingan syarikat untuk menuntut semula wang sebanyak RM10 juta daripada Pe­ngarah Urusan, Datuk Seri Ir. Chong Ket Pen yang didakwa diperolehnya secara rahsia daripada urus niaga pembelian 68 peratus saham syarikat minyak dan gas Indonesia, PT ASI.

Krisis tersebut berpanjangan apabila Protasco pula dilaporkan bertindak balas dengan memfailkan tindakan mahkamah ke atas Por Yee dan seorang lagi Pengarah syarikat itu, Ooi Kock Aun pada 22 September lalu kerana didakwa melanggar kewajipan fidusiari membabitkan tuntutan ganti rugi sebanyak AS$27 juta (RM88 juta) atas penipuan dan konspirasi dalam urus niaga pembelian saham sebuah syarikat minyak dan gas Indonesia, PT ASI.

Tidak cukup dengan itu, syarikat dilaporkan turut membuat laporan polis ke atas Por Yee dan Kok Aun yang dikatakan mahu mengadakan mesyuarat agung luar biasa (EGM) dijadual 28 November ini bagi menyingkirkan Chong.

Krisis dikatakan semakin panas apabila Chong pula dilaporkan memanggil EGM pada 26 November ini, bagi menyingkirkan ke­dua-dua seterunya itu.
If he decide the wrong way, he could be putting Chong on the chopping block even though he thinks it is the proper or decisive way. Either way, Chong could get his head chopped. It is a matter of short term or long term.

There must be something more than meet the eyes when a group led by two young men spent RM97 million worth of shares but ended up being accused of stealing RM50 million. If was RM2 million spent to steal RM55 million, people could believe without batting an eye.

Even for the target of controlling the company, not with purchasing 17%.

More than meet the eyes II


The first EGM for Prostasco is tomorrow, November 26th.

The majority will determine the outcome. However, the equity held by Managing Director, Dato Chong Ket Peng versus Tey Por Yee and Ooi Kock Aun will not determine which party will oust which party.

It depend much on which way the institutional shareholders sway. Most institutions would rather stay out of the fight but the likelihood is they will stay with management.

Shareholders are only interested in continuity despite the good run on the share prices from the oil and gas play. The truth will be the least of their concern. Which side is right in their claim does not matter.

The management or the new shareholders could be fleecing the company or someone else, but shareholders only care of their own. In the short term, that is all that matters.

However, in the long term, corruption, greed and dishonesty, and treachery will be the cancer that will surely destroy the company.

It is the duty of the fund managers of institutional investors to investigate and take the right stance. So far now, not much have been divulged by Chong.

Not Chong's first quarrel

According to the company website [see here], Protasco humble beginning started when Founders Dato' Ir Hasnur Rabiain Ismail and Dato' Ir Chong Ket Pen left JKR to secure a data collecton job from their previous employer in 1991.

They were securing various government jobs till opportunity to privatise the former JKR Training centre or Institut Kerja Raya Malaysia (IKRAM) came along in 1997. The rumour of JKR privatisation had been around long and was leaked by the late MGG Pillai [read here].

They are sure to be shortlisted due to the close working relationship of subsidairy Ikram and JKR in areas of quality control, education, research, etc. [Read the history of Ikram here]

In 2001, Protasco was incorporated to prepare for listing. That year, they got a 15-year federal road maintenance in Selangor and the east coast states of Peninsular Malaysia. By 2003, they went listing and the good story to tell investors was the 15-year Federal Road Maintenance concession for Sibu, Bintulu and Mukah in Sarawak. Ikram College of Technology was upgraded to Kuala Lumpur Infrastructure University College (KLIUC).

Prostasco business depended on their link with JKR. Not only are they sure to be listed in any bid, the complain among contractors is that Protasco gets contracts with the highest margins. Yet the MACC Chairman who is Protasco Chairman did not smell anything wrong there.

Business must be so good that greed may have brought out the worse of the two founders Hasnur and Chong. In 2012, Hasnur who was Executive Director and Deputy Chairman left and was replaced by another independent Director, Dato Ibrahim Mohd Nor. [Read on Hasnur here]

The detail is not known but Ibrahim whose is widely known as an associate of Tun Daim Zainuddin, may have step in to resolve the issues between them. Ibrahim was involved with Protasco since 2009 [read here].

The present boardroom tussle is not Chong's first corporate quarrel.

Tey cheat Chong?

It was around 2012 that the Tun Daim block was believed to be up for sale and Chong was given option to seek for friendly buyers to maintain control.

It was before the 2013 general election and there was no buyer for politically sensitive counter till Tey and Ooi was approached through banker in Singapore.

Option was expiring and they need somebody fast or other shareholder will come in. The deal could possibly that if Chong fail to buy him out, Tun Daim has the option to inject assets that would dilute Chong's shares.

However, Chong side of the story claim that Tey and Ooi had approached him. And he said he had lent him money for RM10 million. Sundaily report below refers:
Protasco MD : Tey and I were not business partners

Posted on 14 November 2014 - 05:37am

PETALING JAYA: Protasco Bhd's executive vice-chairman and group managing director Datuk Seri Chong Ket Pen has clarified that he and Tey Por Yee, an investor he is in dispute with, were not business partners.

"This is to clarify that I did not have prior business dealings or know of Tey Por Yee until December 2012, when he was interested to be a shareholder of Protasco," Chong said in a statement yesterday.

Chong said he viewed Tey to be a strategic investor that would be beneficial to Protasco and agreed to help organise and secure a short-term loan to complete Tey's purchase of Protasco shares in December 2012.

"I viewed him to be a strategic investor that would be beneficial to the company, and I agreed to help organise this loan for RM20 million," he said.

Chong reiterated that he lent Tey half of the loan through his personal company, RS Mahaniaga, via a short-term loan with a bank, and the other half via JF Apex through a margin financing facility in his own own name.

"These loans were secured by my own Protasco shares and my personal guarantee," Chong said.

He added that the RM10 million that Tey paid to RS Mahaniaga is repayment for the bank tranche of the loan. The RM10 million under JF Apex is still outstanding.
This was also to answer an accusation by Tey and Ooi that Chong had swindling money out of the company.

Chong cheat Protasco?

Few days earlier, Kinibiz had reported Tey making statement after filing for their defense. He revealed his side of the story:
Tey: Defence filed confirmed Chong took Protasco’s money 
9:07 PM - 10 Nov
by Xavier Kong

In response to the defence filed by Protasco Bhd’s managing director Chong Ket Pen earlier today, Protasco non-executive director Tey Por Yee calls that the defence filed confirms that Chong took Protasco’s money for his own benefit.

Tey noted that there was no proof of a loan agreement between Tey and RS Maha Niaga Sdn Bhd, a company owned by the senior management of Protasco.

“The allegation that I borrowed RM20 million from Chong and Maha Niaga is downright untrue and unsubstantiated. If it is true, Chong should provide the agreement to back his claims. The only loan that Chong has given is RM10 million and it was to Kingdom Seekers. We have a loan agreement drawn up and I will be happy to make it public to substantiate this,” said Tey.

Tey added that, under the terms of the loan agreement between Chong and Kingdom Seekers Ventures (Tey’s vehicle), the repayment of the loan is subject to the PT Anglo Slavic Utama deal going through, which meant that Kingdom Seekers was to return the RM10 million to Chong seven working days after the completion of the deal. In the loan agreement, Chong had allegedly agreed that Kingdom Seekers could appoint an executive director to the Protasco board of directors.

“There has been no demand or any reason for Kingdom Seekers to return the loan as Chong has not fulfilled the terms of the agreement,” Tey said, adding that, from the defence filed and served by his legal counsel, it was apparent that Chong had advanced RM10 million from Maha Niaga.

“In turn, Maha Niaga took a RM10 million short-term loan, with a 2-month repayment period from UOB. This short-term loan was secured using Protasco shares as collateral and with Chong’s personal guarantee,” continued Tey, noting that Chong’s confirmation of the receipt of the sum shows support for Tey’s statement that RM10 million of the RM16 million which Protasco’s subsidiaries paid for the bitumen and coal trading with Indonesia, flowed back to Maha Niaga as personal financial gain for Chong.

Tey then pointed out that Chong had needed to service the loan from UOB within two months, but could not ask for payment from Kingdom Seekers due to the PT ASU deal having fallen through.

“So he took money from Protasco’s bitumen and coal deal (with Indonesia) to the exact tune of RM10 million to cover this loan,” said Tey.

In response to the claim that Telecity Investments Limited was servicing his private loan to Chong, Tey noted that he does not own Telecity, nor is a director of the company.

“My involvement was to invest in Protasco, and introduced PT ASU to Protasco like anybody sometimes introduce contacts to each other. I am not involved in the day to day business of Protasco. As far I am aware, the oil field investment is a legitimate investment with proper due diligence conducted by the international firms of KPMG Singapore, Grant Thornton in Jakarta, and RISC Advisory (an oil and gas consultancy firm from Australia) which were engaged by Protasco,” said Tey.

At the end of the trading day, Protasco’s shares were last traded at RM1.79, up a sen.
O&G deal

Chong claimed that Tey and Ooi had misled them. He may have leaked information to Kinibiz in the following article:
Protasco’s ‘thrilling’ O&G adventure

Posted on 5:29 PM - 4 Feb by Khairie Hisyam    
Diversified outfit Protasco is revising the terms of its shares acquisition in oil and gas company PT Anglo Slavic Indonesia, but when Tiger delved into the details it found more questions than answers. Should shareholders not be informed of everything of consequence?

Hunting is an art. When the hunger isn’t debilitating, the lengthy prowls as Tiger stalks an unassuming kijang are delightful.

The long wait for the perfect time to pounce just heightens the anticipation of Tiger’s teeth sinking into flesh, a thrilling adventure just yearning for a satisfying end. And when that destined moment comes, it feels as though the stars are aligned and the jungle stands still as Tiger leaps to its kill, a culmination of patience and skill.

A perfect hunt is an art in itself, whether in Tiger’s jungle or the corporate landscape. Fresh from feasting after one such hunt, Tiger found another thrilling adventure to watch — Protasco’s attempt to get into the oil and gas scene.
Oh really?
Just before the Horse came galloping in last week, the diversified outfit announced that it had signed an amended sales and purchase agreement (SPA) for its proposed shares acquisition in PT Anglo Slavic Indonesia (PT ASI), which indirectly controls the rights to develop and produce oil and gas in the Kuala Simpang Timur Field (KST Field) in Aceh.

In the amended SPA, Protasco will be paying US$22 million (RM68.4 million) for 63% of PT ASI, which amounts to 78.75 million shares. This is a lower price from the original SPA inked in December 2012, which had Protasco paying US$55 million for 76% or 95 million PT ASI shares.

Accordingly, the profit guarantee that comes with the equity acquisition is amended too, from US$55 million over four years in the original SPA to US$22 million over four years in the amended version.

But this is rather strange, when Tiger thinks about it. In the amended SPA, the valuation of PT ASI amounts to roughly RM108.57 million. Yet the valuation in the original SPA would have put the company’s value at about RM233.56 million — slightly more than double the 2014 valuation.

So how did PT ASI drop in value so drastically within a short span of 13 months?

It’s like stalking a big wild boar, salivating at the prospect of a big meal, only to pounce and discover it was a tiny hare after all, barely enough to pick Tiger’s magnificent teeth with.

Thankfully we weren’t kept in too much suspense by Protasco, which explains that the amended purchase price was arrived at on a “willing buyer, willing seller” basis in view of a valuation of the shares by KPMG Singapore in a report dated Jan 20, 2014.

Hang on, though. If KPMG’s valuation puts the value of the shares at US$22 million, then how was the previous valuation figure of US$55 million derived?

In any case, Protasco saved some US$33 million here, thanks to a clause in the original SPA which allowed for renegotiations should an independent valuation find that the shares value was below US$50 million or beyond US$60 million. Paying the right price is good news for shareholders, isn’t it?

Although speaking of value, Tiger wonders about PT ASI’s true value. In its announcement Protasco noted that KPMG used a discounted cash flow approach in its valuation of the company, whose net assets stood at around RM31.4 million (roughly US$9.42 million) as at end May 2013.

That means PT ASI’s RM108.57 million valuation is slightly more than three times its net assets. Rather strange for a relatively small oil and gas outfit which has been recording losses for three consecutive years — 2010, 2011 and 2012.

Not to mention the dangers of using discounted cash flow in this valuation, of course. It is known that a small variance in inputs, especially discount rates, can change the resulting values greatly in using this method. There are many variables in the oil and gas business i.e. fluctuating prices, currency exchange rates, exploration success (or failures), the list goes on.

For one this deal means Protasco will extend a loan of US$5 million to PT ASI for exploration purposes, and exploration activities can easily take longer than expected and even incur extra costs.

Now that Tiger thinks about it, how much money will the other shareholder in PT ASI  provide to the company for exploration purposes? Is it on equal contribution terms?

If Tiger were holding Protasco shares, Tiger would wonder if enough due diligence had gone into this PT ASI acquisition deal. But maybe the management has some insight that escapes the rest of the jungle (in which case they should enlighten their shareholders at least).

Speaking on the management, Tiger was tipped that the original SPA, announced on Dec 28, 2012, came a bit more than two weeks after one Ooi Kock Aun was made a Protasco board member on Dec 10, 2012.

What is interesting here is that Ooi is the chief finance officer at publicly listed PT Inovisi Infracom Tbk, which is also involved in oil and gas among other things. In the amended SPA, 297.1 million shares in Infracom, worth US$30.3 million, is blocked as security to repay Protasco’s RM50 million deposit and purchase price if the amended SPA is terminated.

So whose shares are those and what is the relationship of the mystery shareholder with this PT ASI acquisition deal? Tiger doesn’t think a random investor would be so generous as to give a guarantee such as this unless there is direct involvement.

Another interesting highlight is that this guarantee was not in the original SPA. Is Infracom linked to the seller? If it is, then is Ooi, a Protasco board member, linked to the seller?

Oops, Tiger forgot. Tiger should mention here that the seller is PT Anglo Slavic Utama (PT ASU), which wholly owns PT ASI. In turn PT ASU is wholly owned by Anglo Slavic Petrogas, which is based in the British Virgin Islands.

So many unanswered questions makes for a thrilling adventure, but such suspense should be confined to the jungle and the cinema, not the financial markets. With the dearth of information shareholders do not even get their say in this deal since the total transaction sum comes to 24% of Protasco’s net assets, just shy of the regulatory 25% which would have required shareholder approval.

It is only right that Protasco’s management reassures shareholders by disclosing all relevant information to the deal before it progresses further.


Tiger Talk
In his allegations, Chong claimed that Tey and Ooi did not declare their interest.

He will have to divulge and proof the conflict of interest to the shareholders. Kinibiz article insinuate it is Ooi that pledge Infracom shares but it had been denied.

Even if Chong may be able to 'kick' the two out, he must present his proof or he will be faced with a huge lawsuit. Kinibiz and The Edge too. 

Chong all the way

The accusation that Tey and Ooi have hidden interest was covered in our previous posting here.

Tey and Ooi claimed none. So Chong will have to proof it tomorrow and Tan Sri Hadenan Jalil must allow Tey and Ooi to answer.

If no proof was presented, there is no basis to throw out Tey and Ooi. With both of them in, they can be the balancing voice for shareholders. Sometimes independent directors are not so independent.

Upon reading all the above reports, all seem to indicate Chong is much involved.
  • He allegedly help to organise RM20 million loan for JF Apex and RS Mahaniaga to Tey and Ooi but is not business partner to them. Why is that?
  • Tey alleged that Chong gave RM10 million loan to Kingdom Seekers.
  • Kinibiz alleged that Chong was involved and agreed to the original price of US$55 million in the first SPA and US$22 million in the amended SPA after due dilligence headed by his son.
  • It was Chong also that allegedly agreed to a profit guarantee provided by the vendor of PT ASU for US$22 million. The agreement will have to surface to shareholders.
Questions are:

Did Tey and Ooi misled Chong or Chong blaming Tey and Ooi?
Why did he cancelled the deal when he already put PT ASU in his annual report organisation structure and gave US$5 million loan to PT ASU for exploratory work?

The cancellation based on 3 years contract from Pertamina instead of 10 years is quite a dodgy excuse. Was there really a 3 years contract extension when the existing contract is still there?

With his money allegedly committed to complete the deal, why Chong refused to wait for more time till Indonesian presidential election is over by October?

Does it look like Chong screwed big time and now trying to play a blame game? Hasnur may have something to comment on Chong.

* Updated 7:28 PM

The much talked about speech today


From morning till late evening, from one water hole to another, from one meal to another, the conversation of the day had been none other than the speech by Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin yesterday.

He delivered a speech at the joint opening of the UMNO Wanita, Pemuda and Puteri wings that brought about many versions of interpretations.

Over breakfast, a young activist expressed the same reaction bloggers and social media activists expressed immediately after the speech in our Whats App groups. Bujai and House PK was most generous with their praises. [Read here and here]

Upon arriving home late evening, the first remark from our next door neighbour was the same heard all day. "Speech Muhyiddin malam tadi best lah!"

To this blogger, it was something that had been written many many many .... times since the disastrous 2008 general election.

In actual fact, it was nothing new and some of the issues have been touched before by Dato Najib in previous years speeches at the UMNO General Assemblies. But, having Muhyiddin said it gives legitimacy to something the ground wanted the messages be heard loudly.

Maybe they believe there will be no excuse for the party aristocrat to remain in-denial.

The speech encapsulate the concerns, unfulfilled expectations and grieve to even disgust of supporters from within the party and public towards the reluctance of UMNO and government establishment and leadership to undertake change. [Big Cat here is one such voices]

Leading to the general assembly, there is a pent-up pressure to express their dissatisfaction against the party establishment. Most likely it is with PWTC.

There is the suspicion that there will be pressure on the debators to hold back. Dato Hishamuddin fueled the perception with his repeated reminders through the press despite promises earlier for transparency.

Why more visible roles lately to Hishamuddin than Zahid?

Rumours has it and maybe it is only speculation going around that Tengku Dato Adnan dan Dato Raof have been making persuasive calls for self censorship. Already one blogger-state assemblymen complained of being denied entry to the President briefing for the first time in 18 years here.

It only puts pressure on party administration to be more transparent, stop censoring debators, and no more "bodek dan ampu" speeches.

However, at PWTC this afternoon, words are that there are those in close proximity to the President misinterpreted the speech as a possible challenge from his Deputy. There was unconfirmed talk of attempt to amend the text of the speech before releasing to the press.

That is pointless and likely not be true as it is already out there. Possible power play is most unlikely too as it will split the party apart and not be to UMNO's interest and survival.

However, these paranoids may have depended their livelihood on Dato Najib's continued presence as PM. They can be insecure beings and are not usually rationale. Most likely they could not see it as the usual good guy bad guy roles played by Najib and Muhyiddin.

Their suspicion arise from Muhyiddin's mention for party election be done before general election. [Life of Annie made such suspicion here].

Frankly, it is a realistic proposal. If UMNO wish to bring up new faces or make room for younger leaders, there is no other effective ways than through internal party election.

Much of the issues raised by Muhyiddin on Sedition Act, liberalism, Islam, Malay concerns, etc. was seen as running contrary to Najib's 1Malaysia slogan and Ethos-inspired transformation programs. [Rocky Bru's take on Sedition Act can be read here].

Some saw an uncanny similarity between Tun Dr Mahathir's latest blog posting and Muhyiddin's speech. For that matter, Najib's briefing in the morning too had many similar messages with the speech.

Anyway, the speech below:





اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلىَ سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدِ، الْفَاتِحِ لِمَا أُغْلِقَ وَالْخَاتِمِ لِمَا سَبَقَ، نَاصِرِ الْحَقِّ بِالْحَقِّ، وَالْهَادِي إِلَى صِرَاطِكَ الْمُسْتَقِيْمِ وَعَلىَ آلِهِ حَقَّ قَدْرِهِ وَمِقْدَارِهِ العَظِيْمِ .

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh, salam sejahtera dan salam 1Malaysia.

YB Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil
Ketua Pergerakan Wanita

YB Sdr. Khairy Jamaluddin
Ketua Pergerakan Pemuda

YB Sdri. Mas Ermieyati Samsudin
Ketua Pergerakan Puteri

YB Naib-Naib Presiden UMNO

YB Setiausaha Agung UMNO

Ahli-ahli Majlis Tertinggi

Barisan Exco Wanita, Pemuda dan Puteri

Saudara-saudari sidang perwakilan, dif-dif jemputan dan para pemerhati sekalian

1. Alhamdulillah, puji dan syukur ke hadrat Allah s.w.t. serta selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan Nabi Muhammad s.a.w., malam ini saya dan saudara-saudari semua yang mewakili Pergerakan Wanita, Pemuda dan Puteri UMNO dari seluruh pelusuk negara, dapat sekali lagi berhimpun di Dewan Merdeka ini untuk mempertegaskan matlamat perjuangan parti kita, memperkukuhkan perpaduan dan merencana masa depan bangsa Melayu. Saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada wanita, pemuda dan puteri UMNO kerana terus istiqamah berada dalam saf perjuangan parti kita.

Hebatnya Hang Tuah sehingga kini,
Kisahnya menjadi bualan zaman,
Jiwa pejuang takkan terhenti,
Selagi nyawa di kandung badan.


Saudara dan saudari yang saya hormati sekalian,

2. Parti kita UMNO telah mencapai usia 68 tahun. Telah banyak ranjau yang kita lalui dalam pelbagai keadaan, pelbagai cabaran dan pelbagai zaman. Kita telah melalui pasang surut asakan terhadap perjuangan kita. Alhamdulillah, walaupun kita diasak dan diterjah dengan pelbagai dugaan, Allah masih memberikan kemenangan kepada UMNO. Allah masih mentakdirkan UMNO memikul amanah kuasa pemerintahan ini. Namun, jangan kita lupa, jangan kita alpa. Allah juga menggilirkan kemenangan antara sesama manusia sebagai pengajaran kepada kita semua. Sebagaimana firman-Nya dalam surah Ali-Imran Ayat 140:

إِن يَمۡسَسۡكُمۡ قَرۡحٌ۬ فَقَدۡ مَسَّ ٱلۡقَوۡمَ قَرۡحٌ۬ مِّثۡلُهُ ۥ‌ۚ وَتِلۡكَ ٱلۡأَيَّامُ نُدَاوِلُهَا بَيۡنَ ٱلنَّاسِ وَلِيَعۡلَمَ ٱللَّهُ ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ وَيَتَّخِذَ مِنكُمۡ شُہَدَآءَ‌ۗ وَٱللَّهُ لَا يُحِبُّ ٱلظَّـٰلِمِينَ

Yang bermaksud:

Jika kamu (dalam peperangan Uhud) mendapat luka (tercedera), maka sesungguhnya kaum (musyrik yang mencerobohi kamu) itu telah (tercedera juga dan) mendapat luka yang sama (dalam peperangan Badar) dan demikian itulah keadaan hari-hari (dunia ini dengan peristiwa-peristiwa kemenangan atau kekalahan), Kami gilirkan dia antara sesama manusia, (supaya menjadi pengajaran) dan supaya nyata apa yang diketahui Allah tentang orang-orang yang tetap beriman (dan yang sebaliknya), dan juga supaya Allah menjadikan sebahagian di antara kamu orang-orang yang mati Syahid dan (ingatlah), Allah tidak suka kepada orang-orang yang zalim.

3. Inilah sunnatullah. Allah s.w.t. menggilirkan kemenangan dan kekalahan sesama manusia. Hatta antara kaum muslimin dan musyrikin pun, Allah menggilirkan kemenangan dan kekalahan sebagai peringatan kepada orang-orang yang beriman. Maka, dalam konteks UMNO, kemenangan yang kita perolehi dalam mana-mana pilihanraya tidak boleh menjadikan kita angkuh, sombong dan selesa. Cabaran terhadap perjuangan kita masih hebat, jalan yang perlu kita lalui masih berliku, ranjau di hadapan kita masih berduri. Maka, dalam perhimpunan kali ini, saya ingin mengajak saudara dan saudari supaya ikhlas dan jujur dengan diri kita sendiri. Kaji adakah parti kita berada dalam keadaan yang selamat? Adakah parti kita disenangi oleh sebahagian besar rakyat? Adakah parti kita bakal beroleh kemenangan dalam pilihanraya akan datang?

4. Saudara-saudari, jika kita himbau kembali sejarah penubuhan UMNO dalam konteks dunia pada waktu itu, UMNO berada di tengah-tengah kancah pertembungan antara fahaman nasionalis, fahaman komunis dan fahaman sosialis. Namun, UMNO berjaya membina identiti perjuangannya sendiri di atas semangat kebangsaan Melayu yang berteraskan Islam. Pada ketika itu juga, nasionalisme merupakan ideologi utama yang menggerakkan parti-parti politik di negara-negara tanah jajahan bangkit menentang penjajah. Alhamdulillah, berkat perjuangan UMNO, negara kita berjaya mencapai kemerdekaan.

5. Pada masa yang sama, sebagai sebuah parti yang toleran dan sederhana, UMNO berjaya merintis kerjasama dengan parti-parti yang mewakili kaum-kaum lain di negara kita untuk membina sebuah negara bangsa. Sebagai kerajaan pula, parti kita UMNO menerusi Perikatan dan kemudiannya Barisan Nasional telah berjaya mengekalkan kestabilan politik dan memacu kemajuan ekonomi dengan cara kita sendiri. Sehingga beberapa dekad yang lalu, UMNO adalah sinonim dengan sebuah ceritera kejayaan; ceritera sebuah negara yang aman dan stabil di sebalik kepelbagaian kaum dan agama. Hasil perjuangan UMNO, negara kita telah berganjak daripada sebuah negara miskin sewaktu merdeka kepada negara industri yang insya-Allah akan menjadi negara maju dalam beberapa tahun lagi di bawah gagasan besar Wawasan 2020.


6. Namun, suasana politik hari ini sudah banyak berubah. Di seluruh dunia, nasionalisme bukan lagi ideologi utama. Malah, banyak parti nasionalis yang memperjuangkan kemerdekaan negara masing-masing telah berkubur. Selepas era perang dingin, liberalisme telah muncul sebagai ideologi yang dominan di seluruh dunia. Di bawah lembayung ideologi baharu ini, idea-idea Barat mengenai demokrasi, kebebasan dan kesamarataan tersebar secara meluas, termasuk di negara-negara Asia. Sama ada kita sedar atau tidak, kebangkitan gerakan demokrasi liberal dan masyarakat sivil yang memperjuangkan kebebasan dan kesamarataan mengikut neraca Barat telah memberi kesan yang besar kepada perjuangan UMNO.

Memperteguh Kedudukan Istimewa Melayu dan Bumiputera
7. Hari ini, banyak pertubuhan dan individu yang sama ada secara langsung atau tidak langsung mempersoalkan hak keistimewaan Melayu, kedudukan istimewa agama Islam, kedudukan Raja-Raja Melayu, bahasa Melayu dan lain-lain lagi yang merupakan teras perjuangan UMNO. Apabila UMNO bersuara membela kepentingan Melayu, mereka kata UMNO rasis. Tetapi apabila kaum-kaum lain bangkit memperjuangkan hak kaum masing-masing, itu dikatakan hak kumpulan minoriti dalam sebuah negara demokrasi. Sama juga, apabila UMNO bangkit mempertahankan kedudukan Islam, UMNO dikatakan ekstrem, walhal Islam adalah Agama Persekutuan. Tetapi apabila kepentingan kumpulan agama lain diperjuangkan, itu dikatakan hak kebebasan beragama. Hari ini, perkara-perkara penting yang termaktub di dalam perlembagaan yang melindungi hak semua kaum secara saksama semakin dipersoalkan.

8. Suara kumpulan penentang ini semakin lantang sehingga kedengaran di forum-forum antarabangsa. Mereka menuduh UMNO mengamalkan diskriminasi dan zalim terhadap rakyat. Ini amat pelik bagi saya. UMNO yang dahulunya berjuang bermati-matian untuk membebaskan rakyat daripada cengkaman penjajah; UMNO yang memperjuangkan keadilan sosial; UMNO yang mempelopori politik kesederhanaan; hari ini, dalam zaman kebebasan ini, UMNO dituduh sebagai parti yang zalim, parti yang menindas, parti yang menjajah rakyat. Pendek kata, segala yang buruk dan keji itu adalah UMNO. Seolah-olah tiada setitik pun jasa UMNO kepada negara. Kebaikan yang ditabur ditutupi oleh debu-debu pembohongan, fitnah dan propaganda jahat. Demikianlah zaman telah berubah, pola fikir masyarakat telah berubah, cabaran kepada UMNO juga berubah.

Agenda Ekonomi Bumiputera dan Merapatkan Jurang Ketidaksaksamaan Adalah Agenda Nasional
Saudara dan saudari yang saya hormati sekalian,

9. Perubahan juga berlaku dalam bidang ekonomi. Dahulu, pembangunan negara kita digembeleng oleh kerajaan. Kuasa kerajaan membolehkan kita melaksanakan program penstrukturan semula masyarakat menerusi Dasar Ekonomi Baru. Melalui dasar ini juga kita telah berjaya mengeluarkan masyarakat daripada belenggu kemiskinan dan menangani penguasaan ekuiti asing dalam ekonomi negara. Kita juga menetapkan sasaran pemilikan ekuiti Bumiputera sebanyak 30 peratus sekurang-kurangnya, dan penyertaan Bumiputera digalakkan dalam setiap sektor ekonomi. Dasar ini dibentuk agar ekonomi berkembang dan pengagihan berlaku secara adil dan saksama. Atas sifat bertimbang rasa dan semangat supaya kek ekonomi dapat dirasai oleh semua rakyat Malaysia, orang Melayu dan UMNO pada waktu itu tidak bersifat keterlaluan untuk meminta lebih daripada 30 peratus.

10. Walaupun sasaran pemilikan ekuiti Bumiputera tidak tercapai, namun Alhamdulillah, DEB telah berjaya mengagihkan kekayaan negara kita secara lebih saksama serta meningkatkan pendapatan kaum Bumiputera dan bukan Bumiputera. Tuduhan bahawa DEB kononnya satu dasar keterbelakang, menyekat pelaburan, menyebabkan brain drain dan hanya menguntungkan segelintir pihak yang ada kabel politik adalah tidak benar. Bagi saya, tuduhan meleset ini hanya dicipta oleh mereka yang sarat dengan kebencian. Banyak kajian ilmiah yang menunjukkan bahawa semua kaum mendapat manfaat daripada pelaksanaan DEB. Ini termasuk kajian mutakhir Dr Muhammed Abdul Khalid yang diterbitkan di dalam bukunya the Color of Inequality yang membuktikan bahawa DEB telah memberi manfaat kepada semua kaum dari segi pembasmian kemiskinan, peningkatan pendapatan, peluang pekerjaan, pemilikan ekuiti dan lain-lain. DEB telah mencapai sebahagian matlamat pengagihan ekonomi dan menyamaratakan peluang. Namun, masalah ketirisan memberikan kesan negatif kepada pencapaian matlamat asal DEB yang disasarkan oleh kepimpinan UMNO terdahulu.

11. Namun begitu, 24 tahun selepas pelaksanaan DEB berakhir, kita kembali mendengar keluh kesah dan gundah-gulana masyarakat Melayu. Dalam era pasca DEB, data terbaharu Jabatan Perangkaan Malaysia untuk tahun 2013 menunjukkan bahawa jurang ekonomi antara kaum masih wujud. Misalnya, median pendapatan bulanan isi rumah Bumiputera sebanyak RM3,282 masih rendah berbanding kaum Cina, iaitu RM4,643 dan kaum India sebanyak RM3,676. Dalam kumpulan isi rumah berpendapatan 40% terendah, 75.5% adalah Bumiputera. Pemilikan hartanah dalam kalangan Bumiputera juga masih jauh lebih rendah berbanding kaum-kaum lain. Hanya 36.3% transaksi bangunan hartanah kediaman melibatkan Bumiputera. Pemilikan hartanah bangunan industri dan perdagangan Bumiputera juga rendah iaitu 2.37% bagi hartanah industri dan 7.85% bagi hartanah perdagangan.

12. Begitu juga, satu kebenaran yang pahit untuk kita akui ialah kaum Bumiputera masih menerima layanan yang tidak saksama dalam sektor swasta. Kajian yang dilakukan oleh Dr Lee Hwok Aun dan Dr. Muhammed Abdul Khalid pada tahun 2012 mendapati bahawa bagi setiap seorang graduan Melayu yang dipanggil temu duga dalam sektor swasta, secara puratanya 5.3 graduan Cina ditemu duga, walaupun mereka mempunyai kelulusan yang sama. Data rasmi juga menunjukkan kadar pengangguran adalah tertinggi dalam kalangan tenaga kerja Bumiputera iaitu 70.3%, termasuk graduan menganggur sebanyak 66.9%. Kita juga sering mendengar keluhan pekerja Bumiputera yang menerima gaji lebih rendah berbanding kaum-kaum lain dalam sektor swasta. Pakar ekonomi Just Faaland, J.R Parkinson dan Rais Saniman membuktikan dalam buku mereka Growth and Ethnic Inequality: Malaysia’s New Economic Policy, bahawa pekerja Bumiputera menerima gaji 20 hingga 40 peratus lebih rendah berbanding bukan Bumiputera.

13. Secara umumnya, kedudukan ekonomi orang Melayu hari ini masih meruncing. Ketidaksaksamaan dalam masyarakat agak menggerunkan kita. Pada masa yang sama, kita berhadapan dengan pelbagai cabaran dalam meneruskan agenda ekonomi Melayu. Kita bersaing dalam ekonomi yang lebih terbuka. Kita berhadapan dengan fahaman kesamarataan yang menentang sebarang pelaksanaan agenda Melayu. Menerusi pelbagai instrumen perjanjian perdagangan bebas antarabangsa, negara kita didesak supaya jangan lagi mengamalkan dasar untuk melindungi kepentingan kaum Bumiputera. Kononnya, dasar seperti ini merupakan penghalang kepada pembangunan ekonomi dan merencatkan pasaran. Padahal, dasar ini pernah digunakan oleh negara maju lebih setengah abad sebelum mereka mencapai tahap negara maju.

14. Kita sebenarnya sedang menongkah arus kapitalisme global dan ideologi pasaran bebas yang semakin melebarkan jurang ketidaksaksamaan. Seperti yang diakui oleh pemenang hadiah nobel ekonomi Joseph Stiglitz dalam bukunya The Price of Inequality, dasar ekonomi yang berasaskan teori dan ideologi yang salah telah memburukkan keadaan ketidaksaksamaan dalam masyarakat di seluruh dunia, termasuk di Eropah dan Amerika Syarikat.

14. Saya fikir sudah sampai masanya kita menilai kembali model ekonomi negara kita. Ya, benar pertumbuhan ekonomi negara sebanyak 6.3% adalah antara yang tertinggi di Asia; nilai pelaburan langsung asing sebanyak RM216.5 bilion pada tahun 2013 adalah antara yang terbaik dalam sejarah; kedudukan Malaysia dalam Laporan Dayasaing Global 2014 meningkat daripada nombor 24 ke nombor 20 daripada 148 buah negara. Semua ini menunjukkan bahawa pencapaian ekonomi negara kita amat memberangsangkan dan kita berada pada landasan yang betul untuk menjadi negara maju berpendapatan tinggi pada tahun 2020.

15. Tetapi di sebalik semua pencapaian ini, Yang Amat Berhormat Presiden dan saya selaku Timbalan sering memikirkan adakah kita boleh memejamkan mata dan memekakkan telinga dengan tidak berbuat apa-apa jika kaum Bumiputera yang merupakan 67.4% daripada rakyat negara kita masih berada dalam kumpulan berpendapatan rendah; jika 4 juta daripada 6.5 juta pekerja yang mencarum dalam KWSP di negara kita berpendapatan kurang RM2,000 sebulan; jika jurang ketidaksaksamaan di negara kita antara yang tertinggi di rantau ini; jika rakyat masih tidak mampu memiliki rumah sendiri.

16. Mengenai isu perumahan, ada ahli UMNO di akar umbi yang mengatakan kepada saya, rumah-rumah yang dibina dengan harga RM400,000 sebenarnya bukan rumah mampu milik, tetapi rumah mampu tengok sahaja. Pandangan ini ada juga kebenarannya. Menurut Kajian Khazanah Research Institute, harga rumah mampu milik yang sewajarnya adalah 3 kali median pendapatan isi rumah, iaitu bagi kumpulan pendapatan isirumah 40% terbawah dengan harga RM70,000 dan kumpulan berpendapatan sederhana pada harga RM160,000 atau pada purata harga RM130,000. Rumah-rumah yang dibina dengan harga yang terlalu mahal, terutamanya di kawasan-kawasan bandar dan pinggir bandar, sudah tentulah tidak mampu dibeli oleh rakyat berpendapatan rendah dan sederhana.

16. Saudara-saudari, persoalannya nanti, ketika negara kita mencapai sasaran Pelan Transformasi Ekonomi dengan nilai GNI RM1.7 trillion, dengan pendapatan perkapita RM48,000, dengan penambahan 3.3 juta pekerja berkemahiran dan RM1.4 trillion pelaburan daripada sektor swasta dan kerajaan, berapakah daripada jumlah sasaran ini akan turun mengalir menjadi milik kaum Bumiputera? Dalam keghairahan kita meletakkan sasaran besar untuk mencapai status negara berpendapatan tinggi, kita juga harus menetapkan sasaran yang jelas untuk kaum Bumiputera dan memastikan kekayaan negara kita dapat diagihkan kepada semua rakyat baik di kota mahupun di desa, di semenanjung mahupun di Sabah dan Sarawak, baik kumpulan berpendapatan tinggi mahupun kumpulan pertengahan dan 40% terbawah, semuanya – kulluhum ajma’in - perlu dipastikan mendapat peluang yang adil dan saksama.

17. Saudara-saudari, kita sebenarnya amat memerlukan satu model ekonomi yang benar-benar dapat memastikan pertumbuhan disertai dengan pengagihan yang saksama. Kita tidak boleh membiarkan majoriti rakyat negara kita terpinggir dan tersisih daripada arus kemajuan ekonomi negara. Apatah lagi, ketidaksaksamaan dalam masyarakat kita hari ini bukan lagi merupakan masalah kaum semata-mata, tetapi juga masalah kelas. Kita sedang menghadapi masalah jurang yang besar antara golongan kaya dan golongan miskin, jurang antara etnik dan intra etnik,jurang antara Semenanjung, Sabah dan Sarawak, jurang antara masyarakat bandar dan luar bandar, jurang antara CEO, pengurusan kanan syarikat dan pekerja bawahan. Semua ini jika dibiarkan berterusan akhirnya akan menjejaskan pencapaian ekonomi negara kita secara keseluruhan.

18. Sebagai mewakili suara orang Melayu dan Bumiputera, saya ingin tegaskan supaya pendekatan, dasar dan strategi yang lebih berkesan untuk merapatkan jurang kaum dan kelas dilaksanakan segera. Kita perlu memberikan tumpuan dan keutamaan kepada program latihan peningkatan kemahiran pekerja Bumiputera, memperbaiki mekanisme subsidi, menangani diskriminasi dalam sektor pekerjaan, memperkemaskan perundangan, pengawalan dan penguatkuasaan terhadap pekerja asing, memperkenalkan dasar mengenai peningkatan dan pengawalan pendapatan pekerja, menambah mekanisme percukaian yang lebih berstruktur (targeted), meningkatkan insentif bagi membantu keluarga menambah kekayaan, menyediakan ekosistem kondusif kepada pelajar luar bandar dan miskin bandar, menekankan semula pembangunan luar bandar, memperluaskan jaringan keselamatan sosial, dan menyasarkan tindakan afirmatif berdasarkan keperluan (need-based) khusus untuk kumpulan isi rumah 40% terbawah tanpa mengira kaum. Jangan ada mana-mana pihak yang cuba mempersoalkan tindakan pembetulan ini sebagai agenda perkauman. Ini adalah agenda negara.

19. Oleh itu, kita perlu menjadikan Agenda Bumiputera sebagai Agenda Nasional, bukan agenda kaum. Majlis Ekonomi Bumiputera yang dipengerusikan oleh YAB Presiden mempunyai peranan penting untuk mengkaji secara terperinci kedudukan ekonomi Bumiputera, merencana hala tuju masa depan ekonomi Bumiputera, termasuk memperkukuhkan instrumen dasar, institusi dan inisiatif memajukan ekonomi Bumiputera. Saya mencadangkan supaya Agenda Bumiputera serta dasar dan strategi merapatkan jurang ekonomi dijadikan teras utama Rancangan Malaysia Ke-11 yang merupakan lonjakan terakhir Malaysia untuk menjadi negara maju. Agenda Bumiputera sebagai Agenda Nasional tidak boleh dilaksanakan secara picisan atau terpisah daripada kerangka besar ekonomi negara. Ia mesti dilaksanakan secara inklusif, komprehensif dan merentasi semua sektor ekonomi. Saya juga mencadangkan satu Dasar Ekonomi Nasional yang baharu dirangka untuk memacu inisiatif kesaksamaan ke hadapan. Apatah lagi, tanggungjawab merapatkan jurang kaya dan miskin adalah perintah Allah s.w.t. kepada kita sepertimana firman-Nya dalam Surah Al-Nahl, Ayat 71:

وَٱللَّهُ فَضَّلَ بَعۡضَكُمۡ عَلَىٰ بَعۡضٍ۬ فِى ٱلرِّزۡقِ‌ۚ فَمَا ٱلَّذِينَ فُضِّلُواْ بِرَآدِّى رِزۡقِهِمۡ عَلَىٰ مَا مَلَڪَتۡ أَيۡمَـٰنُہُمۡ فَهُمۡ فِيهِ سَوَآءٌ‌ۚ أَفَبِنِعۡمَةِ ٱللَّهِ يَجۡحَدُونَ

Yang bermaksud:

“Dan Allah telah melebihkan sebahagian daripada kamu atas sebahagian yang lain pada rezeki yang dikurniakan-Nya dalam pada itu, orang-orang yang diberi kelebihan itu tidak mahu memberikan sebahagian daripada kelebihan hartanya kepada hamba-hamba mereka, supaya orang-orang itu dapat sama mempunyai harta. Maka mengapa mereka tergamak mengingkari nikmat Allah itu dengan perbuatan syirik?”

Memperkukuhkan Manhaj Wasatiyyah Dalam Menangani Cabaran dan Ancaman Terhadap Islam

Saudara dan saudari yang saya hormati sekalian,

20. Kita juga sedang menghadapi pelbagai cabaran baharu dalam soal agama. Saban hari saya mendengar keluh kesah orang Melayu yang bimbang dengan kesan faham liberalisme dan sekularisme ke atas aqidah umat Islam. Hari ini kita banyak mendengar kes-kes pelanggaran syariat yang dilakukan atas nama kebebasan dan hak asasi. Penghinaan ke atas umat Islam juga dilakukan secara terbuka. Selain itu, umat Islam juga sedang berhadapan dengan ancaman ekstremisme dan militanisme yang sekiranya tidak dibendung segera akan memberi kesan buruk kepada negara.

21. Apa yang lebih membimbangkan ialah wujudnya trend sekularisasi dalam agama, iaitu agama dilihat dalam neraca ideologi sekular liberal Barat yang tercabut daripada akar Syariat. Trend ini sedang berkembang di seluruh dunia. Misalnya, majalah Economist keluaran bulan Oktober yang lalu memberikan gambaran yang agak mengejutkan mengenai amalan perkahwinan sejenis yang dilarang oleh syariat Islam dan juga oleh agama-agama lain. Menurut majalah ini, dalam tahun 1950-an, perkahwinan sejenis tidak diterima di hampir semua negara di dunia. Namun, dalam tempoh hanya enam dekad, yang disebut sebagai “the leap forward”, hari ini 113 negara atau 63% daripada keseluruhan negara di dunia telah mengiktiraf perkahwinan sejenis atas nama menghormati hak asasi dan kesamarataan.

22. Keadaan ini menimbulkan keresahan dalam kalangan orang Melayu dan umat Islam. Mereka bimbang sekiranya gejala sekularisasi agama ini tidak segera dibendung, maka benteng aqidah dan syariat yang sekian lama dipertahankan oleh umat Islam akan runtuh dirempuh arus liberalisme. Dalam konteks perjuangan UMNO, semua ini merupakan cabaran baharu yang tidak pernah kita lalui sebelum ini. Kalau dahulu kita cuma berhadapan dengan asakan PAS yang cuba membuktikan siapa lebih Islam. Tetapi hari ini kita berada di luar kancah perlumbaan ini. Kita sedang berada dalam dunia pasca-moden yang menganggap agama sebagai penghalang kepada kebebasan manusia. Dalam realiti hari ini, semakin ramai pula pihak yang cuba membuktikan siapa lebih liberal, bukan siapa lebih Islam.

23. Saudara-saudari, UMNO sebagai parti tunjang Melayu-Islam tidak pernah dan tidak akan sesekali meminggirkan agenda memartabatkan Islam daripada dasar perjuangan kita. Ia sudah lama termateri dalam Perlembagaan UMNO sebagaimana peruntukan Fasal 3.3 yang menjelaskan bahawa asas dan tujuan UMNO adalah untuk menegak, mempertahankan dan mengembangkan Islam. Malah sejak 57 tahun kita merdeka, UMNO-lah yang telah banyak membangunkan Islam di negara ini dalam segenap sektor sama ada pendidikan agama, ekonomi dan kewangan Islam, pembangunan sosial, pentadbiran mahupun perundangan Syariah.

24. Pendekatan UMNO sejak dahulu, kini bahkan selamanya berpaksikan kepada orientasi atau manhaj Wasatiyyah. Yang dimaksudkan dengan Wasatiyyah bukanlah pendekatan yang bersifat ‘al-ghuluw wa ttatarruf fiddīn’ iaitu bersifat melampau dan keras dalam pendekatan beragama hingga terjerumus kepada perlakuan yang kaku dan beku, dan terbawa-bawa kepada perlakuan militan yang merosakkan agama. Wasatiyyah juga tidak bersifat ‘al-tasāhul fiddīn’ iaitu memperlonggar dan mempermudahkan agama hingga ke peringkat liberal yang menyesatkan.

25. Sebaliknya pendekatan wasatiyyah yang diamalkan UMNO adalah konsep kecemerlangan dan kesederhanaan umat yang berpaksikan Syariat Islam. Sememangnya maksud wasatiyyah di dalam Islam adalah berlegar sekitar konsep keadilan, kecemerlangan, pilihan terbaik dan perimbangan dalam segala perkara. Boleh dikatakan perkataan-perkataan ini adalah kata kunci dalam memahami konsep wasatiyyah dalam Islam. Pendekatan ini jelas diisyaratkan di dalam Al-Quran, surah Al-Baqarah, Ayat 143:

وَكَذَٲلِكَ جَعَلۡنَـٰكُمۡ أُمَّةً۬ وَسَطً۬ا لِّتَڪُونُواْ شُہَدَآءَ عَلَى ٱلنَّاسِ وَيَكُونَ ٱلرَّسُولُ عَلَيۡكُمۡ شَهِيدً۬ا‌ۗ

Yang bermaksud:

“Dan demikianlah (sebagaimana Kami telah memimpin kamu ke jalan yang lurus), Kami jadikan kamu (wahai umat Muhammad) satu umat yang terpilih lagi adil, supaya kamu layak menjadi orang yang memberikan keterangan kepada umat manusia (tentang yang benar dan yang salah)".

26. Sebab itulah saudara-saudari sekalian, sebagai pendokong perjuangan suci ini, kita sebagai pejuang UMNO bermanhaj wasatiyyah harus tegas menentang gejala esktremisme dan militanisme yang ketika ini begitu cepat mempengaruhi anak-anak muda yang mahukan jalan pintas ke syurga. Kita juga tidak akan berkompromi dengan mereka yang cuba memesongkan makna wasatiyyah yang cukup sinonim dengan prinsip kesederhanaan Islam atau moderation dengan membawa ideologi songsang seperti liberalisme dan sekularisme.

27. Kita juga tidak boleh lagi berada dalam khutub khanah lama untuk mencari penyelesaian baharu kepada kemelut yang dihadapi oleh umat Islam hari ini. Kita perlu meneroka ilmu dan kemahiran terkini untuk menangani cabaran semasa. Bagi saya, di sinilah letaknya peri penting tradisi keilmuan di dalam UMNO. Seluruh ahli UMNO perlu menambah khazanah ilmu di dada bagi mendepani cabaran masa kini.

28. Saya fikir budaya membuat laporan polis dan mengangkat sepanduk dalam menghadapi asakan terhadap akidah dan syariat Islam bukan lagi jawapan yang tuntas kepada kemelut yang dihadapi oleh ummah. Kita perlu memperbanyak perbincangan, penerbitan dan wacana mengenai kebebasan dan hak asasi manusia menurut persepektif Islam dan juga bagaimana Islam menghadapi tantangan sekularisme. Kita perlu menangani trend sekularisasi dalam agama ini dengan keteguhan akidah dan ketajaman minda, bukannya diselubungi oleh ketegaran emosi. Di samping itu, institusi-institusi Islam perlu diperkasa, penguatkuasaan undang-undang Islam perlu dipertegas dan kerjasama UMNO dengan NGO-NGO Islam perlu diperkukuh.

Bunga kesidang si bunga tanjung,
Tumbuh di laman mekar berkembang,
Agama dijulang Bangsa dijunjung,
Begitulah UMNO terus berjuang.

Pendidikan Sebagai Wahana Kemajuan dan Perpaduan Nasional

Saudara dan saudari yang saya hormati sekalian,

29. Kita juga menghadapi cabaran baharu dalam bidang pendidikan. Peranan pendidikan sebagai wahana untuk bangsa Melayu meningkatkan taraf sosio ekonomi menjadi lebih penting. Jika dahulu fokus kita dalam bidang pendidikan ialah untuk meningkatkan kadar enrolmen dan membasmi buta huruf. Hari ini, sasaran dalam bidang pendidikan telah berganjak kepada melahirkan tenaga manusia yang berpengetahuan dan berkemahiran tinggi. Dalam dunia yang semakin kompetitif hari ini, memiliki kelayakan di peringkat menengah sahaja tidak memadai.

30. Sebagai parti yang memperjuangkan nasib Bumiputera, UMNO perlu memberi perhatian secara lebih serius kepada usaha meningkatkan kemahiran tenaga kerja Bumiputera. Data terkini menunjukkan 64.3% tenaga buruh Bumiputera mempunyai sijil SPM dan ke bawah. Hanya 27.8% berpendidikan tinggi. Keadaan ini tidak memberikan kelebihan kepada kaum Bumiputera untuk bersaing dalam pasaran kerja yang semakin kompetitif. Oleh itu, kita perlu berani berganjak untuk melihat pendidikan sebagai komponen penting dalam meningkatkan pencapaian Bumiputera. Di samping memberikan fokus kepada pencapaian di peringkat pengajian tinggi, kita juga perlu memberi tumpuan kepada bidang latihan teknikal dan vokasional untuk meningkatkan kemahiran dan daya saing pekerja Bumiputera.

31. Di samping itu, kita jangan lupa peranan pendidikan sebagai wahana perpaduan dan wahana untuk membina identiti nasional. Kerana itu saya sering menegaskan kepentingan kita memperkasakan sekolah kebangsaan sebagai sekolah perpaduan. Jika murid daripada semua kaum dapat belajar di bawah satu bumbung dengan meningkatkan penguasaan bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa perpaduan, maka saya yakin perpaduan di negara kita akan menjadi lebih kukuh. Hari ini, polarisasi kaum masih wujud sebahagiannya kerana politik kebencian yang dimainkan oleh sesetengah pihak. Sensitiviti kaum tidak dipedulikan, institusi Raja dimomokkan, malah wujud cabar mencabar antara agama. Saya percaya, kita boleh mengembalikan kepercayaan antara kaum melalui satu sistem pendidikan kebangsaan yang memberi keutamaan kepada perpaduan nasional.

32. Matlamat ini boleh kita capai jika kita meletakkan asas-asas yang kukuh untuk perpaduan dalam sistem pendidikan kita. Ini termasuklah memperkasa Bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa perpaduan dan menjadikan perpaduan nasional sebagai agenda utama semua aliran persekolahan di negara kita, termasuk di sekolah jenis kebangsaan, sekolah agama rakyat, sekolah swasta dan lain-lain. Jangan lagi ada kisah murid yang tidak tahu berbahasa Melayu, sedangkan bahasa Melayu adalah bahasa kebangsaan negara kita. Jangan lagi ada insiden kenyataan berbaur perkauman dikeluarkan oleh guru atau murid di sekolah. Jangan lagi ada perasaan prejudis kaum dan agama yang tebal dalam kalangan rakyat negara kita. Saya fikir, tempoh 57 tahun merdeka sudah cukup untuk kita hapuskan segala rasa prejudis dan syak wasangka antara kaum. Tinggal lagi, kita semua, baik parti politik, pertubuhan bukan kerajaan, gerakan pendidikan Melayu, Cina, India dan kaum-kaum lain, perlulah ada keikhlasan, ada kejujuran, dan ada kesungguhan untuk memupuk perpaduan. Jangan kita bercakap mengenai perpaduan, tetapi pada masa yang sama bertindak menebalkan tembok pemisahan kaum.

33. Pada hemat saya juga, dalam semangat untuk mengikis sikap prejudis sesama rakyat, adalah wajar kerajaan mengambil tindakan tegas dalam membendung kenyataan-kenyataan yang menyentuh sensitiviti kaum dan agama daripada memercikkan api perbalahan. Adalah lebih baik kita mencegah daripada nantinya terpaksa merawat luka permusuhan yang parah. Kerana itu saya telah menyatakan pendirian saya mengenai Akta Hasutan. Bagi saya, Akta ini wajar dikekalkan dengan beberapa penambahbaikan. Peruntukan khusus perlu dimasukkan untuk melarang mana-mana pihak daripada mempersoalkan jaminan perlembagaan mengenai kedudukan agama Islam sebagai Agama Persekutuan. Akta ini juga perlu menghalang mana-mana pihak daripada mempersoalkan hak penganut agama lain untuk mengamalkan kepercayaan agama masing-masing. Begitu juga dengan kedudukan tanah rezab Melayu dan Regimen Askar Melayu DiRaja yang merupakan sebahagian daripada wasiat Raja-Raja Melayu perlu dilindungi daripada perbuatan menghasut. Apa yang penting ialah kita perlu melihat Akta Hasutan bukan sebagai akta yang hanya melindungi kepentingan orang Melayu, tetapi akta yang memelihara perpaduan dan keharmonian nasional.

Saudara dan saudari yang saya hormati sekalian,

34. Hari ini, parti kita sedang menyongsong perubahan. Sebagai parti yang memperjuangkan kemerdekaan, UMNO telah banyak berjasa kepada orang Melayu dan rakyat Malaysia.Tiada siapa yang boleh menafikan sumbangan UMNO kepada agama, bangsa dan tanah air. Tetapi, survival parti kita pada masa hadapan tidak boleh bergantung semata-mata kepada rekod sumbangan kita pada masa lalu. Rakyat, khususnya orang Melayu, ingin melihat apa sumbangan UMNO kepada mereka dalam mengharungi cabaran masa hadapan yang lebih getir. Untuk itu, kita perlu mempersiapkan UMNO untuk menjadi parti masa hadapan, parti harapan umat Melayu, parti idaman generasi muda Melayu dan parti yang sesuai dengan dinamika politik nasional.

35. Terus terang saya katakan saya agak bimbang melihat perkembangan hari ini. UMNO masih bertahan di kampung-kampung, tetapi semakin hilang sokongan masyarakat bandar yang lebih terbuka, lebih terdedah kepada pelbagai maklumat dan lebih sofistikated dari segi pemikiran, nilai dan cara hidup. Dalam pilihanraya umum yang lalu, UMNO kalah di kebanyakan kawasan bandar majoriti Melayu. Kita kalah di Shah Alam, Ampang, Lembah Pantai, Bangi, Kuantan, Kuala Terengganu, Kota Bharu dan banyak kawasan lain yang suatu ketika dahulu merupakan kubu kuat UMNO. Kita juga kalah teruk di Selangor yang merupakan negeri termaju di Malaysia.

36. Dalam rangka menyediakan ucapan saya pada malam ini, saya mendapatkan pandangan pemuda dan pemudi Melayu mengenai UMNO. Mereka terdiri daripada graduan muda, golongan profesional, aktivis masyarakat, usahawan dan ahli akademik. Bagi saya, pandangan orang muda terhadap UMNO adalah penting dalam menentukan survival UMNO. Orang muda merupakan pewaris perjuangan parti kita, dan pandangan mereka tentang UMNO akan menentukan jatuh bangunnya UMNO pada masa hadapan.

37. Saya bertanya kepada mereka apa persepsi mereka terhadap UMNO? Apa aspirasi mereka? Apa harapan mereka? Apa kebimbangan mereka? Apa perkara penting yang hendak disampaikan kepada UMNO? Saya minta supaya mereka bercakap secara jujur, ikhlas dan terbuka. Saya ingin tahu apa yang perlu UMNO lakukan supaya anak-anak muda di luar sana ghairah untuk berada bersama-sama kita dalam saf perjuangan UMNO.

38. Izinkan saya berkongsi pandangan mereka dengan saudara dan saudari pada malam ini. Pertama, mereka kata UMNO sedang mengalami trust deficit atau defisit kepercayaan; kedua, UMNO ini parti feudal; ketiga, dalam UMNO ada budaya play safe dan budaya pak turut; keempat, UMNO dikuasai oleh warlord; dan kelima, UMNO diancam oleh budaya ugut dan budaya tabur. Ini kata mereka.

39. Mereka menjelaskan satu persatu kepada saya apa yang mereka maksudkan dengan kelima-lima perkara ini. Mengenai defisit kepercayaan, mereka beritahu saya mereka sebenarnya sokong perjuangan UMNO. Mereka sayang kepada UMNO. Bagi mereka tidak ada parti lain yang boleh diharapkan untuk mempertahankan agama, bangsa dan tanah air melainkan UMNO. Cumanya, mereka ingin melihat pemimpin UMNO di setiap peringkat lebih berintegriti, lebih amanah, lebih jujur, lebih telus, tidak terpalit dengan gejala rasuah, tidak menonjolkan kemewahan yang berlebihan, tidak bergaduh sesama sendiri dan sebagainya. Jika ini boleh dilakukan, maka orang muda akan percaya semula kepada UMNO.

40. Mereka juga tidak mahu UMNO terlalu terikat dengan hirerki hingga mewujudkan gambaran parti kita menjadi parti feudal sehingga orang bawah tidak boleh bersuara selagi orang atas tidak bersuara. Sehinggakan hendak beri pandangan pun kena tengok apa orang atas kata. Kalau orang atas kata A, maka yang di bawah mesti kata A. Kalau orang atas kata B, yang di bawah pun mesti kata B.

41. Menurut mereka lagi, orang muda dalam UMNO mempunyai idea-idea yang bernas tetapi merasakan lebih baik diam daripada bercanggah pandangan dengan orang atas. Ada yang kata kalau bercakap lebih sedikit nanti dianggap hendak memandai. Ada pula yang beri nasihat orang muda mesti berhati-hati dalam politik. Jangan terlalu menonjol. Jangan terlalu laju. Nanti kena sekat, nanti kena cantas, kena kerat, kena sabo, kena cah keting, kena terajang dan lain-lain lagi. Jadi, lama-kelamaan mereka fikir lebih baik diam daripada bercakap, atau lebih selamat jadi pak turut saja. Seolahnya ada satu budaya play safe, atau budaya pilih jalan selamat dalam UMNO.

42. Akibatnya, dalam UMNO, lebih ramai orang memilih untuk berdiam diri daripada bercakap. Ini mewujudkan persepsi bahawa parti kita sedang dilanda budaya kelesuan. Akhirnya, orang Melayu dan rakyat tertanya-tanya di mana suara keramat UMNO? Di mana taring Pemuda? Di mana ketegasan Wanita? Di mana kelantangan Puteri? Kesannya, kita seolahnya ketandusan pemimpin untuk menjuarai kepentingan orang Melayu. Sehinggakan timbul cakap-cakap di luar sana yang mengatakan NGO Melayu lebih lantang daripada UMNO dalam memperjuangkan hak dan kepentingan Melayu.

43. Bagi saya, kita perlu membuktikan bahawa UMNO bukannya sebuah parti yang lesu. UMNO bukannya parti yang mempunyai budaya pak turut, budaya nyanyi, budaya puji, budaya lambung, budaya ampu sana ampu sini. UMNO adalah parti yang berwibawa, parti yang ada idealisme, parti yang ada masa depan, parti pilihan anak-anak muda. Ingatlah, orang muda hari ini tidak suka jadi pak turut. Mereka naik geli dengan budaya ampu. Mereka benci budaya sabo. Mereka tolak budaya cah keting. Jika kita boleh buang semua budaya negatif ini jauh-jauh, saya yakin UMNO akan menjadi parti pilihan orang muda.

44. Satu lagi ialah budaya warlord. Ramai yang beritahu saya dalam UMNO ada banyak warlord. Mereka ini amat berkuasa kerana mempunyai ramai pengikut setia yang sanggup melakukan apa sahaja untuk mereka. Dengan sokongan pengikut, warlord akan mengugut pemimpin atasan parti untuk berikan apa sahaja yang mereka minta. Jika tak diberi, mereka akan sabo parti dalam pilihan raya.

45. Kita perlu buktikan bahawa warlord bukan sebahagian daripada budaya UMNO. Kita menolak sikap sekalangan yang cuba untuk kekal berkuasa dengan menabur kemewahan kepada pengikut. Sehinggakan ada yang kata tak payah buat kerja dalam UMNO. Yang perlu dibuat ialah kumpul kekayaan untuk tabur kemewahan kepada pengikut supaya mereka sentiasa setia. Keadaan ini menyebabkan kos politik menjadi semakin mahal. Yang tiada wang tidak boleh masuk politik. Walaupun ada bakat, ada kelulusan, ada kebolehan, mereka tak mampu untuk bergerak aktif dalam parti jika tiada wang. Saya bimbang, akhirnya nanti yang naik dalam hirerki parti adalah orang yang ada wang, bukan orang yang ada kebolehan. Orang kata money is everything in politics. No money, no talk. Seolahnya, wang adalah kuasa, wang adalah segala-galanya.

46. Saya kadang kala terfikir adakah sudah tidak ada keikhlasan dan kejujuran dalam perjuangan? Adakah sudah tidak ada nilai pengorbanan dalam politik? Adakah pengikut menilai pemimpin semata-mata berdasarkan kemampuan mereka untuk tabur kemewahan? Adakah pemimpin mengukur kesetiaan pengikut berdasarkan harga yang mereka bayar? Bagi saya, budaya ugut dan tabur ini amat bahaya kepada parti kita. Budaya ini akan menyebabkan politik wang berleluasa di dalam parti. Pengikut yang terima wang akan suka. Mereka puji pemimpin yang boleh beri sesuatu kepada mereka. Tetapi jangan kita lupa. Rakyat di luar sana tak suka politik wang. Mereka curiga bila lihat orang politik hidup mewah. Tak setimpal dengan pendapatan. Apatah lagi jika ada yang suka menunjuk-nunjuk kemewahan. Rakyat akan mula menuduh bermacam perkara yang tidak baik terhadap parti kita. Inilah punca masalah trust deficit atau defisit kepercayaan terhadap UMNO. Jadi, ingatlah. Apa guna kita naik dalam hirerki parti, tetapi rakyat menolak parti kita kerana mereka tidak suka dengan imej dan sikap kita.

47. Apa yang saya sebutkan ini adalah persepsi dan kritikan orang muda terhadap UMNO. Barangkali ada yang betul, ada juga yang kurang tepat. Tetapi mengambil yang baik daripada kritikan ini adalah lebih afdal. Ini membuktikan bahawa UMNO adalah parti yang terbuka dan kita sentiasa bermuhasabah. Sepertimana firman Allah s.w.t. dalam Surah Al-Zumar Ayat 18:

ٱلَّذِينَ يَسۡتَمِعُونَ ٱلۡقَوۡلَ فَيَتَّبِعُونَ أَحۡسَنَهُ ۥۤ‌ۚ أُوْلَـٰٓٮِٕكَ ٱلَّذِينَ هَدَٮٰهُمُ ٱللَّهُ‌ۖ وَأُوْلَـٰٓٮِٕكَ هُمۡ أُوْلُواْ ٱلۡأَلۡبَـٰبِ

Yang bermaksud:

Yang berusaha mendengar perkataan-perkataan yang sampai kepadanya lalu mereka memilih dan menurut akan yang sebaik-baiknya (pada segi hukum agama); mereka itulah orang-orang yang diberi hidayat petunjuk oleh Allah dan mereka itulah orang-orang yang berakal sempurna.


Saudara dan saudari yang saya hormati sekalian,

48. Sebenarnya, orang muda dan umat Melayu seluruhnya menaruh harapan yang tinggi kepada UMNO. Mereka tidak menolak perjuangan UMNO. Mereka mahu supaya pemimpin UMNO tegas memperjuangkan kepentingan Melayu dan Islam, tetapi pada masa yang sama tidak dilihat terlalu ekstrem perkauman atau terlalu liberal. Mereka percaya bahawa dalam sebuah masyarakat pelbagai kaum, UMNO perlu bersikap adil terhadap kaum-kaum lain, tetapi tidaklah sampai menggadaikan asas dan prinsip perjuangan UMNO. Pendek kata, orang muda mahu UMNO terus menjadi parti yang sederhana, parti yang berjaya mengekalkan keseimbangan dalam hubungan kaum dan agama. Apa yang penting ialah pemimpin UMNO mesti dilihat lebih ikhlas, lebih jujur, lebih telus, lebih adil dan lebih berwibawa dalam menggalas perjuangan parti.

49. Saya fikir orang muda mempunyai pemikiran yang agak kritis. Apabila ada perkara yang dilihat tidak cocok dengan idealisme mereka, maka mereka akan mengkritik.Tetapi itulah lumrah orang muda. Itulah juga kekuatan orang muda. Mereka yakin dengan idealisme mereka dan berani memperkatakan apa yang mereka fikir benar. Mereka ada courage – iaitu keberanian - dan ada conviction - yakni keyakinan yang teguh dengan apa yang mereka fikirkan benar. Kedua-dua sifat inilah yang menjadikan orang muda ada kewibawaan, ada ketokohan, ada keupayaan untuk memimpin.

50. Jadi, dalam proses untuk melengkapkan perubahan dan peremajaan UMNO, untuk menjadikan UMNO sebagai parti harapan orang muda, parti idaman, parti masa depan, saya mencadangkan 7 langkah pembaharuan yang perlu kita laksanakan segera:

Pertama, UMNO perlu melahirkan pemimpin muda yang berwibawa dan menjadi peneraju pemikiran (opinion leader) di dalam masyarakat. Garap idealisme orang muda. Galakkan budaya berfikir dan bersuara dalam UMNO. Pemimpin muda yang ada idealisme, ada wibawa dan berani bersuara perlu diketengahkan untuk menjuarai isu-isu rakyat, menjadi jurucakap parti, bukan diketepikan oleh parti;

Kedua, UMNO perlu melakukan pencarian bakat. Kita perlu menyediakan platform untuk orang muda daripada golongan profesional, intelektual, agamawan, aktivis sosial dan lain-lain yang diterima oleh masyarakat untuk bergerak aktif dalam UMNO. Paltform ini perlu diwujudkan di peringkat pusat, negeri dan bahagian. Contohnya, mereka yang berbakat boleh dilantik ke unit-unit tertentu di dalam parti dan diberi peranan untuk menyumbang kepada parti. Kita juga perlu ketengahkan mereka yang berbakat dan berkaliber untuk menjadi calon dalam pilihanraya. Mereka ini tidak semestinya berjawatan tinggi dalam parti. Pengalaman kita dalam pilihanraya kecil Pengkalan Kubor dan Kuala Besut menunjukkan calon yang tidak berjawatan tinggi di peringkat bahagian boleh menang kerana mereka diterima oleh rakyat;

Ketiga, wujudkan modul pengkaderan dan pentarbiyahan yang tersusun untuk melahirkan lebih ramai pemimpin muda UMNO yang bijak, petah dan tangkas berhujjah serta teguh daya rohaninya. Kita perlu membentuk UMNO dengan kalangan ahlinya yang punya kekentalan semangat serta menghayati prinsip dan matlamat perjuangan parti yang sebenar. Beri mereka kekuatan untuk mengolah perjuangan UMNO yang lebih segar dalam konteks cabaran semasa. Jadikan mereka kumpulan pemikir muda di dalam UMNO.

Keempat, semarakkan semangat kesukarelawanan melalui program-program bersama rakyat. Pecahkan tembok pemisah antara parti dan rakyat menerusi kerja-kerja sukarela. Dekati rakyat, dengar rintihan mereka, fahami masalah mereka. Tanya diri kita, berapa ramai daripada kita yang sentiasa mendekati rakyat dan disayangi oleh rakyat. Manfaatkan sepenuhnya teknologi maklumat, khususnya media sosial, untuk sentiasa mendekati dan memenangi hati golongan muda;

Kelima, wujudkan institusi naziran di dalam UMNO untuk memantau setiap Bahagian dan Cawangan. Satu Jabatan Naziran perlu diwujudkan di dalam UMNO untuk pastikan semua pemimpin di peringkat Majlis Tertinggi, sayap, negeri, bahagian dan akar umbi buat kerja. Bahagian ini bertanggungjawab untuk melaporkan kepada Jawatankuasa Pengurusan UMNO dan Majlis Tertinggi mengenai keberkesanan program-program yang dilaksanakan oleh parti;

Keenam, gerakkan revolusi mental yang baharu dalam UMNO dan bangsa Melayu seperti yang pernah digarap oleh Allahyarham Datuk Senu Abdul Rahman. Mungkin kita boleh namakan Revolusi Mental 2.0. Cerna idea, pemikiran dan kaedah baharu untuk menangani cabaran perubahan zaman dalam bidang ekonomi, politik, agama, hubungan kaum, teknologi dan lain-lain. Sepertimana yang diungkapkan oleh Allahyarham Tun Abdul Razak dalam pendahuluan buku Revolusi Mental, antara sebab kemunduran bangsa Melayu ialah pemikiran yang terkebelakang yang disebabkan oleh kekurangan ilmu dan cara hidup yang lama. Justeru, UMNO perlu berani menerajui perubahan pemikiran, budaya dan sikap bangsa Melayu untuk menempa kemajuan. Pada masa yang sama, hadapi dengan bijaksana kemunculan pelbagai tantangan yang cuba menggoyahkan prinsip perjuangan UMNO untuk bangsa Melayu sebagai bangsa teras di Malaysia. Yang penting, jadikan prinsip perjuangan UMNO relevan sepanjang masa; dan

Ketujuh, bangkitkan gerakan kesedaran nilai undi dalam kalangan masyarakat Melayu. Gerakan pendaftaran pengundi baharu mesti dibuat dengan lebih bersungguh-sungguh. Jangan buat sambil lewa. Jangan buat sekadar melepas batuk di tangga kata orang. Jangan sampai kegagalan kita menambah bilangan pengundi Melayu menyebabkan kaum Melayu yang merupakan kaum majoriti menjadi golongan minoriti dalam pilihanraya. Sasaran gerakan ini wajib dimulai dengan memastikan semua ahli UMNO yang layak mengundi didaftarkan sebagai pengundi.

Saudara dan saudari yang saya hormati sekalian,

51. Bagi saya, UMNO mesti melakukan perubahan yang drastik jika ingin kekal relevan dengan peredaran masa. Pendekatan dan gerak kerja UMNO hari ini sedang dipintas oleh gerakan yang lebih canggih dan sesuai dengan selera masa kini. Lebih-lebih lagi, jika UMNO ingin menjadi parti masa hadapan, maka citra UMNO mestilah cocok dengan jiwa anak-anak muda Melayu, golongan profesional Melayu dan tidak lupa seluruh generasi muda yang berada di desa mahupun di kota. Mereka adalah pewaris perjuangan parti kita.

52. Untuk itu, UMNO memerlukan suntikan tenaga muda sama ada di kalangan wanita dan lelaki, yang berkebolehan dan berkelayakan untuk memimpin parti. Orang lama mesti beri laluan kepada orang muda. Lebih-lebih lagi jika kita menjadi liabiliti kepada parti, kita harus segera berundur secara terhormat. Kita telah lama bercakap mengenai peremajaan UMNO, tetapi tanyalah diri kita apakah proses ini benar-benar berlaku di dalam parti.

53. Untuk tidak ada banyak masa untuk menunggu perubahan berlaku. Kita perlu merekayasa perubahan. If change does not happen, we have to engineer the change. Justeru pada hemat saya, wajar untuk kita pertimbangkan pemilihan parti dilaksanakan mengikut kehendak Perlembagaan UMNO dan tidak ditangguhkan selepas pilihanraya umum seperti yang pernah dibuat sebelum ini. Saya juga mencadangkan pindaan Perlembagaan UMNO diadakan tahun hadapan dengan memperuntukkan pindaan yang sesuai untuk membolehkan barisan pelapis muda menyumbang peranan dan khidmat bakti yang lebih besar kepada UMNO. Saya percaya UMNO tidak akan berpecah sekiranya pemilihan diadakan. Pemimpin UMNO tentunya cukup matang untuk menghadapinya. Saya sendiri akan sentiasa berdiri bersama-sama YAB Presiden untuk merealisasikan perubahan dan peremajaan parti kita.

54. Ini adalah seruan terakhir untuk UMNO. Do or be dead! Jangan letak kepentingan diri melebihi kepentingan parti. Saya ingin mengingatkan diri saya sendiri dan pemimpin UMNO di semua peringkat, jika kita menjadi batu penghalang kepada peremajaan parti, maka kita mesti berundur secara terhormat. Parti kita mesti kekal relevan supaya bangsa Melayu terus terbela. Diri kita tidak penting. Yang penting ialah bangsa Melayu dan UMNO. Ingatlah, Allah tidak akan mengubah nasib sesuatu kaum kecuali kaum itu sendiri mengubah apa yang ada dalam dirinya. Sepertimana firman Allah s.w.t. dalam Surah Al-Ra’du Ayat 11:

إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ لَا يُغَيِّرُ مَا بِقَوۡمٍ حَتَّىٰ يُغَيِّرُواْ مَا بِأَنفُسِہِمۡ‌ۗ

55. Jangan kita lupa akan seruan YAB Presiden. Di Dewan Merdeka ini jugalah semasa merasmikan Persidangan Wanita, Pemuda dan Puteri UMNO tahun 2008, Presiden dengan jelas menuntut agar kita berubah untuk kepentingan rakyat. Saya petik kata-kata Presiden. “Berubah dari sikap-sikap mazmumah kepada sikap-sikap mahmudah. Berubah daripada kurang mesra kepada mesra, daripada mementingkan diri kepada mementingkan rakyat, daripada malas kepada rajin kerja, berubah daripada kurang berkhidmat kepada suka berkhidmat. Berubahlah, jika tidak, kita rebah”. Soalnya, apakah kita mengambil serius gesaan YAB Presiden ini? Atau, adakah ia ibarat masuk telinga kanan keluar telinga kiri?

56. Saudara-saudari, kita mesti memperbetulkan segera segala kesilapan kita dan melakukan perubahan demi kelangsungan agama dan bangsa kita. Amatilah betul-betul peringatan Allah s.w.t. sebagaimana firmanNya dalam surah Al-An’am Ayat 6:

أَلَمْ يَرَوْا كَمْ أَهْلَكْنَا مِنْ قَبْلِهِمْ مِنْ قَرْنٍ مَكَّنَّاهُمْ فِي الْأَرْضِ مَا لَمْ نُمَكِّنْ لَكُمْ وَأَرْسَلْنَا السَّمَاءَ عَلَيْهِمْ مِدْرَارًا وَجَعَلْنَا الْأَنْهَارَ تَجْرِي مِنْ تَحْتِهِمْ فَأَهْلَكْنَاهُمْ بِذُنُوبِهِمْ وَأَنْشَأْنَا مِنْ بَعْدِهِمْ قَرْنًا آخَرِينَ

Tidakkah mereka memerhati dan memikirkan berapa banyak umat-umat yang telah Kami binasakan sebelum mereka, padahal (umat-umat itu) telah Kami teguhkan kedudukan mereka di muka bumi (dengan kekuasaan dan kemewahan) yang tidak Kami berikan kepada kamu dan Kami turunkan hujan atas mereka dengan lebatnya dan Kami jadikan sungai-sungai mengalir di bawah mereka, kemudian Kami binasakan mereka dengan sebab dosa mereka dan Kami ciptakan sesudah mereka, umat yang lain?


Saudara dan saudari yang saya hormati sekalian,

57. Zaman untuk dipuja dan dipuji dalam kelompok sendiri sudah berlalu. Ini adalah zaman untuk kita bersama-sama masyarakat, merasai keresahan mereka, berusaha mencari penyelesaian kepada permasalahan yang mereka alami. Ini zaman untuk kita meraih keyakinan rakyat, zaman untuk kita memimpin bangsa mengharungi cabaran yang semakin hebat. Hormat rakyat bukan sesuatu yang boleh dipaksa. Berusaha, berkhidmatlah kepada rakyat bagi mendapatkan hormat mereka kepada kita. UMNO adalah parti massa yang lahir daripada kebangkitan rakyat yang mempunyai matlamat dan arah tuju yang jelas. UMNO terbina demi masa depan umat Melayu dan negara. UMNO bukan parti yang lahir daripada rasa benci, tetapi penuh dengan rasa kasih dan sayang demi kesejahteraan rakyat. UMNO adalah parti yang sarat dengan harapan untuk masa depan bangsa dan negara. Binalah keyakinan, tunjukkanlah keazaman, hamparkanlah harapan kepada bangsa Melayu dan rakyat Malaysia seluruhnya bahawa parti ini adalah pilihan terbaik buat mereka.

59. Kepada umat Melayu dan Bumiputera yang sedang menekuni ucapan saya ini samada yang berada di Semenanjung, Sabah dan Sarawak bersatulah kita atas nama kewatanan dan kecintaan kepada negara. Kita sudah tiada masa untuk bertelingkah atau berbenci antara satu sama lain. Kepada seluruh rakyat tanpa batas kaum dan fahaman, marilah kita menolak gerakan meracuni dan membenci sesama kita. Jangan kita biarkan negara ini runtuh hanya kerana umpan-umpan yang dilontarkan kepada kita oleh pihak luar.

60. Kepada Wanita, bangunlah dengan istiqamah perjuangan. Hulurkan salam jemputan buat wanita Melayu dari segenap ceruk rantau dan latar belakang--guru wanita, ustazah, peguam, doktor, pegawai profesional hatta NGO wanita dan ibu-ibu tunggal-- marilah bersama-sama sebaris dengan kita dalam perjuangan ini. Buat Pemuda, bangkitlah dengan bara perjuangan. Beranikan diri berada di mana sahaja bila panggilan untuk berkorban masa dan tenaga. Bawalah golongan muda yang dahagakan kebersamaan dan interaksi. Berikan mereka harapan. Buat Puteri, bangkitlah dengan semangat baharu yang segar membawa pemudi dan wirawati negara meyakini perjuangan kita. Tanamkan benih kasih kepada mereka, nescaya mekarlah nanti dengan rimbunan pendokong.

61. Harapan saya kepada seluruh bangsa Melayu, renunglah nasib masa depan bangsa kita. Hargai sejarah perjuangan bangsa di masa lalu, perjuangan yang meletakkan kita di sini hari ini. Bangkitlah bersama-sama UMNO untuk merencana masa depan bangsa kita agar tidak hilang ditelan zaman, agar terus tegar mendepani cabaran. Saya percaya, dengan kekuatan tekad dan keazaman kita semua, dengan limpahan rahmat dan inayah Allah s.w.t, UMNO akan beroleh kekuatan dan keyakinan untuk melakukan perubahan dan pembaharuan, dan seterusnya mara membela agama, bangsa dan negara kita.

Gagahnya pahlawan dahulukala,
Menjadi tauladan sepanjang zaman,
Kalian tinggalkan warisan bangsa,
Untuk kita teruskan perjuangan.

Hidup Melayu! Hidup Melayu! Hidup Melayu!

Dengan lafaz Bismillahirrahmanirrahim saya dengan sukacitanya merasmikan Persidangan Wanita, Pemuda dan Puteri UMNO 2014.

What is the party President response? Maybe hints of it will be in his Presidential speech but most likely, it will be at the end when he wraps up the assembly.

Sedition Act relief


Dato Najib presented a White Paper on the threat of militancy and terrorism posed by the Islamic State (IS) group yesterday in Parliament.

He revealed Malaysians have been identified present in Syria and more would have joined if not arrested by authorities. The bigger threat to national security would be from those Malaysians returning from Iraq and Syria.

The White Paper contained a proposal to strengthen existing security laws, such as the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2012 (Sosma), Prevention of Crime Act (Poca) and Penal Code, to counter threats by terrorists [read more in NST here].

This is timely relief in the wake of rising Bumiputera dissatisfaction towards Prime Minister Dato Najib.

Apart from getting blamed for the economic woes of Bumiputera that arise from his transformation plan, security issues arising from the amendment to the law saw a wide divergence in position between UMNO grassroot leaders and Najib's liberal advisers.

Dato Zahid Hamidi said the new anti-terror law will be preventive in nature and it is unlike the mentioned laws which is applicable after offenses are committed. [Read in The Star here].

This is not Zahid doing his typical grandstanding before an UMNO General Assembly.

Surely PM was not too, although the attention and excitement to his opening speech today at the UMNO General Assembly was directed at the commitment to maintain and reinforced the Sedition Act. 

Najib's speech was described by some FBers as hambar or dull when compared to the speech by Tan Sri Muhyiddin's speech two days ago.

It maybe reflective of his current focus to address security issues that many blamed him for the less than tranquil situation in the public and blogosphere.

Apart from Sedition Act, Najib's speech today sounded apologetic as he tried to console those present at the assembly that the government have achieved many milestones. However, we have to face up to the realities of today.

With a tad of self introspective, Najib said the party was not wrong but it is we ourselves are at fault. He calls upon party members to rise up to the occasion.

As usual, opening speeches by the President or Deputy President always takes a historical perspective to drive their point.

Bumiputera question

With the security issues that had plunged Najib's popularity on the ground out of the way and an earlier security related announcement by Zahid was a firewall against seditious websites, Najib must address the Bumiputera question.

The transformation plan he had undertaken had taken away much of the Bumiputera privileges and severed the feudel tie of dependency between Malays and UMNO.

It is the libertarian aspiration but it has caused much unhappiness.

Najib's economic transformation had taken a neo-liberal inclination and embracing free market with minimal of government interference. This has resulted in rising dissatisfaction and sense of being discriminated and ignored by government among Malays.

In the earlier speech, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin raised discrimination Chinese companies to employ Malays.

It is partly the Malays fault for slackening and not rising to expectations, but it still befall on Najib as the de facto leaders of the Malays to address it beyond declaring his continuous commitment as he did in his opening speech and launching another program.

As it is, the deliverable from his September 2013 speech at the Majlis Pemerkasaan Ekonomi Bumiputera in Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) is less than satisfactory [read old posting here]. Sceptic on the effectiveness of Teraju is still at large.

There are genuine grumbling among Bumiputera. It is no more about opportunity for advancing further in business and career but has gone down to basics like housing, employment, job security, education, rising cost of living, etc.

The effort cannot be effective when government servants and GLCs are either corrupt or have taken a lackadaisical attitude to the Bumiputera cause.

Adding to that, it is also financially impossible for government to cater to the expectation of the rising number of urbane middle class Bumiputera as it had in the NEP days when the numbers of qualified are less.

The middle class Malays still expect their off spring to get sent to government run boarding schools and government scholarships for tertiary education as their special rights. Still expect contract quotas and some form of priority as Bumiputera. That gave rise to the need to define precisely the Malay special rights.

At the same time, Najib gave his commitment to practise equal opportunity and do away with positive discrimination in affirmative actions.

Unfortunately, that leeway he has given is not generating the political returns and his traditional Malay votes could be slipping away slowly.

On the ground, Malay have openly express their realisaton that the ties of trust and reliance that bind them to UMNO in the past have been been severed. It is not by others but UMNO themselves.  

Najib's speech this morning:




Alhamdulillahirabbil'alamin. Wabihi Nasta'in. Allahumma Solli Ala Saidina Muhammad Wa'ala A-li Saidina Muhammad.

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, Salam 1Malaysia,

Yang Berbahagia Tan Sri Pengerusi Tetap,
Yang Berbahagia Tan Sri Timbalan Pengerusi Tetap,
YAB Timbalan Presiden, Naib-Naib Presiden,
Ketua Wanita, Pemuda dan Puteri,
Barisan Ahli-Ahli Majlis Tertinggi,
Pimpinan Parti-Parti Komponen,
Yang Amat Berbahagia, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad dan Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi,
Dif-Dif Kehormat,

Seterusnya Saudara Rakan-Rakan Seperjuangan dalam Parti UMNO yang berkeramat ini.

1. Pagi ini merupakan kali ke-6, saya berdiri di hadapan para perwakilan serta para tetamu sebagai Presiden. Saya merujuk juga kepada seluruh rakyat Malaysia yang sedang menonton di kaca-kaca televisyen dan mendengar di corong-corong radio.

2. Termasuklah sebahagian besar generasi Y, yang mengikuti Persidangan Agung UMNO ini.

3. Apatah lagi pada saudara sekalian, barisan pimpinan di atas pentas, para perwakilan yang sedang duduk dan berdiri di bawah serta yang di atas sana, pimpinan mahasiswa tempatan, perwakilan-perwakilan UMNO luar negara, tidak dilupakan adik kakak, pakcik makcik, yang sedang mengamati layar besar di luar dewan ini.

Saudara sekalian,

4. Pada 11 Mei kira-kira 68 tahun lalu, UMNO telah ditubuhkan. Ini merupakan usaha terbesar dalam agenda menyatupadukan orang-orang Melayu.

5. Terbukti, setelah parti ini dibentuk, maka, termaktublah dalam catatan sejarah bahawa, UMNOlah yang telah berjaya menguburkan rancangan penubuhan Malayan Union.

6. Sememangnya lagi, perjuangan dan pengorbanan orang-orang Melayu dalam menempuh semua cabaran itu, tidak lain tidak bukan, dengan berpegang kepada satu prinsip dan semangat yang dinamakan solidariti.

7. Sesungguhnya, inilah bukti dari mata ke mata, dari hati ke hati bahawa, semangat perjuangan Parti Kebangsaan Melayu Bersatu atau UMNO akan terus marak, terus menjulang dan terus menyala.

Mari kita laungkan bersama-sama, sebanyak 3 kali, Hidup UMNO!! Hidup UMNO!! Hidup UMNO!!

Saudara Sekalian,

8. Pada 31 Ogos lepas, kita telah merayakan ulangtahun kemerdekaan tanah air yang ke-57. Kemudiannya, pada 16 September semasa sambutan Hari Malaysia di Bumi Kenyalang, hasil perbincangan bersama para pimpinan di Sabah dan Sarawak, kita telah putuskan bahawa, akan hanya menyambut satu tarikh rasmi kemerdekaan.

9. Ini kerana, 16 September itu bukanlah disengajakan. Ia hanyalah berpunca daripada kelewatan pengesahan laporan pungutan suara daripada Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu.

10. Dalam hal ini, barangkali ramai yang tertanya-tanya mengapa kita mahukan satu sahaja tarikh kemerdekaan bagi seluruh Malaysia. Jawapannya adalah, solidariti.

11. Malah, yang lebih mustahak perlu diketahui, itulah hasrat Almarhum Tunku Abdul Rahman, bahawa kita semua hendaklah menyambutnya di tanggal 31 haribulan Ogos. Tapi jangan bimbang, cuti umum 16 September masih tatap kita raikan dan rayakan.

Saudara sekalian,

12. Hakikatnya, kita semua sedang berpijak di atas tanah air yang sungguh aman dan sentosa. Menjunjung pula langit luas terbentang. Disimbahi hujan rahmat sepanjang tahun. Bertulangkan, antaranya banjaran Titiwangsa, Banjaran Crocker serta Tama Abu, Malaysia diliputi pula hutan hujan tropika.

13. Selain itu, kita berada pula hampir pada garis pembahagi hemisfera, iaitu Khatulistiwa menjadikan tanah air ini sentiasa dilindungi awan.

14. Malah, cahaya matahari tetap menyinar sepanjang tahun. Bersyukurlah atas nikmat-nikmat ini. Semuanya itu, kurniaan daripada Maha Pencipta.

15. Secara geografinya, gabungan Semenanjung, Sabah dan Sarawak yang dipisahkan oleh Laut China Selatan, membentuk kawasan 330,290 km persegi.

16. Inilah pusaka tinggalan nenek moyang kita, yang diwargai lebih 28 juta penduduk. Terdiri daripada puluhan suku, ras, etnik, dan kaum.

17. Apatah lagi menjelang tahun 2020 nanti, keseluruhan jumlah Melayu dan Bumiputera, Islam dan bukan Islam akan mencecah angka lebih 70 peratus.

18. Seandainyalah semua dapat bersatu di bawah lembayung UMNO dan Barisan Nasional, bayangkanlah saudara sekalian, betapa kuatnya kita, betapa kukuhnya kita, bukan sahaja setakat boleh memenangi pilihanraya umum ke-14 nanti, bahkan kita dengan bangganya dapat bersama-sama menjengah negara maju atau high income advanced economy dalam satu ikatan solidariti yang tidak mungkin terpecah bentengnya.

Saudara sekalian,

19. Ternyata, pertiwi indah ini, telah terbina sejak hampir 6 dekad. Segala yang kita lihat tidak datang dengan mudah dan sendirinya. Sebetulnya pun, suka duka perjalanan Malaysia penuh episod dan peristiwa.

20. Selanjutnya, bak kata pepatah, disangka panas hingga ke petang, rupanya hujan di tengahari. Insiden pahit Lahad Datu telah mempalit dan mencalarkan sejarah watan.

21. Berbekalkan peristiwa itu, bersyukurlah, akan hikmah-hikmah yang muncul bersamanya. Kejadian perit yang tidak diundang itu ternyata telah mempertautkan lagi persaudaraan dan ikatan silaturrahmi antara rakyat Malaysia.

22. Buktinya, ramai perajurit yang berasal daripada Tanah Semenanjung, telah turut gugur di medan juang, bersama rakan-rakan perwira dan anggota keselamatan dari Negeri di Bawah Bayu, demi mempertahankan, supaya, jangan sejengkal pun tanah Sabah, jatuh ke tangan sesiapa.

Inilah dia lambang solidariti.

Saudara Sekalian,

23. Demikianlah, berkait perjalanan negara meniti ceritera kemakmuran. Dulunya, bermula dengan cemuhan, ketidakpercayaan oleh banyak pihak dan sindiran tajam, bahawa kita tidak mungkin mencapai matlamat sebagai sebuah negara bangsa.

24. Tapi kini, di sana sini orang bertanya-tanya, apakah formula dan apakah rahsia sebagai azimat kepada kesentosaan Malaysia. Jawapannya, sekali lagi, solidariti.

Saudara Sekalian,

25. Takwim 2014, sangat menguji kita, apabila digemparkan dengan tragedi tidak terduga, misteri kehilangan pesawat MH370 dan peristiwa tragik pesawat MH17 yang terhempas di kawasan Timur Ukraine.

26. Pada detik-detik cemas itu Saudaraku Sekalian, kuasa-kuasa besar pun tidak mampu untuk menolong. Lalu tidak pernah terjadi dalam sejarah, saya terpaksa berunding dengan puak pemberontak yang tidak beridentiti negara, sehingga berjaya mendapatkan kotak hitam dan akhirnya memasuki kawasan kejadian.

27. Pucuk pangkalnya, dengan kehendak Allah jua, kita telah berupaya membawa pulang hampir kesemua jenazah yang telah terkorban kembali ke tanah air, di mana mereka berasal.

28. Jelasnya, saudara sekalian, rakyat Malaysia secara keseluruhan telah menunjukkan semangat muafakat yang sungguh luar biasa, khususnya sewaktu Hari Berkabung.

29. Sebab itulah, kita mahu dan kita ingin semangat kebersatuan yang berkobar-kobar lagi membara sebegini, diteruskan sampai bila-bila. Inilah lambang perpaduan yang dinamakan solidariti.


Saudara Sekalian,

30. Jikalau kita membongkar tamadun dunia, pastinya antara peristiwa penting yang perlu kita rujuk sebagai iktibar adalah tawarikh seorang Nabi besar bergelar Ulul Azmi, Ibrahim Alaihi Salam.

31. Semasa baginda memulakan pembinaan Kota Mekah yang kontang dan kering ketika itu, Nabi Ibrahim telah berdoa seperti tercatat dalam Surah Al-Baqarah, ayat 126, mafhumnya, meminta agar Tuhan menjadikan bumi dan tanah suci tempat Baginda bertapak itu, satu tempat yang aman dan subur serta dikurniakan pula rezeki kepada para penduduknya.

32. Seterusnya bila disingkap sirah junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad SAW. Apabila Baginda mula membina negara Madinah, 3 hal atau 3 perkara yang utama telah disabda dan diperbuat.

33. Pertamanya: menyebarkan salam dan keamanan. Dalam erti kata, mempertautkan hubungan antara pelbagai puak dan kaum, tidak kira apa jua keturunan serta kefahaman.

34. Keduanya: menumpukan hal ehwal ekonomi dan kebajikan sehingga kepada bab keperluan makan dan minum para penduduk negeri.

35. Dan ketiganya: mengukuhkan hubungan persaudaraan atau silaturrahmi antara semuanya, tidak kira sesama Islam khususnya, dan di antara Islam dan bukan Islam umumnya.

Saudara Sekalian,

36. Berhubung itu, kita tidak pernah mengatakan pimpinan UMNO memiliki apa-apa karomah, jauh sekali mempunyai apa-apa mukjizat seperti para Rasul dan Nabi-Nabi. Tidak seperti ada orang itu, yang sanggup mengangkat suaminya sendiri sebagai "Anugerah Tuhan".

37. Akan tetapi, kita berasa bersyukur atas nikmat akal fikiran yang dikurniakan oleh Ilahi kepada pimpinan UMNO serta parti, oleh sebab, pabila dirujuk dalam konteks negara kita, bolehlah dibuat perbandingan, dalam pembinaan negara bangsa Malaysia bermula sejak merdeka, ternyata tanpa sedar, kita telah mengambil pengajaran daripada dua peristiwa besar para anbiya' itu tadi, Nabi Ibrahim dan Nabi Muhammad.

38. Sebagai contoh, jika kita teliti, bapa-bapa pimpinan yang terdahulu, dengan segala pendekatan berhikmah dan bijaksana, telah memulakan lembaran baharu negara ini, ibarat menghampar sehelai kain putih yang terbentang untuk dipercorak serta diwarna-warnikan.

39. Langkah terawal diambil oleh pimpinan Kerajaan yang ditunjangi oleh UMNO adalah mewujudkan keamanan dan kestabilan melalui suatu persefahaman dinamakan kontrak sosial.

40. Ia melibatkan pengorbanan semua pihak yang mempersetujuinya terutama orang-orang Melayu dan Bumiputera. Kontrak sosial itu menjadi satu wahana demi mewujudkan perpaduan di kalangan rakyat, bagi sebuah negara yang masih muda dan baharu.

41. Terserlah, solidariti yang dipupuk itu, menjadi asas kepada perjalanan Malaysia sejak dulu hingga kini, dan InsyaAllah selama-lamanya.

Saudara Sekalian,

42. Langkah kedua yang dibuat oleh para pemimpin UMNO terdahulu sampai sekarang pula, turut mengikuti jejak-jejak yang dianjurkan dalam sirah Islam dengan menumpukan kepada pelbagai rancangan berbentuk ekonomi, sehingga Tahun 2010 dan apabila saya mengambil alih tampuk pentadbiran, kita telah perkenalkan pula Dasar Transformasi Nasional.

43. Menjelang pertengahan tahun hadapan kelak, kita bakal memulakan Rancangan Malaysia ke-11, yang menjadi pelonjak mula menuju negara maju berpendapatan tinggi.

44. Kesemuanya ini, adalah garis-garis besar dan haluan-haluan penting, bagi memperteguhkan ketahanan ekonomi, memakmurkan negara serta menjaga kebajikan rakyat terbanyak sejak berdekad-dekad yang lalu.

45. Selanjutnya, satu tindakan yang dilakukan tanpa jemu oleh Kerajaan, yang dikemudi oleh parti ini ialah untuk mempastikan kelangsungan solidariti masyarakat, kerana itulah aset yang paling mustahak untuk kita pelihara, demi survival UMNO, demi survival Barisan Nasional malah demi survival Malaysia tercinta.

Saudara Sekalian,

46. Menyisir apa yang sudah saya sampaikan, secara sedar ataupun tidak, dalam tempoh kurang dari 60 tahun, negara bertuah ini telah melalui pelbagai peringkat kemajuan dan kepesatan.

47. Seterusnya, semasa membentangkan bajet 2015, saya telah menetapkan bahawa, falsafah tunjang mestilah menitikberatkan keseimbangan antara Capital Economy dan People Economy.

48. Kerana, dari sudut teori mahupun ilmiah, kedua-duanya wujud secara simbiosis atau saling perlu bagi membentuk Ekonomi Keperluan Rakyat atau EKR, tapi bukan PKR.

49. Bajet yang digubal itu menumpukan kepada 7 strategi, demi kebajikan dan keperluan harian rakyat, khususnya berkaitan kos sara hidup.

50. Berdasarkan hal yang demikian, tampaknya, apa yang telah dirancang, direkayasa dan dilaksana oleh Kerajaan pimpinan UMNO bersama rakan-rakan komponen, sejak lima puluh tujuh tahun yang lepas adalah betul dan telah berjaya meletakkan Malaysia di jajaran yang kukuh dan pada landasan yang tepat.

51. Inilah dia usaha yang dilakukan atas rasa tanggungjawab moral yang tinggi oleh UMNO dan Barisan Nasional, demi kepentingan rakyat dan negara.

Saudara Sekalian,

52. Malaysia kini dilihat dan digelar sebagai sebuah negara Islam moden, progresif lagi dinamik.

53. Menyentuh ehwal inilah, sejak beberapa tahun kebelakangan, saya menyebut bahawa negara kita seharusnya berteraskan kerangka Maqasid Syariah yang dipaksi oleh falsafah keadilan sosial.

54. Seperti yang digariskan oleh Imam Al-Ghazali dan Imam Ash-Shatibi, Maqasid Syariah adalah prinsip yang mendasarkan 5 perkara pokok, sebagai teras dan pedoman kepada semua rukun perjalanan negara.

55. Maknanya, apa jua hal pentadbiran, politik dan ekonomi, semestinya dipandu dan dirujuk serta saling lengkap-melengkapi, saling berkait dengan objektif syariah. Barulah nanti, terbit pengamalan Islam sebagai Ad-Deen yang sejati, menurut Al-Quran dan Sunnah.

56. Berasaskan semua itu tadi saudara sekalian, jika dapat saya rangkumkan, formula kepada parti UMNO yang kita amalkan selama ini, berserampang kepada beberapa elemen utama.

57. Pertamanya, wasatiyyah atau kesederhanaan. Bersederhana di sini tidak bermaksud pencapaian yang biasa-biasa atau mediokriti, sebaliknya menuntut kepada nilai kerja yang tinggi, halus, bermutu dan bersungguh, bukan juga yang ala kadar. Manakala budaya kehidupan pula, yang penuh beretika, bukan pincang akal budinya, atau penuh kerosakan.

58. Keduanya, UMNO perlu terus menjadi parti yang mementingkan pendekatan berimbang. Ia bersifat pertengahan dan tidak melampau serta menyampaikan hak kepada yang berhak.

59. Sebagai contoh, dalam langkah konsolidasi fiskal, cara Kerajaan memberi subsidi, kini beralih daripada secara pukal kepada subsidi bersasar. Ertinya, kita memberi pertolongan dan hak kepada yang berhak, seperti Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia terus kepada golongan masyarakat yang benar-benar memerlukan.

Saudara Sekalian,

60. Ketiganya, UMNO perlu menjadi parti yang unggul dan mementingkan kecemerlangan. Maknanya, orang-orang UMNO dituntut menjadi saf atau barisan yang unggul mendepani kelok kejayaan. Kata-kata Hukamak menukilkan bahawa, bekerjalah kamu untuk kepentingan dunia, seolah-olah ingin hidup seribu tahun dan beribadatlah kamu seperti akan menemui mati pada hari esoknya.

61. Sememangnya pun, pada UMNO, selama ini, dunia kita kelek, akhirat pun kita junjung. Lantas, orang-orang UMNO sewajibnya menjadi golongan yang terunggul atau memperoleh tahap 'par excellence'. Tapi, janganlah pula jadi "Pak Maun" macam dalam cerita P.Ramlee Nasib Do Re Mi.

62. Sekali lagi saya ulang kita mahu orang-orang UMNO menjadi "par excellence" yang cemerlang dan unggul di segala bidang.

Saudara Sekalian,

63. Sehubungan perkara ini, menurut dapatan dan maklumat semasa, sekarang, semakin ramai masyarakat yang berada di luar sana, menjadi pihak yang berada di atas pagar.

64. Mereka sedang meninjau-ninjau dan memerhati, serta menghakimi parti mana atau kelompok mana yang ingin mereka dekati dan beri sokongan.

65. Di hujung sudut sana, ada kelompok-kelompok yang terlalu ekstrem dalam fahaman beragama, sehingga menyalahtafsir istilah jihad.

66. Sampai kepada tahap terlibat dalam aktiviti militan dan membenarkan perbuatan "suicide bombers" atau pengebom berani mati. Sebetulnya, perbuatan itu dilarang keras di sisi agama.

67. Di satu sudut yang lain pula, ada kelompok-kelompok yang terlalu longgar fahamannya terhadap agama, sehingga menjadi liberal, terlibat di kancah hedonisme dan kesongsangan.

68. Apa yang lebih mustahak, UMNO amat teguh di landasan dengan menjadikan Islam sebagai panduan dan bukan seperti pihak lain, yang menjadikan Islam sebagai parti mereka.

69. Bersempena juga pengertian surah At-Taubah ayat-122, UMNO perlu terus tampil memperjuangkan Islam yang sebenar, bersifat universal dan sejagat, tidak ekstremis, memahami hukum-hukum dengan tepat, penghayatan yang sederhana, namun cemerlang dalam pekerjaan, menggalakkan pena'kulan dan berjihad di pengkalan bakti, seperti yang dilakukan oleh kepimpinan UMNO dan Barisan Nasional, demi kebajikan rakyat serta pembangunan negara.

70. Barulah, barulah masyarakat akan mendekati UMNO dan mahu bersama kita. Seterusnya, Malaysia sebagai negara Islam yang moden, progresif lagi dinamik akan selamanya dipandang mulia oleh kawan dan lawan di seantero dunia.


Saudara Sekalian,

Kalau Roboh Kotanya Jati,
Kayu Belian Kita Dirikan,
Kalau UMNO terus dihormati,
Malaysia yang Makmur jadi HARAPAN.

71. Sejak awal tadi, saya mempidatokan tentang pentingnya solidariti sebagai foundation atau tapak terbangunnya Malaysia terkasih ini.

72. Ternyata, hampir 6 dasawarsa, bertonggak kepada tiang seri-tiang seri ini, berpasakkan kepada prinsip kesederhanaan dan dasar-dasar yang sistematik lagi ampuh, kita telah mencapai prestasi-prestasi menakjub dan rekod-rekod yang mampu diperbanggakan.

73. Antara 11 kejayaan utama yang boleh saya senaraikan:

Pertama: Kalau dahulu semasa mencapai kemerdekaan, kadar kemiskinan isi rumah rakyat Malaysia adalah pada tahap lebih 60 peratus.

Alhamdulillah, berkat kepimpinan UMNO, bersama rakan-rakan parti komponen, sukacita saya mengumumkan, kadar kemiskinan telah menyusut kepada satu peratus, malah kemiskinan tegar kini telah hampir disifarkan kesemuanya.

Kedua: Mutakhir ini, sekalipun ekonomi dunia tidak menentu, Malaysia telah mencapai pertumbuhan positif dalam semua sektor dan mencatatkan kenaikan KDNK sebanyak 6.1 peratus.

Sayugia saya menyatakan, pencapaian ini, telah menempatkan kita sebagai yang paling tinggi di kalangan negara ASEAN.

Ketiga: Kemasukan pelaburan asing sebanyak 38.7 bilion ringgit pada tahun 2013, merupakan catatan paling tinggi actual realized investments yang pernah dicapai dalam sejarah Negara.

Keempat: Pada Julai 2014, Indeks Bursa Malaysia telah mencecah mata seribu lapan ratus sembilan puluh dua, paras paling tinggi dalam tawarikh negara.

Kelima: Malaysia terus kekal kedudukannya sebagai pasaran sukuk terbesar di dunia.

Keenam: Menurut laporan International Finance Corporation, World Bank Group di dalam 'Doing Business 2015 Report', Malaysia berada di tangga ke-18 daripada 189 negara di dunia.

Dan menurut Laporan CNN Travel 2013 pula, Kuala Lumpur menduduki tempat keempat sebagai bandaraya paling popular untuk membeli-belah selepas New York, Tokyo dan London.

Ketujuh: Dalam konteks serantau, kita harus berbangga kerana Malaysia diberi kepercayaan dan penghormatan mendamaikan Kerajaan Filipina dengan Barisan Pembebasan Islam Moro atau MILF, sekaligus menamatkan sengketa berdarah selama berdekad-dekad di negara itu.

Kelapan: Pada tahun 2015, Malaysia dengan rasminya akan mempengerusikan ASEAN. Ini adalah satu penghormatan kepada pimpinan UMNO dan Barisan Nasional.

Kesembilan: Kita terus dipandang tinggi oleh saudara-saudara seakidah di bumi Gaza, kerana kepimpinan UMNOlah yang terus konsisten, membantu dan memperjuangkan nasib rakyat Palestin yang tertindas oleh rejim Zionis.

Kesepuluh: Nama Malaysia, semakin mengharum di persada antarabangsa dan berjaya mendapat 187 undian bagi menduduki Kerusi Tidak Tetap Majlis Keselamatan PBB. Dan,

Kesebelas: Saya dengan penuh rasa rendah diri, telah menerima Anugerah Kepemimpinan Islam Global, pada sidang World Islamic Economic Forum 2014 di Dubai. Sesungguhnya, pengiktirafan dunia Islam ini, saya dedikasikan kepada parti UMNO dan pastinya kepada seluruh rakyat Malaysia.

74. Begitulah saudara, sedikit sebanyak kisah kejayaan yang dapat dipersembahkan. Sebenarnya, ceritera-ceritera kejayaan yang telah kita tempa sepanjang lima puluh tujuh tahun, lebih banyak daripada itu dan tidak terhitung jumlahnya.


Sahabat-Sahabat Seperjuanganku Sekalian,

75. Walau sebanyak manapun kejayaan yang telah kita raih, hatta segunung pun rekod yang mampu dicipta, walau setinggi mana pun pengiktirafan yang telah kita terima, kita tidak boleh sekali-kali berasa complacent dan duduk bersimpuh.

76. Ini kerana, musuh dari dalaman mahupun luar, akan terus mengintai-intai, cuba menerobos apa jua celah dan ruang untuk menjatuh-jatuhkan perjuangan kita, bagi merapuh-rapuhkan semangat kita, seterusnya untuk mengapi-apikan persengketaan supaya kita retak dan berpecah-belah.

77. Menyentuh realiti semasa ini, para alim ulama berpesan-pesan, adalah menjadi adat manusia dan organisasi yang bersifat makhluk, kita adalah lemah, kita akan sentiasa melakukan kesalahan.

78. Tapi, tidak mengapa, setiap kali berkumpul, dan ini yang ke-65 Perhimpunan Agung UMNO diadakan, kita akan terus bermuhasabah, saling memperingatkan antara satu sama lain, dan membuat pengislahan demi pengislahan, kerana memang diakui tiada siapa pun antara kita yang sempurna.

79. Sekalipun begitu, perjuangan kita di dalam UMNO, demi membela untung nasib orang-orang Melayu dan Bumiputera itu wajib disempurnakan.

Saudara Sekalian,

80. Atas sebab itulah, ingin dinyatakan bahawa, parti UMNO tidak bersalah, parti UMNO tidak berdosa. Sebaliknya, yang bersalah dan yang sering berdosa itu adalah diri kita.

81. Ternyata, atas kelalaian dan kealpaan kitalah dalam membenteng serta mempertahankan UMNO dengan sewajarnya, menyebabkan realiti politik terutamanya lebih 15 tahun yang lalu begitu berubah.

82. Dari apa yang kita saksikan, benarlah cendekiawan menyebut, 'for evil to triumph, good men do nothing'. Malah, menurut para ilmuwan, kata-kata ini, disesuaikan daripada beberapa hadis antaranya oleh Abu Daud.

83. Maksudnya, sekalipun kita di pihak yang benar, tapi hanya duduk berdiam, dan tidak melakukan apa-apa, maka musuh akan bermaharajalela dan makin menjadi-jadi. Tambahan pula, dipertualang dan dikhianat oleh si kitul-si kitul moden itu tadi.

84. Sayang seribu kali sayang, sedih sejuta kali sedih, natijahnya, ramai orang Melayu dan Bumiputera khususnya, dan masyarakat Malaysia umumnya, telah tersalah sangka dengan perjuangan ikhlas dan murni parti UMNO.

Saudara Sekalian,

85. Apa yang penting, saya ingin menegaskan bahawa orang-orang UMNO tidak perlu apologetic, orang-orang UMNO tidak perlu berasa segan silu, jika ramai pihak yang cuba memperlekeh, mencemuh kononnya parti ini sudah jumud dan tidak relevan lagi.

86. Hakikatnya, jangan sesekali kita lupa, dalam perhimpunan-perhimpunan yang bersejarah seperti inilah kementerian-kementerian strategik untuk kepentingan Melayu dan Bumiputera diusulkan, di perkumpulan sebeginilah institusi-institusi Melayu serta Bumiputera seperti UiTM dimartabatkan.

87. Begitulah juga nasib penjawat awam yang jumlahnya kini lebih 1.5 juta terus dibela, di sinilah Raja-Raja Melayu terus dipermuliakan, di sinilah syiar agama Islam tetap diperteguh dan dipertinggikan, dan yang paling mustahak, di perhimpunan inilah orang-orang Melayu menumpang teduh, membawa hati demi menghitung masa depan keturunan anak cucu mereka.

88. Jadinya, jika kita ingin bertanya, semua kejayaan yang telah kita kecapi, seluruh prestasi yang sudah kita capai, hasil perjuangan siapa? Jawapannya, sudah barang pasti, jasa perjuangan parti yang bertuah ini.

Saudara Seperjuanganku Sekalian,

89. Dari itu, cukup-cukup dan sudah-sudahlah dengan sikap buruk yang merosakkan bangsa kita dari dulu sampai sekarang. Kita harus meninggalkan kisah-kisah Hang Nadim, Singapura dilanggar todak dan musuh dalam selimut.

90. Waima, ada yang menjadi api dalam sekam, bahkan gunting dalam lipatan, tumpul di hujung tapi tajamnya menikam di dalam.

91. Oleh itu, kita orang-orang UMNO mesti berhijrah ke arah yang lebih baik, sebagai penawar kepada luka-luka bangsa.

92. Sebagai platform kepada perjuangan masa depan dan menjadi parti berguna kepada anak cucu dan keturunan kita, bukan sekadar untuk tempoh 50 tahun atau sekurun lagi, bahkan untuk tempoh yang lebih panjang dari itu.


93. Bertolak dari situ, Saudara Sekalian, setiap kali Perhimpunan Agung UMNO, semua orang ingin bercakap tentang peremajaan parti.

94. Berbicara di sudut ini, semakin hari semakin jelas kita mendengar keluhan dan rintihan anak-anak muda yang ingin turut serta berjuang dalam UMNO.

95. Malangnya, semakin hari semakin jelas juga kita mendapat maklum bahawa hasrat anak-anak muda ini, katanya dihalang dan ditolak oleh mereka yang lebih lama di dalam parti.

96. Merujuk perkara ini, seperti yang saya sebutkan dalam taklimat Presiden 2 hari lepas, kita perlu menyedari hakikat bahawa UMNO sebenarnya sudah terdiri daripada 3 generasi.

97. Generasi pertama yang berusia 50 tahun ke atas. Generasi kedua berumur antara 30 hingga 50 tahun. Manakala, generasi ketiga pula, adalah mereka yang berusia 30 tahun ke bawah.

98. Apa yang penting, demi masa depan parti, ketiga-tiga generasi perlu bekerjasama. Apa yang paling mustahak juga, generasi ketiga mesti diperluaskan, diperkukuhkan dan diperkasakan.

99. Makanya Saudara Sekalian, saya sebagai Presiden dan seperti yang disuarakan oleh Tan Sri Mahyuddin selaku Timbalan Presiden dua malam lepas, dan turut disokong oleh Pimpinan-Pimpinan Tertinggi UMNO, kami dengan tegas dan penuh komited menyatakan bahawa:

...bermula dari perhimpunan kali ini, kita akan menjadi lebih komited untuk membuka akses dan pintu-pintu UMNO seluas-luasnya kepada para pemuda pemudi Melayu serta Bumiputera.

Anak-Anak Muda yang Dikasihi Sekalian, samada yang berada di dalam dewan mahupun di luar sana,

100. Maka, seperti yang saya sebut dalam taklimat Presiden 2 hari lepas, secara rasminya, diumumkan bahawa kita akan membuka pendaftaran keahlian UMNO secara terus.... melalui online yang akan ditempatkan di bawah pendaftaran Ibu Pejabat UMNO Pusat kepada anak-anak muda seawal usia 18 tahun.

Saudara Sekalian,

101. Bersabit hal anak-anak muda, teringat saya ungkapan Saidina Umar al-Khattab, apabila memperkatakan tentang generasi muda.

102. Anak muda yang menjadi rujukan Saidina Umar adalah Abu Ubaidah. Malah, Nabi Muhammad sendiri memberi gelaran Al-Amin kepada beliau.

Anak-Anak Muda Sekalian,

103. Itulah pewaris generasi UMNO yang kami mahu dan itulah juga yang kami impikan. Satu saf dan barisan generasi dalam istilah arabnya kita namakan sebagai JIL-UMNO yang bererti generasi pewaris kepimpinan masa depan UMNO.

104. Oleh yang demikian, sekiranya pada perhimpunan tahun lepas, saya membicarakan tentang isu pengkaderan. Pada perhimpunan ini pula, saya mahu menyentuh soal-soal pengisian atau pentarbiyahan.

105. Antara kriteria pertarbiyahan JIL UMNO adalah:

Kriteria pertama: JIL UMNO yang berilmu dan berpengetahuan secara holistik atau menyeluruh, yakni mereka yang cerdas, pintar dan bijaksana, yang bukan sahaja berilmu serta berkemahiran, tetapi beramal dengan ilmunya.

Kriteria kedua: JIL UMNO yang berjatidiri dan berintegriti. Maksudnya, kumpulan anak muda ini perlu dilatih supaya berimbang, berakhlak, mempunyai nilai kesederhanaan, tidak menjadi pelampau dan tidak pula terlalu liberal, sehingga membelakangkan nilai-nilai murni agama.

Kriteria ketiga: JIL UMNO yang bersifat glokal. Simpulan kalam, walaupun mereka ini belajar tinggi di Universiti Azhar, Madinah atau di Harvard, Oxford mahupun Cambridge, tetapi jangan sekali-kali terpisah daripada nilai-nilai ketimuran, kesantunan Melayu serta nilai-nilai yang murni di tanahair kita.

Itulah dia kerja-kerja pentarbiyahan yang harus kita lakukan dalam melahirkan JIL UMNO yang unggul.

106. Makanya, menjadi tugas dan tanggungjawab moral kita supaya terus membimbing, melatih, mendidik dan mengasuh generasi muda dan memberi peluang serta diberi tempat yang setimpal dengan kebolehan, keperibadian, menurut penerimaan masyarakat atau organisasi yang berkaitan.

107. Kesimpulannya, JIL UMNO atau pewaris kepimpinan yang kita dambakan adalah generasi yang kuat sebagai bunga-bunga bangsa, bukannya zuriat yang lemah seperti buih-buih di samudera. Barulah nanti kita mampu bernafas dengan lepas dan lega bila diserahkan parti ini pada mereka kelak.

108. Dalam konteks ini, kalau kita ingin menambat hati generasi muda, UMNO mesti dilihat sebagai parti yang sanggup membanteras rasuah dan politik wang. Oleh sebab rasuah adalah punca kepada banyak kerosakan dan kepincangan.

109. Di atas segalanya, makna besar kepada peremajaan parti adalah, sekalipun UMNO sudah berumur lebih 68 tahun dan hampir 25 ribu hari usianya, tapi jiwa muda dan roh perjuangan mestilah terus membara seolah-olah seperti mana pada hari pertama ia ditubuhkan.

110. Malah segala-gala secara total dan tuntas mesti diremajakan termasuk bagaimana kita menggunakan teknologi, strategi dan pendekatan kita sebagai parti yang kreatif dan inovatif dalam semua hal.

Saudara Sekalian,

111. Merujuk kepada Wanita UMNO, kita akan terus mengangkat dan mengiktiraf jasa serta pengorbanan mereka selama ini. Untuk perhimpunan kali ini kepimpinan wanita telah menyatakan hasrat supaya mereka diberi pengiktirafan yang lebih daripada sekadar tulang belakang parti.

112. Dalam hal ini, kita akan menimbang dan mengadakan rundingan dengan semua pihak berkaitan pengwujudan jawatan Naib Ketua Wanita di Peringkat Bahagian dan Naib Presiden Parti di peringkat Kebangsaan.

113. Namun, saya tahu akan wujud "resistance". Yang mustahak dan utama, kita sebagai parti yang bersaudara akan berunding dan melihat daripada semua faktor supaya apa pun keputusan yang kita ambil nanti menjadi satu keputusan bersama demi memberi penghormatan dan pengiktirafan kepada bakti wanita UMNO setelah 66 tahun ini.

Saudara sekalian,

114. Merujuk permintaan Pemuda dan Puteri pula, yang memohon lebih ramai di bawah usia 40 tahun diberi peluang dan jawatan yang setimpal. Kita juga akan merundingi dan melihat perkara ini dari semua aspek agar keputusan yang diambil nanti adalah wajar.

Saudara Seperjuanganku Sekalian,

115. Saya tahu, saya tahu benar, isu yang paling hangat diperkatakan dan dinanti-nanti oleh semua ialah AKTA HASUTAN 1948.

116. Sabar, dengar dulu apa yang nak saya perkatakan.

Saudara Sekalian,

117. Tampaknya, berdasarkan apa yang kita lihat sebentar tadi, saya mendengar pendapat dan cadangan daripada Timbalan Presiden, Wanita,Pemuda, Puteri, usul-usul daripada bahagian, keresahan suara-suara akar umbi, serta pandangan-pandangan NGO, maka dengan ini saya sebagai Perdana Menteri memutuskan bahawa Akta Hasutan 1948, akan terus dikekalkan.

118. Malah, akta ini bukan sahaja akan dipertahan, tetapi akan diperkuat dan diperkukuhkan lagi sekurang-kurangnya dalam 2 perkara.

119. Pertamanya, kita akan masukkan peruntukan khas untuk melindungi kesucian agama Islam, bahkan agama-agama lain juga tidak boleh dihina.

120. Keduanya, kita akan mengenakan tindakan keras ke atas sesiapa yang cuba menghasut supaya Sabah dan Sarawak keluar dari Malaysia.

121. Ertinya lagi, apa-apa jua perkataan, perbuatan mahupun ucapan yang bersifat menghasut serta menghina Islam, Melayu dan Raja-Raja akan kita halang dan kita tentang habis-habisan.

Saudara Seperjuangan dan Bangsaku Sekalian,

122. Seperkara lagi, semua ingin tahu apa sebenarnya pendirian saya selaku Presiden tentang masa depan Melayu dan Bumiputera.

123. Ketahuilah, saya berdiri di sini, tidak sama sekali sekadar Perdana Menteri, saya juga berdiri di hadapan ini, bukan setakat presiden UMNO, tapi saya berdiri dan berbicara di hadapan saudara sekalian, sebagai penyambung lidah dan warisan perjuangan Melayu Bumiputera.

124. Dari itu, mana mungkin, saya sanggup membiarkan keturunan dan bangsa saya melarat, terhina, hingga terbangsat menjadi celaka di tanah sendiri.

125. Berkait itu, saya akan terus komited dalam memperjuangkan nasib kaum Melayu dan Bumiputera. Bukan sekadar di bibir, tapi saya dan rakan-rakan dalam parti serta Kerajaan, telah melakukan segala yang termampu untuk membuktikannya.

126. Sehubungan itu, selagi hayat dikandung badan, saya bersama Timbalan Perdana Menteri, rakan-rakan kepimpinan juga, komited untuk bersidang sekurang-kurangnya sekali setiap bulan demi menjamin halatuju dan agenda pemerkasaan ekonomi Melayu serta Bumiputera diteruskan.

127. Bahkan, kita akan menunaikan setiap apa yang dijanjikan semasa ucapan saya di Dewan Agong Tuanku Canselor, UiTM pada tahun lepas, satu persatu.

Sesungguhnya kerajaan Barisan Nasional tunjangan UMNO adalah Kerajaan yang menepati janji.



Saudara Seperjuangan Sekalian,

128. Walau apapun, adakala, waktunya kita berasa letih dan lesu apabila tidak henti-henti diherdik, dikritik dan dibentak-bentak.

129. Adakala, kita juga berasa kecewa apabila segelintir bangsa kita sendiri ragu-ragu tentang perjuangan ini.

130. Oleh yang demikian, saya selaku Presiden ingin menyeru,

Kembalikanlah,... semangat UMNO yang kian pudar.
Pulihkanlah,.... jiwa UMNO yang sudah hampir malap.
Nyalakanlah,... semangat perjuangan asal serta roh UMNO yang sudah makin menghilang.
Sematkanlah, rasa sayang dan kasih kepada parti, KERANA DI SITULAH,... DI SITULAH KITA AKAN BERTEMU JAWAPANNYA.

Saudara Sekalian,

131. Kepada akar umbi UMNO pula, yang sejak dahulu istiqamah dan iltizam dalam perjuangan, kita harus membayar balik harga pengorbanan dan harga kesetiaan mereka dengan cara terus membela untung nasib bangsa, kerana UMNOlah satu-satunya parti tempat berlindung dan bergantung harap demi masa depan kita semua.

132. Sedarlah, insaflah, sesungguhnya kita tidak berhadapan dengan banyak pilihan, hanya satu sahaja.

Seandainya parti ini rebah, sekiranya parti ini jatuh dan tumbang, keindukan Melayu Bumiputera akan turut tersungkur dan terkubur bersamanya. Nauzubillah.

Oleh itu Saudara Seperjuanganku Sekalian,

133. Marilah kita bangun, marilah kita berdiri. Tegakkan kepala mu, jangan mundur, pandang ke depan, sekali layar sudah dikembangkan, sekali sauh sudah dinaikkan, bahtera UMNO tidak boleh berpatah balik.

Kita akan pastikan, panji-panji Sang Saka Bangsa akan terus berkibar megah di persada.

Saudara Seperjuanganku Sekalian,

134. Angkatkan telapak tangan kanan kalian, genggamlah erat perjuangan ini, sebagai simbolis solidariti bangsa.

Ayuh! Ayuh, letakkannya di perabung-perabung dada, di mana bertempatnya hati dan sanubari. Bersama kita teriakkan, bersamalah kita laungkan,


Wabillahitaufik Walhidayah Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. Terima kasih.


As timed by one journalist, it is the shortest opening speech by a President.

Najib's off-tone extended syllable

Video of Pak Maun played during Najib's opening speech

When Dato Najib speaks with his normal tone, he sounded dignified and confident.

He has a good tone of voice, clear and well paced. Have heard him speak off the cuff in both Malay and English and his flow of thought is clear. Things go downhill the moment Najib tries to speak in casual Malay on a political platform like the UMNO General Assembly and at political rallies.

He thinks that it is a crowd puller and the audience enjoy it when he goes into an unnatural off-tone manner of speaking to raise his tone and extend syllables ending with "a". It is like reading Quran syllables meant for one harakat as three harakat.

More embarassing, Najib would start to lead cheers at the most awkward of time. He is President and Prime Minister. He does not need to play cheerleader.


In his opening speech, he asked the audience to cheer "Hidup UMNO!" after hardly 5 minutes into his speech.

That style of speaking become unbearably squimish that we've stopped listening to his speeches on political podium.

Few minutes into his opening speech at the UMNO General Assembly the other day and we've had it. Better to switch off the TV and wait for the written text.

Najib need to entertain and warm up the crowd at political rallies but not in this awkward and unnatural way of speaking. He does not sound serious.

Hardly a minute into his speech, he already asked the crowd to cheer along Salam satuuuu .... Malaysia!!!!

During the salutations, he was sounding like Anwar and came the part for Tun Dr Mahathir, he was pronouncing it like an Arab as Tun Dr Mahadhirrr Mohammad. Tun Siti Hasmah Mohamad Aali came with the first round of extended "a".

... Yang Berbahagia Tun Abdullah Ahmad Ba-da-wi dan juga Yang Berbahagia Tun Sakaran Daandai.

After the off-tone opening, he was getting into his usual tone of speaking.

That was till 3:40 (on the You Tube video), when he started mentioning the theme of his speech, SO-LI-DA-RI-TI in the same manner Anwar Ibrahim cry out Re-for-ma-si.

Everytime an UMNO leader feel their position is under threat then the theme perpaduan or unity resurface. At the start of Reformasi, Dato Hishamuddin's immediate response as replacement Ketua Pemuda after Dato Zahid Hamidi resignation was the call for unity.

Maybe UMNO's political situation is quite threatening to call for unity. 

Then the build-up movement of hands and body for the dramatic phrase.

...Bahawa semangat perjuangan paaarti kebangsaan Meelaayu Bersatu atau UMNO akan terus marak, terus menjulang, terus menyala. Marilah kita laungkan bersama-saamaa sebanyak tiga kali. 

Hidup UMNO! Hidup UMNO! Hidup UMNO!

That was it.

We decide to switch the TV and leave the house for PWTC. We'll read and analyse the speech objectively from the text without the drama.

When Najib goes into that mode of speaking and this time around at the early part of the speech, we know there is not much substance in Prof Dato Seri Haji Khairul Anas written speech. Yes the same gay as written here.

Najib at fault

Pity NST columnist, Azmi Anshar who had to find a positive light in that speech.

In yesterday's column, he had to bring readers attention to the euphorio to the announced cancellation of the repeal to the Sedition Act to make Najib look good. [Read NST here]

We are not mincing our words to bodek Najib. Juara Pembodek was already won by Azwan Bro for his bodek speech of Khairy.

Najib cannot be complimented for cancelling the Sedition Act. It was his mistake just like he single-handedly at the request of his Punahsihat canceled instead of amended the ISA. That led to the chaotic to almost anarchic situation in the country.

It was his mistake to form the NUCC that Tan Sri Joseph Kurup lined up with left wing liberals and political opportunist.

Instead of making proposals to promote national unity in society, NUCC took it upon themselves to be lawmakers and push for a strangely structured and inconsistent set of proposed laws drafted by Bar Council.

Najib is still guilty of harbouring a hare-brained liberal from Temerloh as Chairman of Global Moderates.

He interpreted wassatiyah moderation as liberalism and unbridled openness. Recently, he almost broght over an Indonesian Jaringan Islam Liberal (similar to UMNO's new acronym JIL) conman-intellectual with hardly achieved a basic degree. 

The cancellation to repeal the Sedition Act cannot be complimented to Najib.

The compliment should go to Perkasa, ISMA, other "right wing" labelled NGOs, UMNO Division Chiefs that confronted IGP and AG in a close door meeting, 189 Divisions that demand to maintain the Sedition Act and Wanita UMNO.

Najib did it to save his politics.

Our previous posting here was in sync with Joceline Tan's analysis of Najib's opening speech here but held back that part.

The mistake is Najib over relied on his advisers that he failed to seek feedback from the ground first before making his decision. He is pursuing lofty ideals without convincing and hearing out the grounds.

It is a mistake he emulated from Tun Abdullah Badawi. 

The opening speech had no content worthy to analyse and write about other than the Sedition Act.

One pro-Najib blog here described it as the weakest speech in history and far from par excellon. The blog could not avoid being honest despite instigating war drum beating towards Tan Sri Muhyiddin in an earlier posting here.


Everyway we went yesterday at PWTC people were emulating Tun Dr Mahathir's cynical answer SO-LI-DA-RI-TI when asked why he attended the Assembly despite his poor health.

When asked: Lama tidak jumpa? The answer goes like, "Today I am here for SO-LI-DA-RI-TI".

The answer to everything asked was SO-LI-DA-RI-TI. Basically, all important issues that Najib did not address was better not raised for sake of SO-LI-DA-RI-TI.

Almost every other person is cynically emulating Najib's shrill of extended syllables.

Can Najib advisers tell him his off tone shrills is similar to pro-opposition, Pyan Habib reciting poems?

Pyan Habib speaks that way because he is deaf. Is that why he only listen to the Punahsihat?

And, if Najib extend his overdramatised high tones, he will sound like the really dramatic Prof Dr Kamaruddin Kachar.

By the way, Tun M did not say the speech was excellent as reported by Berita Harian. He was actually coughing.

Like Tun M, who engage first through the right channel, then criticise openly, we have done our part to express through the right channel. Now it is time to tell it openly.

Najib must stop making that kind of speech and get another more credible speechwriter. It is demeaning him. It is so Musa Hitam.

One member of the audience, probably a delegate confided that he was so impatient to wait for what Najib wanted to say that he uttered the words, "Cukuplak berdrama. Cakap sajalah!" to the person next to him.

For the sake of solidarity and the party, he is better off speaking in his normal ways.

Dr Mahathir never need dramatisation to express himself. All he need to do to get the audience riled up was with the quality and vision of his content. Dr Mahathir managed to do so by writing his own speeches.

Please do better for the winding-up this evening.

Was Malay economic inequality discussed at the UMNO General Assembly? [Updated]


An activist send us a message containing issues of inequality which UMNO need to address. We forgot to pass the message around to the right people so that it will be debated. Anyway it is a wee bit late to get it passed by Jawatankuasa Usul.

Just wondering whether it was discussed and debated at length in the assembly. In Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin speech, he quote the issue raised in a new book, "The Colour of Inequality." If not deliberated, the call for "Hidup Melayu! Hidup UMNO!" and talk to continue to pursue the Malay struggle is only in PWTC halls once a year.

That is what the widespread sceptical view is and not that the view of this blogger "bangang".


Did UMNO General Assembly debated it at length and "censorship" allowed the debate of such issue?

Read the message:

With the Umno General Assembly starting tomorrow, the Malay Economic Action Council (MTEM) believes that there are economic issues that require full debate to ensure the Malay community can participate in wealth sharing and increase their competitiveness.

Among these issues are housing, cost of living and the issue of poverty. Others include what the government has done in the past 5 years to alleviate conditions to assist the Malay community in excelling in growth and participation in the economy.

MTEM wishes to highlight 10 major issues that Umno should discuss in this coming week at its annual general assembly, which provides a platform for the party to discuss these topics to show the country that it is still relevant and evolving to represent today’s Malay community.

1.   Affordable and liveable housing

In the last Budget, it is seen that instead of controlling the price of housing, the government decided instead to focus on putting the onus on those wanting to buy a home. The recent announcement of issuing out 110 per cent loans can be construed as the continuing subsidising of developers instead of the Malaysian people.

The government should instead move to curb speculation on housing, the major cause that is keeping home prices high and beyond affordable for Malaysians at large.

The price of houses are too high, with new developments too far from economic centres and without concern for accessibility.

If Umno insists it is for the Malay community, where are  the initiatives to set these right?

2.    Economic Sabotage: “Ali Baba” companies and corruption

The release of the latest Auditor General’s report shows that leakages are still happening despite the pledge of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) chaired by Datuk Nur Jazlan to put things right.

In addition to this, MTEM believes and has supported the need to blacklist companies that sell off government contracts. We also believe there is a need for a new law to disallow Ali Baba companies from tendering for Bumiputera only contracts.

Furthermore, we believe more new laws and amendments must be made for the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Council (MACC) to be effective in its job. We also support the need for the anti-corruption agency to be answerable directly to Parliament.

3.    Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA)

We believe that there is a need for Umno to have an internal debate on whether this deal is –as its President continually says – “beneficial outweighing the costs”.

We at MTEM believe that the TPPA will be a loss for Malaysia, impacting the Bumiputera affirmative actions in place and also increasing the cost and limiting access to medication and medical treatment.

Furthermore, the TPPA will have cause the dwindling of Malay and small and medium industries (SMIs).

We also believe the cost benefit analysis should be debated openly. In addition, the RCEP, AEC and FTAAP are all viable alternatives for the TPPA because these provide non binding unilateral commitments within a multilateral framework, which is less restrictive on member nations.

It will provide a more level playing field ecosystem with regional ASEAN and Asian member nations respectively.

4.    Income inequality

The Department of Statistics (DoS) report on Salaries and Wages have shown that there is still an inter-ethnic gap in what companies are paying its employees. In the 2013 report, Malays were reportedly earning a median salary lower than the Chinese. Malays earn a median of RM1,500 compared to RM1,900 for the Chinese community.

Furthermore, the household income survey in 2012 showed that the median income for the Bumiputera household was only RM3,282, the lowest among the three largest population groups in Malaysia.

5.    Wealth inequality

One measure of economic mobility is the ability to generate and maintain wealth. In the “Colour of Inequality” by Dr Muhammed Khalid, we are shown that even the Malays have a large wealth gap within itself.

One in four Malaysians have no property assets, and 74.3 per cent of these are Bumiputeras. Further more, the average real estate value for the Bumiputera household is the lowest among the three largest ethnic groups.

6.    Employment inequality

In 2012, the issue was raised that the Malays were being discriminated in being hired not only by local and foreign companies, but also by government linked companies.

The study by Lee Hwok Aun and Dr Muhammed Khalid summarised that Malay job applicants were significantly less likely to be called for interviews even after controlling the applicants' academic achievements and positive attributes, job requirements and firms characteristics.

It added that there was stark racial disparity, as Chinese resumes registered a mean callback rate of 22.1 per cent steeply above the 4.2 per cent for Malay resumes.

In the same year, there was an increase in the number of unemployed Bumiputera graduates from 39,300 in 2009 to 50,700 in 2012.

With this in mind, MTEM is pushing the government to make it mandatory for all public listed companies to publish their diversity in their respective workforces at all levels in their organisations.

We would also ask Umno to debate the need for an employment discrimination law that will address concerns regarding salary discrimination not only by race, but also gender and for the handicapped.

7.    Relooking poverty curbing measures and assistance

We would also urge Umno to discuss increasing the poverty level and to look at the ability of the Malay community to be economically mobile. Furthermore, we believe there is a need for the political party to look into the definition of poverty in Malaysia.

Are we still looking at someone who earns below only RM700 to RM800, or should it be raised and recalculated to show a more earnest figure? MTEM believes that this Poverty Line Index (PLI) is outdated. We also believe that the World Bank indicator used is from the 1970s, with better models available today.

Furthermore, MTEM believes we need to relook into our mechanism involving social transfers to assist these groups move out of poverty in a more sustainable manner than a one off payment annually such as the Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M) is being given out 4.5 million Malaysia who qualify - earning less than RM3,000 monthly.

8.    Debt, bankruptcy and second chances

MTEM finds it ridiculous that the head of debt counselling agency AKPK believes that “getting a second job” is the panacea of assisting those burdened with large debts.

Furthermore, there are those who were declared insolvent in the 1997/98 Asian Financial Crisis and even the 2008 Global Financial Crisis. While these are major crises, there are also those less fortunate who have yet to be able to raise up again due to lesser events.

We believe this raises the need to debate whether the government should come up with policies and laws that will grant these individuals a second chance.

9.    11th Malaysia Plan (RMK11)

We believe that with the 11th Malaysia Plan to be unveiled next year, Umno should be setting its goals and targets by this annual general assembly. What is the party’s target in the RMK11 master plan for the Malay community.

From MTEM’s side, we would look at the RM1.7 trillion gross national income (GNI) target of the Economic Transformation Programme (ETP) to have a RM900 bil allotted specific for the Malay community. Currently, the Malay community has a GNI of RM190 bil of a national GNI of RM654 bil.

The current projection MTEM has shows that when Malaysia reach RM1.7 trillion GNI, the Malays would only have RM487 bil, slightly more than half the target we propose for RMK11. Another measure we would use as an indicator would be the median household income.

10. Agenda Memperkasakan Bumiputera

Announced in 2013 by the government, the Agenda Memperkasakan Bumiputera (AMB) had 33 initiatives in assisting the Malaysian Bumiputeras achieve greater heights. However, MTEM believes that the plan does little to address issues critical to the socioeconomic condition of the Bumiputera community.

And yet, nothing has been said and done to ensure that the activities have achieved or shown any results, which baffles us. Instead, the government has continually announced funds channelled towards these initiatives, but has never shown any results or had any engagements with civil society to ensure that the government is on the right track.

We believe that the plan requires more thorough and holistic initiatives that are outcome driven. Furthermore, we are perplexed by the lack in success stories from this government initiative.

Chief Executive Officer
Malay Economic Action Council (MTEM)

Affordable housing was discussed at PWTC.

PM, Dato Idris Jala and Dato Wahid Omar have been told of this problem before the recent budget. Unfortunately, the budget hardly addressed the root cause.

The neo-liberals will blow their head off should there be any tampering with market forces. Korporat didahulukan. Kaum peniaga diutamakan. Only measure was to raise RPGT by a bit and assist first time young buyers. Purely political move.

Maybe that was the underlying message by one Wanita UMNO debator from Bandar Tun Razak that said something like RM46.5 billion of money was spent by Teraju but we do not feel it.

We may not be quite up-to-date with the latest development on Teraju but at one time, CEO Teraju, Dato Husni Salleh said in an exclusive ANSARA event at MITI building that Teraju have no budget.

Adding to the list was Malay Reserve land. However it was touched by a lot of parties at the assembly. Hope it is not too late.

When UMNO was really powerful, some MBs said it is not profitable to have Malay Reserve land and mentioned the state will not replace it in the National Land Committee. The issue will be discussed in detail.

Transformation Plan

On top of that, did Dato Idris Jala's Transformation Plan remained a sacred cow never to be touched openly?

[Updated 4:07 PM] Actually it was not and Tan Sri Muhyiddin touched on it. FB Blue Ocean wrote in their FB, below:

Sehari dua ini BO peratikan ahli ahli UMNO sibuk membincang dan membandingkan ucapan Presiden Parti DS Najib dan Timbalannya TS Muhyidin di Perhimpunan Agung Umno. Dan kebanyakan topik perbincangan lebih tertumpu kepada gesaan TS Muhyidin supaya Akta Hasutan di kekalkan dan di susuli dengan ‘janji’ DS Najib untuk mengekalkan akta tersebut.

Tetapi malangnya, ramai yang TERLEPAS PANDANG mesej yang lebih penting yang ingin di sampaikan oleh TS Muhyidin. Iaitu mengenai KEGAGALAN PELAN TRANSFORMASI DS Najib. Kegagalan DSN menjaga PERIUK NASI Melayu.

Jika kita perhalusi, itu lah MESEJ UTAMA yang cuba di sampaikan oleh TSM di dalam ucapan nya pada Rabu lepas, sehari sebelum ucapan dasar Presiden Parti. Ucapan selama dua jam yang sarat dengan ANGKA ANGKA dan STATISTIK untuk MENIDAK KAN pencapaian Program Tranformasi DS Najib, terutama di dalam mengangkat mertabat kaum Melayu di segi ekonomi. Malah tanpa segan silu TS Muhyidin seolah olah mengesa supaya DS Najib ‘ MEMANSUHKAN ’ pelan Transformasi Ekonominya.

Berikut adalah antara ANGKA dan STATISTIK di dalam ucapan TSM yang menidak kan pencapaian Program Transformasi DS Najib selama ini…
1. 24 tahun selepas pelaksanaan DEB kita kembali mendengar keluh kesah dan gundah gulana orang Melayu.

2. Median pendapatan bulanan isirumah Bumiputera sebanyak RM3,282 jauh lebih rendah berbanding kaum Cina, iaitu RM4,643 dan kaum India RM3, 676.

3. Dalam kumpulan isi rumah berpendapatan 40% terendah, 75.5% adalah Bumiputera.

4. Di dalam pemilikan tanah hanya 36.3% transaksi bangunan hartanah kediaman, 2.37% hartanah industri dan 7,85 hartanah perdagangan yang melibatkan bumiputera.

5. Bumiputera masih menerima layanan yang tidak saksama dalam sektor swasta. Dalam setiap seorang graduan Melayu yang di panggil untuk temuduga, 5.3 lagi calon adalah dari kaum Cina.

6. Data rasmi juga menunjukan kadar pengangguran adalah tertinggi dalam kalangan tenaga kerja Bumiputera iaitu sebanyak 70.3% manakala graduan menganggur sebanyak 66.9%.

7. Di sektor swasta yang di kuasai oleh kaum Cina pekerja Bumiputera menerima gaji 20 sehingga 40 peratus lebih rendah berbanding bukan bumiputera.

8. 4 juta daripada 6.5 juta pekerja yang mencarum dalam KWSP berpendapatan kurang dari RM2,000 sebulan.

9. UMNO perlu memberi perhatian secara lebih serius kepada usaha meningkatkan kemahiran tenaga kerja Bumiputera. Data terkini menunjukkan 64.3% tenaga buruh Bumiputera mempunyai sijil SPM dan ke bawah. Hanya 27.8% berpendidikan tinggi.
SINDIRAN TAJAM di sertai fakta oleh TSM mengenai masalah perumahan Melayu di Bandar…
“Mengenai isu perumahan, ada ahli UMNO di akar umbi yang mengatakan kepada saya, rumah-rumah yumah-rumah yang dibina dengan harga RM400,000 sebenarnya bukan rumah mampu milik, tetapi rumah mampu tengok sahaja. Menurut Kajian Khazanah Research Institute, harga rumah mampu milik yang sewajarnya adalah 3 kali median pendapatan isi rumah, iaitu bagi kumpulan pendapatan isirumah 40% terbawah dengan harga RM70,000 dan kumpulan berpendapatan sederhana pada harga RM160,000 atau pada purata harga RM130,000. Rumah-rumah yang dibina dengan harga yang terlalu mahal, terutamanya di kawasan-kawasan bandar dan pinggir bandar, sudah tentulah tidak mampu dibeli oleh rakyat berpendapatan rendah dan sederhana”.
TSM mempersoalkan sasaran Pelan Transformasi Ekonomi DSN di dalam menaikan taraf ekonomi Bumiputera….
“Pencapaian sasaran Pelan Transformasi Ekonomi dengan nilai GNI RM1.7 trillion, dengan pendapatan perkapita RM48,000,dengan penambahan 3.3 juta pekerja berkemahiran dan RM1.4 trillion pelaburan daripada sektor swasta dan kerajaan, BERAPA KAH daripada jumlah sasaran ini akan turun mengalir menjadi milik kaum Bumiputera? Dalam KEGHAIRAHAN kita meletakkan sasaran besar untuk mencapai status negara berpendapatan tinggi, kita juga harus menetapkan sasaran yang jelas untuk kaum Bumiputera dan memastikan kekayaan negara kita dapat diagihkan kepada semua rakyat baik di kota mahupun di desa, di semenanjung mahupun di Sabah dan Sarawak, baik kumpulan berpendapatan tinggi mahupun kumpulan pertengahan dan 40% terbawah, semuanya – kulluhum ajma’in – perlu dipastikan mendapat peluang yang adil dan saksama”
Dan yang kita tak perasan langsung di dalam ucapan TSM tersebut adalah gesaan beliau supaya DSN ‘MEMANSUHKAN’ Pelan Transformasi nya...
“Saudara-saudari, kita sebenarnya amat memerlukan satu MODEL EKONOMI yang benar-benar dapat memastikan pertumbuhan disertai dengan pengagihan yang saksama. Kita tidak boleh membiarkan majoriti rakyat negara kita terpinggir dan tersisih daripada arus kemajuan ekonomi negara. Apatah lagi, ketidaksaksamaan dalam masyarakat kita hari ini bukan lagi merupakan masalah kaum semata-mata, tetapi juga masalah kelas. Kita sedang menghadapi masalah jurang yang besar antara golongan kaya dan golongan miskin, jurang antara etnik dan intra etnik,jurang antara Semenanjung, Sabah dan Sarawak, jurang antara masyarakat bandar dan luar bandar, jurang antara CEO, pengurusan kanan syarikat dan pekerja bawahan. Semua ini jika dibiarkan berterusan akhirnya akan menjejaskan pencapaian ekonomi negara kita secara keseluruhan”.
Cadangan TS Muhyidin supaya Umno menjadikan Agenda Bumiputera sebagai Agenda Nasional bukan agenda kaum…
“Oleh itu, kita perlu menjadikan Agenda Bumiputera sebagai Agenda Nasional, BUKAN agenda kaum. Majlis Ekonomi Bumiputera yang dipengerusikan oleh YAB Presiden mempunyai peranan penting untuk mengkaji secara terperinci kedudukan ekonomi Bumiputera, merencana hala tuju masa depan ekonomi Bumiputera, termasuk memperkukuhkan instrumen dasar, institusi dan inisiatif memajukan ekonomi Bumiputera. Saya ingin mencadangkan supaya Agenda Bumiputera serta dasar dan strategi merapatkan jurang ekonomi dijadikan teras utama Rancangan Malaysia Ke-11 yang merupakan lonjakan terakhir Malaysia untuk menjadi sebuah negara maju. Agenda Bumiputera sebagai Agenda Nasional tidak boleh dilaksanakan secara PICISAN atau terpisah daripada kerangka besar ekonomi negara. Ia mesti dilaksanakan secara inklusif, komprehensif dan merentasi semua sektor ekonomi. Saya juga mencadangkan satu Dasar Ekonomi Nasional yang baharu dirangka untuk memacu inisiatif kesaksamaan ke hadapan”.

We know it is not easy to be Prime Minister, as a friend said. It seemed we do not know the full picture. If so, then tell us, communicate, and engage to make us understand in order to defend you.

Otherwise, what is out there will the one that form public opinion. Answering it late like in 1MDB does not improve perception.

The position of Prime Minister comes with the expectations. So live up to it. Dato Najib wanted the job so he has to live up to it.

For us, we remember and will hold on to what Dato Najib said Government does not know everything. So it is our job to tell and remind him. Be it politely or subtly or openly, it is our job and responsibility to let him be aware.

Sometimes being brutal and face his wrath is necessary to get his attention and action.

Khairy's deft touch


Thus far, Khairy has shown that he has the ability to understand problems and issues, generate new ideas and command respect of people his age group. However, he has yet to deliver.

Before any of his cybertrooper come calling us Bangang, please do not argue organising of events or looking cool like any youngsters as part of his success. These days all one need to do is to have money and pay good event managers. Delivery for Khairy is to get results from his engagements. 

Politically, Khairy has come of age. He is listening and sizing up his move well. He seemed wiser in his views. As one Pak Lah supporter and this Dato happen to be related, there do not seem to be any other choices left. At least, that was how he seemed to be at the recent UMNO General Assembly.

He had been voicing for the "peremajaan" UMNO agenda but upon hearing the debate, he was quick to reposition himself. So the interpretation of "peramajaan" is neither turning UMNO into adolescent teens nor emphasis on more youth leader but rejuvenation. Deft touch Khairy.

Transformation deception?

Many UMNO express the cynical view that "peramajaan" UMNO and within the context of UMNO's political transformation, as said by Dato Hishamuddin during the winding-up speeches, was about backroom gameplan to confirm Hishamuddin and Khairy in the succession plan.

The last time UMNO talked out loud of the political transformation plan it was a complete disaster and money politics was at it's worst ever. The money for votes was not confined to within the division delegates but spread to the branches.

There were talks that party leadership and administration called Division chiefs directly instead of sending their men to help a certain candidate. There was as even involvement by a Sultan to campaign for a Vice President.

The new electoral college vote was easier to manipulate. All one need to do is take hold of the Division head. They control head of branches and phantom branches.

The transformation process should be done earlier but waited till party election time. Till today, many losing candidates have not heard their results.

UMNO should have done a major overhaul of election candidate in 2013 general election. New untainted faces and not merely young faces should have been offered. It is heard UMNO only learned of it now and wish to do so in the next GE14.

Hope it is not too late with only 2% left for the promise homeland for the opposition. Perhaps it is too late but that is UMNO, slow giant and fail to be far sighted and ahead of the game in it's move. The need to rejuvenate the party with new faces is long over due.

When he first became UMNO's Youth Leader, Khairy had pushed for more youth leaders. It started out as Khairy being denied his Ministership ahead of Dato Mukhriz and Dato Razali Ibrahim. The Puteri Chief was also without position in government.

To justify his Ministership, Khairy pushed for the agenda to bring in more youth. Off course, he also mentioned in passing the need to put young faces.

As of today, the youth generation of Hishamuddin and from the early days of Khairy have positioned themselves in the various Divisions and getting positions as elected wakil rakyat, holding positions in government and high positions in GLC.

Come next round of party election and that should be next year as requested by Tan Sri Muhyiddin they will be more of them and in a more secure position.

Power play and not policy and governance is everything in UMNO. That brought about a deep suspicion that it is a Hishmuddin-Khairy game to put their people in and subsequently make the assault for no. 2 and 3 in the party. 

Deft touch

Upon hearing the debates in the main assembly on "keremajaan", the suspicion on the ground was rearing it's head through the argument that "keremajaan" is not about age.

First VP Dato Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, who beat third VP Hishamuddin by a large distance, said it loudly during the winding up, "keremajaan' is not about age. There was a tad of disgust in his voice. While, another VP, Dato Shafee Apdal was merely interested in more allocation to secure more second liner support in UMNO Sabah to enable him to secure the CHm post.

And Khairy was quick to anticipate the situation and highlighted his position on "keremajaan" in his earlier winding up speech. NST reported below:
We must work together, says Khairy

NST, 29 November 2014 @ 4:01 PM
KUALA LUMPUR: Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin has stressed that the rejuvenation in party (peremajaan) is not about asking for posts.

He is worried that the topic which started on a good note is being misunderstood, a time bomb waiting to explode.

Khairy said Youth chiefs are being looked suspiciously by division chiefs.

"I would like to stress that rejuvenation is not just about age. The election in India, for instance, has proven that the older candidate who had used social networks, has beaten the younger one," he said.

"We must deserve it if we want to go up," he said adding that the young must work together along the veterans.
Astro Awani report elaborated below:
Call for party rejuvenation is not a 'coup' - Khairy Jamaluddin

Irwan Muhammad Zain, Astro Awani | Updated: November 29, 2014

KUALA LUMPUR: Party rejuvenation doesn’t translate to the youth in the party will snatch the power from the existing crop of older leaders who have been fighting for the party for the longest time,” said UMNO Youth Chief, Khairy Jamaluddin.

He expressed concern over the usage of the term, ‘party rejuvenation’ will only create a gap between the young and old leaders and inevitably leads to weakening the party.

Said Khairy, party rejuvenation doesn't constitute ages, but the capabilities of every layers of leadership in reviving youth imagination.

“As a leader, I’m concerned over the direction of this issue; I’m worried that it will create confusion – from a suggestion to strengthen the party it will only act as a ticking time bomb waiting to explode.

“There have been branch leaders viewed negatively by youth chief. Once embraced, today handshakes are tip of the fingers only. Rejuvenation doesn’t constitute age, it is wholesome. We aren’t asking older leaders to don pink sock, that isn’t authentic, that’s lunatic,” said Khairy.

“Rejuvenation should also be imposed on the older generation,” he said in his winding up speech delivered at the 68th UMNO General Assembly at Dewan Merdeka in Putra World Trade Centre, here today.

In his speech, Khairy also cautioned all UMNO Youth to equip themselves with quality criteria as they act as heir of party and at the same time, acts as a testimony of the superiority of its leadership.

“I’d say to UMNO Youth, don’t get carried away with the rejuvenation, we must be eligible. This isn’t a free lane, if not eligible means not eligible, if there’s ‘rezeki’, Alhamdulillah.

“That is what we understand, the manner the Malays respect the old,” he added.

More here.
More consoling. The Star report:
Published: Saturday November 29, 2014 MYT 4:44:00 PM
Updated: Saturday November 29, 2014 MYT 4:48:30 PM

Umno AGM: Emulate India's Modi, says Khairy
by d.kanyakumari AND dina murad

KUALA LUMPUR: The rejuvenation of Umno is not related to age but on how the party engaged the young, said Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin (pic).

Citing the recent Indian general election, Khairy said the 64-year-old Narendra Modi won against his younger counterpart because the Indian Prime Minister had a youthful approach.

"If you really study his campaign method, you will see that Modi used social media and paid a lot of attention to issues and policies relating to the young.

"He captured the imagination of the young and he truly reflected the meaning of rejuvenation," the Umno Youth chief said during his wrap up speech at the Umno General Assembly.

Khairy added that party president and Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak had also taken these steps.

"Our President - I apologise Sir - is already old but his Facebook followers are in the millions and his budget policies are youth friendly. He even takes selfies everywhere.

"Our secretary general has black hair, that too is rejuvenation. They don't need to use fitting clothes and pink like I do that is not authentic but lunatic," he said

He added that Umno Youth members were not greedy and stupid and they would like to work hand in hand with their seniors.

The Youth and Sports Minister said that rejuvenation also did not mean youth members overthrowing party seniors, but working together in solidarity for the party's future.

"I am afraid if I do not address this issue, it will be like a bomb waiting to explode. Why is such a long overdue and noble issue suddenly becoming a polemic that will weaken our party?" he said, admitting the call to rejuvenation would, at least by a little, change the relationship between the older generation and youths.

"Youths are looked at in a different way by their division leaders, some even treated coldly. I worry if this issue is left untouched, what started out as a good suggestion may ruin the party as there are differing understandings of what rejuvenation means," he said.

Khairy explained that rejuvenation did not mean that youth member were hungry for positions or candidacy, nor was it an attempt to usurp their seniors.

“But it is unity among all branches and levels of Umno in working together and providing opportunities for qualified and deserving youth members,” he said.

He also stressed that the call for rejuvenation was not to be used as a "free pass".
That is a statement of one confident person.

BARUA Council election, neither UBAH nor BERSIH


On Monday, The Star here reported members of the Bar Council "calling for a clean and transparent Bar Council election". BC was requested to "take heed of its own advice to the Election Commission to reform the electoral process."

BC has "yet to reform its electoral process" but was actively supporting BERSIH. This is not the first time BC is being questioned for it's electoral process. [Read this blog posting dated November 2012 here.]

In one of our social media groups, the BC election had been a hot topic for many months and the outcome had long been suspected.

Suspicious results

The result yesterday shows no UBAH as the same "clique of lawyers" dominated the winner list.

Few lawyers expressed the suspicion that the result was rigged to place Andrew Khoo, BC's Commitee member in charge of Human Rights and with close links with HR activists in the US government and UN, as the next President.

Few candidates had campaigned hard and it was not reflected in their results. It seemed to be rigged to show their results to remain the same or gain by 1 or 2 votes.

Ballot stuffing?
As of end of office hour yesterday, some members in our group raised concern over Chin Oy Sim answer in the Star report.

There was uncomplimentary personal remarks of her. They complained that she was merely reiterating the process but had no idea of had returned the ballot papers up till yesterday evening.

It means the percentage of returning ballots was not made transparently known but kept a secret.

There was the suspicion of ballot stuffing practise. BC practises postal votes to accommodate its members all over the country.

BC was said to have released the statistic that only 21% of lawyers took part in this "transparent" election.

Does it make sense that 79% of lawyers aren't interested to participate in BC's most important activity which supposedly determine its future direction? They do not participate or do not have faith in the process?

Counting questionable?

The most blatant electoral infringement was the so-called LIVE streaming of the counting. The video was only focused on one table when there are 8 tables doing the counting.

For any candidate or their representatives to observe the counting, they were required to sign undertakings as to not allow any recording or transmit any image, video or perhaps audio.

If there had been any infringement, BC would have asked for proofs but without any form of records,  how would the candidates prove any wrongdoing?
Hendon Mohamed emerges top in Bar Council election

KUALA LUMPUR: Amidst grouses over lack of transparency in the Bar Council election, lawyer Hendon Mohamed emerged the top winner for the 2015/2016 term.

Sulaiman Abdullah, who was one of Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s counsel, clinched the second spot (1,788) followed by Brendan Navin Siva (1,638).

The election saw 23 candidates contesting the 12 posts in the Bar Council.

Other winners include Andrew Khoo (1,609), Richard Wee (1,519), Honey Tan (1,470), George Varughese (1,445), Syahredzan Johan (1,429), Ravi Nekoo (1,392), Datuk Low Beng Choo (1,388), Datuk Kuthubul Zaman Bukhari (1,362), and Roger Chan (1,346).

The results were posted on the Bar Council’s website.

Lawyer M. Reza Hassan, one of the candidates who contested and lost, was denied entry into the hall to watch live streaming of the vote tallying process.

Reza had refused to sign a letter of undertaking prepared by the Bar Council, barring observers from taking photographs, recording or transmitting images of the vote counting process.

“It is not required by law to sign such an undertaking. That is why I refused to sign the document.

"I promised that I would not take any photograph, but they immediately switched off the live streaming, forcing me to leave the hall,” he alleged on Tuesday.

An observer claimed that the camera focused only on one group involved in the vote counting process.

“There were a few groups counting the ballot papers. But the camera zoomed only on one group.

“We barely saw 200 ballot papers via live streaming. There is certainly no transparency as we could not see the rest,” said an observer, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

Lawyer Manjeet Singh Dhillon, a former Bar Council president, also questioned the electoral process. “What is there to hide?” he asked.

Malaysian Bar president Christopher Leong could not be reached for comments.
There was no such procedure made known to candidates before the balloting. There was no such provision in the Legal Profession act 1976 to deny any form of observation of counting.

The lawyers blamed it on Little Napolean inside BC trying to cover for certain groups. .


It was a blatant lack of transparency in BC's handling of their election and it made "a mockery of its own call for free and fair elections nationally. The Bar Council has no credence left and is in serious need of reform", to quote a young lawyer.

A senior lawyer from Penang commented, "Bar Council has without fail being critical on the conduct of The Election Commission to the extend of becoming a tool of the opposition calling for fair election when Bar Council itself can even conduct a fair, free and transparent election of its office bearers.

He added: "Therefore, Bar Council has failed in its duties towards its own members and such failure demands the resignation of all the current office bearers.

"Further, an independant party such as the Election Commission who have credibility and experience in conducting fair election not only in Malaysia but also assisted other countries, to conduct the Bar Council elections from now on."

So much for their 2012 Interm Report on Bersih 3.0 here.

A celebrated lawyer-politicion quipped, "I have read the "judgment" written by learned brother and concur in his finding. The court being unanimous, its hereby declared the Bar Council is indeed a Barua."

There is now basis for government to amend the Legal Profession Act to allow other accredited bodies to also represent the legal profession like Law Academy in Singapore.

BC have been too involved in politics and carrying certain agenda then serving it's role as a professional body.

Read also postings by: Karim's Blog here,  MyKMU here and Rocky Bru with link to The Mole here, low:

Criticising without reading


The RCI report was released on Wednesday.

In Berita Harian today, we only read on the whereabout to get the report and it's price. Getting a copy is quite a task, yet many were already with their criticism, particularly opposition leaders on that Wednesday itself.

It is impossible for them to finish reading, comprehend it's content and comment on the thick more than 350 pages report in a matter of hours or minutes.

That is unless they have closed their mind to the fact gathered by the RCI and are dead-set to brand the guilty party without any need for proof to convince otherwise. If that is the case, what is the point of having the RCI?

The panel on RCI were independent and had the integrity. Prior to the RCI hearing, there was no objection raised on the panel members by any parties.

The least they should do is to read it first.

Bersih 2.0 criticised Attorney-General Tan Sri Gani Patail and Chief Secretary Dato Dr Ali Hamsa for allegedly trying to downplay the results. [Read MMO here].

They opposed the conclusion read by Ali Hamsa that there were no political moves in the illegal issuance of IC but was more of corrupt practices.

For an NGO that did not exist in 1991, they were taking a line concurrent with the original complainant from PBS that it was political.

PBS believed that the manipulation of voter rollcall lead to the downfall of PBS government and they have not budge from that line of thinking [read The Star here and here].

DAP MP for KK, Jimmy Wong called it "totally rubbish" for not concluding there was political motive. [Read MI here].

He should comment on the fairly large number of Chinese that was issued IC during the period. Maybe not, it will disapprove his political conspiracy.

Fellow comrade DAP MP for Penampang, Darrell Leiking called it a whitewash.

Although an RCI is the usual DAP demand to any of their contention, Darrel now asked that it be deliberated in Parliament [Read in FMT here]. Then what?

Ask for another committee till someone say political motive. It is like DAP got the Court of Appeal to request police to investigate the Teoh Beng Hock death. They must be hoping a corrupt cop in JSJ will eventually conclude as murder.

The attitude to blame someone as guilty and the intention to blame the Federal Government is obvious despite there is no conclusive proof and there are two sides to the coin.

What more, five people were held under ISA for their involvement in the illegal conduct and breach of national security. [Read Rakyat Post here]

Lawyers for Liberty also swayed their opinions in favour of the existence of "Project IC". They welcome the establishment of a Permanent Secretariat to address the pressing matters. [Read in FMT here].

It is more positive than Bersih 2.0 call to drag the matter to court [read Rakyat Post here] and nothing get solved.

NST reported the RCI's intention of the report. Read below:

RCI not be-all and end-all to immigrant issues

By B.Suresh Ram - 3 December 2014 @ 5:58 PM

KUALA LUMPUR: The Royal Commission of Inquiry on Immigrants in Sabah says that the power to translate its recommendations lies with the relevant authorities.

It did not state who these relevant authorities in the postscript of the report which was made public today.

“Many people in Sabah seem to perceive the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) as the be-all and end-all to the illegal immigrant problems confronting the state. With respect, we think this is a misconception. The RCI is bound by the Terms of Reference. We can only inquire, make findings and thereafter present recommendations to the relevant authorities. Very much depends on the authorities concerned. The power to translate the recommendations into action lies with them,” the report stated.

The report in Bahasa Malaysia was 427 pages and the English version was 368 pages was made public in Kota Kinabalu.

The commission also said that it was aware that some of the evidence disclosed to the RCI maybe considered sensitive by some quarters.

“However, we think that such evidence has to be viewed against the backdrop of events and circumstances of the period when abuses and / or illegal activities relating to the widespread issuance of Malaysian identification documents (ICs) to immigrants / foreigners, were alleged to have occurred in the state of Sabah,” the report added.

The commission said that it was a period in which syndicates and individuals aided by or in complicity with corrupt officials, had taken advantage of a weak institutionalised citizenship system compounded by the huge numbers of immigrants / foreigners for monetary gain.

“It was also a period which saw the emergence of an alleged project called “Project IC” with corrosive political agenda.

In short, it was a period of heightened nefarious activities that had precipitated and accelerated the influx of illegal immigrants into the state,” it said.

The report added that Sabah now suffers the cumulative spill-over effects of that period.

“We believe that lessons can be learnt from history. All it takes is the political will. There is a need to take bold and decisive steps for an integrated, comprehensive and sustained policy of action.

That of course, is the prerogative of the government and the authorities. It is not a matter within the remit of this Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI),” it said.
Since it involves government and authorities, Sabah Movement for Change chairman and opposition opposition, Datuk Seri Wilfred M. Bumburing took a natural sceptical stance to not see any improvement even with recommendations in the report. [Read MI here']

Minister for Urban Well Being, Housing and Local Government and MP for Kota Belud, Dato Abdul Rahman Dahlan drew mixed response in his twitter when he called for practical solution.

In other words, he means let's stop finger pointing and move forward. [Read Astro here]. He also has basis to ask Sabahans to stop living in "false comfort" to overrely on foreign labours.

Rahman added on the need for a "prosper thy neighbour" policy to bring peace in the area [Read MMO here].

Federal Minister, Dato Shafie Apdal was rather non-commital and taking a politically safe stance. He asked for agencies to be more careful [read MMO here]. It is to consider the feeling of his fellow Bajau Laut which roams the sea from Phillipines to Sabah.

SAPP President, Dato Yong Teck Lee called for the illegally issued IC's to be made void. [read The Star here]. That had been his campaign stance leading to GE13.

If he had read the full report, he would have given a smarter comment. After penalising the IC holders and turn them stateless, what about the problem of the off-springs?

If born in Malaysia, they may have a right to be Malaysians.

The attitude to penalise and blame, worse still before reading the report, has not been good. It undermined Dato Najib's sincere intentions to set any possible wrongdoings of the past..Maybe government should stop playing to the gallery with these RCIs.

For this RCI, they only repeat accusation based on their pre-conceived notions. In the RCI on judiciary, it was made into a joke without any proofs worthy to be brought before any courts.

There were no attitude to appreciate the Government positive response to form the RCI and the appointment of former Sabah Chief Minister and current Deputy Chief Minister, Tan Sri Pairin Kitingan to head the special committee tasked.

If such is the intention, the blame game should be done in court. That way Government do not need to spend money to gather fact. The accusers can bring their own proofs and test in a court of law.

The court of law is unlike a court of public opinion, where the "Jeffrey Kitingan"s can lie, fabricate evidences and spin arguments. Their proofs will be thoroughly tested.

However, it is time consuming. Problems arising cannot get solved.

Government is right. RCI must be more than just about blaming anybody but to solve the problems too.

Aer Lingus is not part of a woman anatomy


MAS has announced it's new CEO after a global search for one. After 14 years of failure, Khazanah Nasional finally learned that it takes an Airliner to run an Airline.

It cannot be run by a Bank CEO (except for the interim period to effect the financial rationalisation) or a salesman or marketing man, or an Oil and Gas man part timing as Power Point salesman, or an Accountant from PW London or an ex CEO of an IPP company.  

The new CEO for MAS newco will be the current CEO of Aer Lingus, Christoph Mueller. It was announced yesterday as Khazanah's new surprise. [Read Reuters report in Irish Times here.]

From his name, he sounds German but not much is known of him yet. Not much is known yet of what he had done at Aer Lingus. And not much is known yet of the relevence of his experience at Aer Lingus to turnaround MAS.  

Since MAS was one of the major global player in world aviation, Malaysians may not be familiar with the name Aer Lingus. For sure, it is not part of a woman anatomy.

Walking on air

Naturally Malaysians would ask as to why pick a foreigner? This is ot the first time. Many previous attempts have been made but the foreign CEO ended designated with different assignment. Their presence have not shown any turnaround.

One would only expect Khazanah being labelled of having a mindset still beholden and subservient to the orang putih colonials. Or, as one Penangite in our WA group described, Khazanah people as OPPM for Orang Putih Pungkoq Hitam or similar to banana to describe Singaporean, yellow outside but white inside.

All the while Khazanah is known more as a close knit of in-breeding bunch of CFA and CPA with absolutely no knowledge of business or operations, but just number crunchers, balance shit shufflers, and consumer of celebrity management guru books. That's why Khazanah loves to sponsor talks.

Airline business really suit them well. Just like some politicians after holding post in government for a while, they stop walking on solid ground but start to walk on air.  

At least now, there is an airliner who should be doing things not according to management textbook theories but with actual knowledge and experience in airline practices and norms before doing something extraordinary or out of the ordinary.

Airline management require hard and soft skills in balancing between high technology of aviation and customer service similar to hotel service of three star and above. Maybe the soft side skill is not relevant for low cost airlines because passengers are willing to be treated like livestock shipped from Australia to Port Klang.

One member of our WA group quipped that a conman can still run a successful low cost airline. That is a good one.

The conman he is referring to is notable as a salesman and spokesman with skills in the art of gimmick but the underlying brain is the ANSARA member and his financial model. Their real test of a model based on a hollow pyramid of rising PE will come as they weather the upcoming economic storm.

Jentayu Danaraksa

Another issue raised this morning was why the OPPM at KLCC refused to take up Tan Sri Aziz Abdul Rahman's Jentayu Danaraksa's proposal. Heard the proposal is along MAS outsourcing plan and is for the  engineering unit, Firefly and others. It sounds interesting to hear them want to save the 6,000 job.

But, could we trust the financial man for the group, Feriz Omar? The former Special Officer to Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin is quite an opportunistic and untrustworthy character.

It is not so much his attempt to impress a celebrity to replace a troublesome relation with former TV celebrity with his MAS proposal. But, this control freak used to go around claiming himself as Director of Investment Banking at MIMB when the post only exist after he left and given to an ex-Maybank.

He faked an unregistered NGO to tag along wherever Tun Mahathir and Dato Mukhriz but at MOE, he directed bloggers to take stabs at Tun M when he opposed the cancellation of PPSMI.

Jentayu Danaraksa has another personality who is an aviation analyst. Has he run any aviation company? 

Thus far, not much is known of their proposal. The key issue is the money and management. MP for Titiwangsa, Dato Johari raised the money issue in Parliament. As far as Tan Sri Aziz, he is too old to do day to day management. So what that the union support?

In MAS, one cannot trust the unions. They had been one of the key factor in MAS downfall. Part of the reason to have a MAS newco was to bust the unions. That we agree.

Heard Tan Sri Aziz is also involved with another effort. Not much is known yet except that it has the concurrence of one Khazanah officer and involves several ex-MAS Managers.

Save for what had been said, Khazanah seemed to be listening. They took in Celcom's Dato Shazally Ramli on the Baord and given ex-MAHB Chairman, Tan Sri Bashir a role likely to appease the leaving staff.

However, they should rid off the Chairman, Tan Sri Mohd Nor Yusof and more Directors from Tun Abdullah era. How could they keep the same bunch of failures around?

It is the same with Khazanah's textbook thinkers who strongly believed in out-sourcing which keep failing for the last 14 years. Have they not learned from the failure to our-source catering and IT?

It is heard that MAS turnaround is a goldmine for lots of consultants. Not so much a case of being obtuse, but as told earlier, it only shows Khazanah know nuts of operations and are incapable of doing any operational turnaround.

"Gerd" Muller?

Was Muller taken in because he agrees with the approach taken by Khazanah or he convinced Khazanah with a better turnaround strategy? And, can he be the "Gerd" Muller to score goals of rising revenue?

It is sickening to keep listening of endless cost cutting program to translate the revenue into profitability. 

A quick reference to Wikipedia here shows Aer Lingus is not a part of the woman anatomy. It is similar to MAS in the sense that both are national and legacy airline. It is older than MAS and had been around since 1936. Both had undergone its period of expansion, success and decline.

Aer Lingus was listed on the Dublin Stock Exchange in 2006. Soon after, another Irish airline, the low cost Ryan Air launched a takeover bid in October 2006. It was blocked by EC's version of anti trust regulation. Both Aer Lingus and Ryan control 80% of flight in and out of Dublin.

As all legacy airlines, Aer Lingus was affected by globalisation and open sky. In 2008, they begin a cost saving plan.  Muller came on board in 2009 to undertake a more radical cost cutting and was adamant to cut more. Maybe that is where he fit in into Khazanah plan.

Muller came to Aer Lingus from TUI Travela and Sabena.

At Aer Lingus, he made unions to agree to his cost cutting plan. He moved away from a head-to-head competition with Ryanair for a more hybrid model with a stronger emphasis on service.

Customer service had always been MAS strength and forte until some turnaround idiot see MAS Academy as cost leakage. The current HR Director, Zaharah Zaid hired someone whose idea of training is to outsource to fellow cronies.

Mueller undertook long haul expansion, wet lease agreement, and alliance back to Oneworld.

Since Muller entry into Aer Lingus, Ryan did two more takeover bids in 2008-2009 and 2012. MAS-Air Asia "collaboration' failed in 2012.

Bina Fikir-conceived PMB lost money too?


Tan Sri Tajuddin Ramli left MAS more than 13 years ago in February 2001 but still gets blamed whenever any negative development on MAS surface. Many forgot that Khazanah had managed MAS for almost a decade and half.

Also forgotten, Tajuddin bought MAS to rescue Bank Negara for Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop's RM16 billion forex trading losses.

Tan Sri Azman Mokhtar handled MAS as con-sultan for Bina Fikir and proposed the Wide Unbundling Asset (WAU) scheme.

It provided temporary relief but Khazanah poor management under his leadership made losses bigger and bigger. Tajuddin's accumulated losses from forex devaluation pales in comparison.

Over the weekend, business weekly Focus Malaysia unraveled another side of the WAU scheme that was hidden from the public eye.

Bina Fikir-conceived leasing company, Penerbangan Malaysia Berhad (PMB) lost money also.

Thanks to MyScan, a mobile scanner sold by a young entrepreneur, the article could be reproduced with ease.

First, an article about aircraft leasing:
Lease business tempts airlines

AIRLINES are eyeing the lucrative aircraft-leasing business but their success will depend on the infrastructure to support the business.

"Also, the skill sets needed to operate an efficient and profitable leasing company are not necessarily the same skills as running an airline," says an industry expert.

Budget-carrier AirAsia Bhd recently set up its own aircraft-leasing unit, Asia Aviation Capital Ltd (AAC), based in Labuan. AAC will acquire aircraft and secure financing for these aircraft as well as provide operating leases to AirAsia's affiliates outside Malaysia.

According to AirAsia Group founder and CEO Tan Sri Tony Fernandes, AAC is expected to generate up to US$50 mil over the next few years, with long-term projections seeing it earn US$100 mil in later years. Aside from its supply of aircraft to the AirAsia Group, AAC is expected to place aircraft in target markets such as China and Africa.

Joining AirAsia in the aircraft-leasing business is China's first low-cost carrier Spring Airlines Co, as it seeks to reduce costs and increase the use of its fleet.

Indonesia's Lion Air and the Norwegian Air Shuttle are also venturing into the leasing business, which gives good bottomline and net profit margins of about 20%. More often than not, airlines rent out unused planes to manage fleets.

Lion Air's Singapore-based lessor, Transportation Partners, aims to ramp up third-party leasing next year and in 2016 with a focus on China, Brazil, Japan and the United States.

Meanwhile, Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-shing's Cheung Kong Holdings Ltd is also entering the aircraft-leasing business and is paying US$1.89 bil to buy 35 planes. The company will also form a joint venture with MC Aviation Partners inc, to buy an additional 15 aircraft for US$733.5 mil.

Nevertheless, the entry of airlines to the leasing business raises questions about whether these budget airlines have the know-how to succeed or if they have simply ordered more planes than they need.

Lion Air, AirAsia and Norwegian Air Shuttle collectively have ordered more than 1,400 Airbus and Boeing jets, worth about US$140 bil at current list prices.

Essentially, they are competing with established finance firms that lease out aircraft to cash-strapped carriers from China.

However some, such as Singapore Airlines Ltd, tried the leasing business but eventually exited.
If successful, the low-cost carriers could in theory take business away from traditional lessors, particularly smaller players. That could put pressure on lessors to cut their rates.
The main article below on Amokh and Danny's proposed leasing company as managed by Amokh at Khazanah:

Leasing gone wrong for PMB

AIRCRAFT leasing is good business. Many companies worldwide, including AirAsia, are jumping onto this bandwagon. But apparently not for Khazanah Nasional Bhd's leasing unit, Penerbangan Malaysia Bhd PMB). It has racked up accumulated losses of RM 1.92 bil as at Dec 31,2003.

A look at its annual financial statements over 11 years shows fluctuating fortunes. The statements also reveal little information such as to whom PMB leases the planes, at what rates and what other asset it owns.

Where has PMB gone wrong that it has suffered losses for six of its 11 years? Will Khazanah ever turn around the company and what are its plans for PMB? As of press time, Khazanah had not responded to FocusM's queries.

In the absence of answers, we can only speculate that PMB is a vehicle that generally buys planes from a third party and not from aircraft manufacturers Boeing or Airbus. However, it is learnt that it provides the executive jets used for the nation's leaders such as the King and the prime minister.

"Not everyone wants to buy new planes and can wait for a slot. This is where leasing companies like PMB come in. PMB is not making money probably because it is not leasing out planes that are sitting idle. It has old planes, which are not what the market wants. Also, you may wish to know how much the planes are leased for. It is below market price?" says an industry source.

"I don't see the relevance of PMB. It owns Boeing 777 widebodies, which are in demand. It can lease to cash-strapped airlines in China. PMB should list its fleet size and type as well. Why so secretive?" the source asks.

PMB is believed to own four Boeing 777-2H6ER aircraft. Incidentally, the missing MAS flight MH370 is a Boeing 777-2H6ER purchased in 2002, with one safety incident recorded in 2012.

Strangely, 2010 accounts filed with the Companies Commission of Malaysia (CCM) show a huge discrepancy in that its revenue - previously stated as being RM13.05 bil - was restated in its 2011 accounts as being just RM588.04 mil! Net profit for this period was also restated, from RM382.47 mil to RM 129.45 mil.

PMB slumped into the red with a net loss of RM96.74 mil for the financial year ended Dec 31, 2013 from a net profit of RM81.1 mil the previous year, on the back of a lower revenue of RM288.43 mil from RM525.94 mil.

Its revenue of RM288.43 mil - derived mainly from the lease of aircraft and engines - was dragged down by a huge jump in expenditure amounting to RM327.87 mil compared with a previous RM135.3 mil. In addition, for FY2012, PMB received a huge other income of RM359.7 mil compared with RM31.35 mil inFY2013.

The company has total borrowings of RM4.8 bil as of Dec 31 last year, while its cash and bank balances stood at RM1.15 bil.

PMB has been affected mainly by a huge unrealised loss on foreign exchange (forex) of RM212.8 mil and a realised forex loss of RM46.43 mil in FY13; while its depreciation cost was RM62.83 mil.
This is in contrast to its FY12 results, when it realised a forex gain of RM139.6 mil and an unrealised forex gain of RM3.37 mil. However, its depreciation cost was higher, at RM 129.64 mil, in FY12.

PMB's carrying number of aircraft, engines and spares was lower at RM861.77 mil as of Dec 31 last year versus RM1.39 bil the year before, as it recognised an impairment loss of RM52.11 mil with respect to aircraft, after taking into account the decrease in market estimates of the residual value of the assets.

It made a gain on disposal of aircraft, property, plant and equipment of RM 13.5 mil and RM204.61 mil in FY13 and FY12 respectively. It is not known what property it disposed of.

According to PMB, certain aircraft and spare engines have been transferred to subsidiary Aircraft Business Malaysia Sdn Bhd (ABM) by its former subsidiary, Malaysian Airline System Bhd (MAS) in connection with the Widespread Asset Unbundling (WAU) exercise in 2002.

PMB says as part of the restructuring agreement with MAS, MAS has the right to receive 80% of any profit (as defined in the WAU agreements) from the sale of aircraft or loss of an aircraft asset covered by insurance.

A third chance

BinaFikir Sdn Bhd was instrumental in the restructuring of MAS under the WAU scheme. The BinaFikir co-founders were Khazanah managing director Tan Sri Azman Mokhtar and Mohammed Rashdan Yusof.

Rashdan was appointed MAS director in October 2010 and redesignated to group deputy CEO in August 2011. He was also appointed Khazanah's executive director of investments.

Rashdan was part of the team that brokered the controversial MAS-AirAsia share swap in 2011, unwound in May 2012 following opposition from unions and politicians. Here, MAS perhaps lost a good opportunity to turn its fortunes around.

Rashdan also worked out the 10-year, RM2.5 bil, sukuk programme to shore up MAS' capital base under a three-pronged funding pillar. During his short stint at MAS, he was in charge of short-haul operations as well as the commercial, finance, corporate finance and strategic procurement units. This includes the purchase of aircraft. Rashdan resigned as executive director and group deputy CEO in 2012.

Now that Khazanah has stepped in to rescue the ailing airline, it appears Azman and former MAS MD Tengku Datuk Seri Azmil Zahruddin Raja Abdul Aziz, who is in Khazanah, are being given another chance to revive MAS.

The question is, if they have already failed to bring MAS out of the doldrums, how different will it be this time?

The WAU exercise

In 2002, MAS - led by former managing director Tan Sri Md Nor Yusof - engaged in a reorganisation exercise which separated the balance sheet from operations by unbundling and transferring to PMB the 73 aircraft on the balance sheet at an ascribed value of RM5.11 bil, together with associated liabilities amounting to RM6.97 bil.

On the completion of the exercise, PMB - wholly-owned by the Minister of Finance, Incorporated (MoF Inc) -became the designated government holding company of MAS. The transferred aircraft fleet was simultaneously leased back to MAS.

The liabilities transferred to PMB include MAS' redeemable convertible preference shares (RCPS), meaning PMB became contractually bound to bear the cost of the eventual redemption of the RCPS and changing the substance of the RCPS from equity to debt.

MAS operates domestic airline services on behalf of PM B, through an arrangement that transfers the financial effects of the revenue and cost of domestic airline operations to PMB, while MAS continues to own and operate international and cargo businesses.

The reorganisation resulted in the issuing of483.2 million new shares to PMB, at the weighted average market price of the previous five days: RM3.85 per share, in consideration of its assumption of net liabilities of RM1.86 bil. After the exercise, PMB held a 69.34% stake in MAS.

The reorganisation also allowed for the disposal of non-core assets and businesses consisting of the sale of 70% of MAS Catering Sdn Bhd (MCSB) for RM175 mil in cash to Gubahan Saujana Sdn Bhd (GSSB). GSSB is 51%-owned by Fahim Capital and 49% by LSG Asia. MAS retains a 30% stake in MCSB.

MAS also sold properties at the previous international airport at Subang to Asset Global Network Sdn Bhd (AGN), a wholly-owned special-purpose vehicle of the MoF, as well as properties at the KL International Airport, also to AGN, for RM1.01 bil.

The WAU exercise helped MAS return to the black with a net profit of RM339.1 mil for the financial year ended March 31, 2003, from a net loss of RM835.6 mil in the previous financial year; while revenue increased by RM 199.2 mil. Total expenditure in FY2003 was lower by RM699.7 mil following the restructuring exercise.

No WAU follow-through

However in 2005, MAS' non-executive chairman Tan Sri Munir Abdul Majid said the WAU exercise completed in November 2002 was not followed through, with the full operational transformation of the company not as envisaged.

He said the subsequent better financial results, largely the outcome of balance-sheet transformation and of a significant contribution from non-operating income, lulled the company into a false sense of security and achievement.

Munir said MAS was in a dire situation when the sources of non-operating income dried up, with no compensating strong income from operations, further undermined by the sharp rise in the price of jet fuel.

MAS then took immediate measures to check the slide, including cost control, a fuel-efficiency programme and a revenue-enhancement plan. In 2005, MAS roped in Datuk Seri Idris Jala as managing director.

In 2005, the airline changed its financial year-end from March to December. For the nine months to December 2005, MAS recorded a net loss of RM1.26 bil due to higher jet-fuel costs and staff costs which increased by 40% and 21 % respectively over the corresponding period in the previous year.

The losses were incurred despite a higher number of passengers over the nine months. The increase in passenger numbers helped boost its passenger revenue by 14% to RM6.3 bil.

Unbundling the WAU

During Tengku Azmil's tenure as MAS managing director, the carrier started buying more planes, putting a strain on its balance sheet. He took over the position from Idris in 2008 and stayed as MAS MD until 2011, when he handed over the reins to Ahmad Jauhari Yahya.

Ahmad Jauhari had the huge task of steering MAS back to profitability when it recorded its largest net loss in history of RM2.52 bil, due largely to rising fuel costs in FY2011.

He will stay until Sept 19 next year, to ensure a proper handover while MAS undergoes another rejuvenation exercise.

Ahmad Jauhari has presided over a difficult period for MAS, as the company continues to suffer losses and has had to face two tragedies this year with the disappearance of flight MH370, which remains a mystery, and flight MH17, shot down over the Ukraine in July.

Khazanah unveiled a radical plan in August to revive the ailing carrier; a plan calling for job cuts, a capital injection of up to RM6 bil and the creation of a new company (Newco) to carry the airline business. It is taking MAS private.

We don't know how prominently PMB will feature in the MAS restructuring plan but taxpayers will want to know when the bleeding will stop.

From a June 2011 posting here

For 2nd quarter ending September 30, 2002, MAS ended its string of quarterly losses. Come March 31st, 2004, they proudly gloated of a RM461 million profit for the financial year.

Then, bad luck returned as MAS made a third quarter cumulative loss of RM1.26 billion for December 31, 2005. CEO Dato Ahmad Fuaad Dahalan was asked to step down earlier in August to make way for Idris Jala.

After a fund raising exercise, MAS made a profit of RM851 million for financial year December 2007. However, the account massaging could not sustain as Idris made losses in first quarter Mar 31 2009 to the tune of RM694 million.

Idris claimed that he had planned for MAS to make at least RM1.5 billion in 2012 but it turned out as losses of RM2.52 billion loss to Ahmad Jauhari for financial year ending December 2011. Idris was rewarded for the loss with Cabinet Ministership.

Tajuddin managed MAS between 1998 to 2001 and had an accumulated PBT losses of RM365.4 million after deducting RM1.7 billion for forex loss. Operation-wise, he still made money.

Whose the incompetent? Still blaming Tajuddin ...

"Orang Putih" in Tony looking up to Mueller


That was NST Business Times cover page for yesterday.

With a German airline turnaround specialist coming into MAS, Tan Sri Tony Fernandez's comment as reported by NST was complimentary of MAS and Malaysia Airport. Is Tony F changing his psywar strategy against MAS? Maybe not.

It could be just typical Indian-complexioned, Portugese-named Tony F looking up to an "orang putih" as he idolised the adventurous and weird Virgin Airline's Sir Richard Branson.

Those in Air Asia knows to never insult the boss by wishing him Happy Deepavali.

Oh pleaz... he only celebrate Christmas.

Oscar for good acting? Anyway, congratulations

If it is the same usual game, he could be feeling comfortable and get more "besar kepala" as THE Malaysian when it comes to the airline business.

He could easily ride the sentiments against the idea of a foreigner to head MAS without having to resort to his usual antic of fighting the establishment.

Furthermore, AA-shareholder Khazanah Nasional seemed to in his pocket and they went along with him to change the CEO at Malaysia Airport Holdings berhad (MAHB) with an IT man.

Having Christophe Muller could only boost his ego further.

He is likely to think that he has finally find his match in Malaysia with the man Bloomberg described as turnaround specialist for airlines.

Mueller has an impressive track record at TUI Travel, DHL Worldwide, Sabena, Brussels airline, and Aer Lingus. The Bloomberg  report from Irish Times below:
‘Toughest job in aviation’ for former Aer Lingus CEO

Christoph Mueller is set for one of the toughest jobs in aviation, turning around an airline that has lost two jets and 537 lives this year

Mon, Dec 8, 2014, 14:49

Christoph Mueller will embark on one of the toughest jobs in aviation, turning around an airline that has lost two jets and 537 lives this year.

The 52-year-old outgoing chief executive officer of Aer Lingus has been named to lead Malaysia Airlines amid a slump in traffic and widening losses. He will need to restore confidence in the airline while cutting 6,000 jobs.

“It’s got to be one of the biggest challenges in the airline business today,” said John Strickland, an aviation specialist at JLS consulting Ltd. “It’s a job that needs a tough nerve, patience and a few deep breaths to take it forward. They’ve got to get back to a point of credibility and respect.”

Malaysia’s government, criticised for its handling of the MH370 disappearance, has unveiled a 6 billion-ringgit ($1.7 billion) restructuring package aimed at restoring profitability in three years.

Mr Mueller, who turned around Aer Lingus as it was contending with budget airline Ryanair Holdings, faces a similar task as Malaysia Air struggles to fend off AirAsia Bhd., the region’s biggest low-fare carrier.

Mr Mueller will take charge of a new company being carved out of publicly traded Malaysian Airline System Bhd., according to a November 5th statement from sovereign wealth fund Khazanah Nasional Bhd., the carrier’s majority investor.

Malaysia Airlines is in talks to bring Mr Mueller to his new post as early as March 1st, according to Khazanah. The fund will buy out small investors and will delist the company on December 15th as part of the restructuring.

‘Precious time’

The Aer Lingus chief executive, who will leave that post by May 1st, “has a strong record of transformation and turnarounds in the aviation industry,” according to Khazanah. The new company, Malaysia Airlines Bhd., is to start operations in July. Turning around the carrier is going to be time consuming, said Mark D. Martin, chief executive officer of Dubai-based Martin Consulting LLC.

Mr Mueller may need at least six to nine months to familiarise himself with the company and the culture in Southeast Asia before he can take actions, Martin said. “We believe this may lead to precious time being lost,” in turn affecting Malaysia Airlines’ market offering and positioning, he said in an e-mail.

During his five years at the Irish carrier Mr Mueller expanded transatlantic services and fended off takeover bids from Ryanair, Europe’s biggest low-cost airline.

Turnaround specialist

“Malaysian is also a legacy network carrier in need of restructuring and it will compete at the home base of Asia’s largest LCC - AirAsia, so great symmetry there,” Davy Holdings Ltd. analyst Stephen Furlong said by e-mail.

Mr Mueller steered Aer Lingus back to profitability and refocused it as a network carrier using Dublin as a transatlantic hub in the face of tough competition from Ryanair, he said. The airline executive previously worked on other turnaround projects, pursuing an aggressive job-cutting strategy at Sabena SA, before the Belgian flag-carrier’s 2001 bankruptcy and partial reinvention as Brussels Airlines.

Before Aer Lingus, Mr Mueller, who completed an advanced management program at Harvard Business School, was executive aviation director at TUI Travel and chief financial officer of DHL Worldwide before it was acquired by Deutsche Post AG. Malaysia Air was already losing money before passenger confidence was shattered after Flight MH370 vanished on March 8th while en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.

Malaysia Air lost another plane when MH17 was shot down over Ukraine four months later.

World’s longest search

No debris of MH370 has been found in what’s the world’s longest search for a passenger jet in modern aviation history. Malaysia Air, which traces its beginnings to the 1930s, will cut its workforce to 14,000 from 20,000, with Khazanah setting aside funds for retrenchment costs. Even before losing the two planes, the carrier had accumulated losses.

In the third quarter, losses widened to 576.1 million ringgit. As part of the restructuring, Khazanah said in August it will review Malaysia Airlines’s services to Europe, renegotiate supply contracts and move the carrier’s headquarters and operations to Kuala Lumpur International Airport. The airline is expected to be relisted in three to five years, Khazanah has said, adding that the fund will invest in a “staggered and conditional basis” over the next three years.

Besides competing with AirAsia and a dozen budget carriers, Malaysia Air faces competition from full-fare carriers such as Singapore Airlines Ltd. and Thai Airways International Pcl. Carriers in the region have ordered billions of dollars in new aircraft to expand while Malaysia Air is restructuring.

“While Mueller does not have a track record in Asia, he’s the right man for the challenge,” said Sudeep Ghai, managing partner at Athena Aviation LLP in the UK.

At Aer Lingus, Mueller avoided a head to head competition with Ryan Air, the low cost airline once said to be the business model Air Asia copied [read past posting here].

That could be something Tony F cherished and it is manifested in his kind words for MAS and MAHB. Clink to read his comment in NST below:

Believe me, people sucking up to globalisation are never really nationalistic. What more, orang korparat.

Like Ryan Air, Tony F may have interest to take another crack at MAS. The conditions in Europe does not exist.

Taken from Skift.com, read the commentary below:
Why Aer Lingus Acquisition Is the Best Thing That Never Happened to Ryanair

Marisa Garcia, Skift

Jul 04, 2014 7:18 am

Ryanair is a bit on the ropes because of threats from Norwegian Air and easyJet alike. It needs as few distractions as possible. - Marcia Garcia
Speaking to the Irish Independent, Ryanair’s outgoing Deputy CEO Howard Millar described Ryanair’s failure to acquire Aer Lingus as probably “one of the best things that never happened” to the low-cost carrier.

The 29.8% stake that Ryanair holds in Aer Lingus originally cost the airline 407 Million Euros and is currently valued at 230.7 Million Euros “based on current market capitalisation,” the Independent reports.

The European Commission has repeatedly blocked takeover efforts by Ryanair, which the low-cost carrier has appealed without success. The UK’s Competition Commission last year told Ryanair that it must sell a 5% share of the 29.8% held, claiming that Ryanair has exerted “material influence” over the smaller national carrier.

One claim against Ryanair is that it has interefered with other airline’s interests in purchasing a larger share of Aer Lingus, which Ryanair denies. Speaking to the Independent, Millar said: “In the years that we’ve had the Aer Lingus stake, no-one has turned up and asked if they can buy it.”

The Irish government holds a 25.1% share of the national airline, and Etihad Airways in Abu-Dhabi, which recently took-on troubled Alitalia, owns less than 5%.

Ryanair has twice appealed the mandate to sell off the 5% share mandated, first to the Competition Appeal Tribunal which was denied and determined in favor of the UK Competition Commission’s findings. Ryanair’s second appeal at the UK’s Court of appeals is still pending a final decision, with a hearing scheduled sometime between September 2014 and February 2015.

But why would an airline, so focused on maintaining profitable operations appeal a mandate to shed a portion of its holdings in a losing operation so vehemently?

What It’s Good For

Part of its motivation, as Millar intimates in the Independent’s report, is to lend a kinder side to the aggressive persona of the no-frills carrier. Millar makes light of this, telling the Independent that the airline has now matched the services and culture Aer Lingus would have lent it. But Ryanair is still going through the process of softening its brash image, and enhancing its product to attract a greater base of business passengers.

The other factor which made Aer Lingus attractive was the potential for Ryanair to win control over and indirectly incorporate the national carrier’s long-haul routes into its network. In 2007, the European Commission blocked Ryanair’s attempt to purchase a controlling share of Aer Lingus. Ryanair tried again in 2012 and failed.

Without gaining full control and use of the national carrier’s infrastructure and routes, the benefit of ownership is diminished. This would account for Millar’s statement to the Independent earlier this year that “retaining the Aer Lingus stake is ‘not material’ to Ryanair’s future.” The material gains would come from full control.

A May 1, 2013 report by the Centre for Aviation (CAPA) points out Aer Lingus’ strong “open platform” partnerships with United and Jet Blue Airways, which it established after leaving the oneworld alliance. Such reciprocal code-sharing arrangements in the Americas might have made it easier for Ryanair to transition into trans-Atlantic service, under the Aer Lingus brand at first with a hybrid brand in future. Ryanair’s inability to gain a control share of Aer Lingus has made any such plans impossible, leaving the shares Ryanair holds of Aer Lingus immaterial to Ryanair’s future strategies–just as Millar tells the Independent.

None-the-less, Ryanair continues to fight against the mandate from the UK’s Competition Commission, which would force them to sell 5% of their holdings, if for no other reason than a matter of principle. Michael O’Leary is quoted by the Independent as referring to the decision against them as “bizarre and manifestly wrong.”

Millar admits defeat tell the Independent: “It’s difficult to see us not being forced down,” but plays down the importance saying: “It’s an investment, which will turn out how it turns out. It’s not serious one way or the other.”

The Norwegian Air Threat

But other matters in Ryanair’s market are serious, namely the appearance of Norwegian Air Shuttle as an Irish carrier. Despite Norwegian’s battle for open skies with the Americas, it has recently confirmed to the Irish Times that it “is considering launching a Dublin to Bangkok service next year, in a move that could make it the first airline to connect the Republic directly with the major tourist hub.”

This is not a move which Ryanair would have missed. Thailand is a popular destination for Northern European tourists on the whole. Sources tell Skift that it is just as popular a destination for Irish vacationers as it is for the English, Germans and Scandinavians. In fact, the same June 26 article in the Irish Times indicates that Irish Minister for Tourism, Leo Varadkar, “is keen to see airlines developing services to eastern Asia.”

Routes to Asia would not be limited to tourism, but would also be beneficial to Irish businesses, and to Irish families. The May 1, 2013 report by CAPA referred to the family factor of demand stating: “Asia and Australia are home to a large but diverse Irish diaspora, which Aer Lingus will actively target for the first time through its partnership with stakeholder Etihad Airways.”

The Eastern route is the path of least resistance in long-haul service for Norwegian. Long-haul low-cost service to Asia, the airline has asserted, is possible because of the advantages of their 787 Dreamliners. Arrangements already made in Bangkok for operating bases and flight crew help. This tactic could be beneficial for Ryanair as well, should the larger low-cost carrier choose to pursue any long-haul ambitions.

Ryanair’s focus away from the fight for Aer Lingus, the characterization by Millar of the matter as immaterial, could have more to do with a shift in focus to the Norwegian incursion than anything else.

Bjørn Kjos has previously taunted Ryanair, telling Flight Global in a 2013 interview: “We have a different product than Ryanair, but we can compete with Ryanair…If you cannot compete with everyone, you should stay out.”

O’Leary is likely to share those sentiments. Being rid of the distraction of a fight to hold-on to the losing Aer Lingus proposition, would allow Ryanair to focus on the market disruptions Norwegian represents. With a change in strategy necessitated by these new conditions, the Aer Lingus deal could very well be “the best thing that never happened” to Ryanair–just as Millar says.
Tony F could do it where Ryan Air failed. That way, no one will then say he copied Air Asia model from Ryan Air. No siree ... Air Asia is bigger than Ryan Air and will be seen able to takeover the national airline.

Every investment entry must have an exit plan and people at Khazanah can only be expected to be predictable. It is an investment banking outfit led by a fund managers.

Merry Christmas Tony F. Don't forget the Christmas presents.

Know-nuts Khazanah gave know-nuts "con-sultans" to stir more shit in MAS


When the 12 point recovery plan was announced in September, this blog's response was "Frankly, it's the same 'ol shit from Amokh". Not only that, it could be the same bunch of shit stirrer. 

Having read back this blog's old posting of December 2011 [read here], Tan Sri Tony Fernandez's Air Asia could return to take up stake in MAS when Khazanah exit on their investment? If not, another merger is possible should the Air Asia-X disease spread to other parts of Air Asia [read here and here].

In the meanwhile, Bigdog made another interesting revelation yesterday. Not only the same bunch of shit stirrers but more of them. The Khazanah know-nuts left it to know-nuts "con-sultans" to do day to day hand-on business and operational turnaroound.

It just shows something we've been telling for many years.

Khazanah know nuts about business and operations thus should not be expected to turnaround companies. They have failed many times. They are just screen watchers and most of the time, yak yak away with their reports, powerpoints and numbers.

One can read it in his blog here but let us try to highlight the main points.

Development in the restructuring is getting unnerving given Khazanah poor track record in turnaround.

MAS Bhd Administration Bil 2014 was tabled in Parliament. What's the details in the Bill? "...shall carry on other businesses as its board of directors sees fit."

Christophe Mueller announced as CEO for newco. Given Khazanah track record, maybe it is not a bad idea to bring in an airline turnaround specialist. But, what would be is his term of condition?

Is it to carry out as per consultant style plan as before?

Upon turning private, Khazanah went on a "typical ‘McKinsey’ plan of corporate recovery, which include slaughtering, skinning, deboning and eventually mincing the one time sacred cow in the skies of many Malaysians."

It was similar to Azman Mokhtar inspired WAU which ended costing more money to lease from PMB. Furthermore, the leasing company, PMB also lost money [read us here].

After Dato Idris Jala, new CEO Tengku Dato Azmil plan to rebuild fleet was scuttled by the 24 hours removal. Today MAS is saddled with old gas guzzlers.

Bigdog, the ardent defender of Tengku Azmil felt it was done to make way for the consultant model for the failed collaboration with Air Asia. That was for the "decapitating and systematic and structurally dismembering the national carrier".

In the meanwhile, Khazanah had appointed five or six "Con-sultans" in the "preparation for the “MAS Recovery Plan” as well as coming up with the ’12 point plan’."

But, "non amongst the partners, managers and worse of all, the young kuchirats" have the "relevant experience of working with and/for an airline before".

"They have established themselves almost permanently parked and calling the shots as part of the ‘Restructuring Management Office’ within the corporate HQ of Malaysia Airlines.

Their modus operandi is very funny. They understand very little of the operations of an airline, let alone Malaysia Airlines. However, they do not present themselves to each operating unit to understand or even do a technical audit of the work and the operation program.

Instead, they go around in other departments asking what they thought of the department or operational function that they intend to understand and restructure."

These "arm-chair" consultants practically "map out their New Co. on a large sheet of paper and brought some of the senior management and technical professionals for consultancy and interview."

"In one of these sessions, one senior technical professional made a damning simple comment after three hours of consultancy, “I don’t really care what you people are doing and what this ‘New Co.’ is all about. My question is, I don’t see any of you people mention the sentence ‘Application of an airline license'”."

That was a good one. 

"None of these consultants actually realised that they need to apply for an Airline Operation Certificate (AOC) from the DCA for a company to be allowed to operate as an airline and carry commercial goods and passengers."

Will the New Co. "be able to play  play the five role and expectations of Malaysia Airlines System (later Malaysia Airlines)? with these bunch of rats gnawing on the pumpkin?

Under "a team of Malaysian entrepreneurs, airline professionals and managers and proud workforce", it could be achieved. 

MAS's predicament in the late 1990s was not because of "poor planning, mad management or sloppy operation. It was the affect of the 1997-8 Asian Financial Crisis (AFC 978)."

Since the newco is the endgame for the long number of years to systematically kill MAS and have a Mat Salleh, then Government should consider having a Mat Salleh to replace the existing Managing Director of Khazanah.

For that matter, the mamak conman Deputy Chairman too.

After all, Khazanah had being transformed systematically into something different from it's original intended incorporation.

Make sure it is a Scottish with a McKinsey surname.

Illegal immigrant not only Sabah problem, so stop politicising


DAP Sabah organised a forum last night entitled "Hopes for Sabah OR Cries of Sabah". The "Cries of Sabah" came from the title of Lim Kit Siang's book.

The usual vocal personalites on the Sabah RCI issues were invited, including Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan and Dato Wilfred Bumburiang. Priot to the event, DAP Sabah invited BN's PBS President, Datuk Pairin Kitingan and UMNO's Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan. [Read Daily Express here].

The intention to politicise the recently released RCI report is clear. DAP Sabah invited Pairin as the "victim" to the claimed Projek IC that saw him lost power and appointed as Chairman-designate of the Management Committee on the RCI matter. While, Rahman Dahlan was invitited to be vilified as 'noted apologist for Putrajaya" [read FMT here].

The politicising was only expected when Jeffrey called on the UMNO-led BN government at state and federal level as illegal government [read MI here]. 

However, there was an interesting twist last night when one of the speakers questioned the politicising of the RCI issue by both party; government and opposition and ask that it be looked as a national problem.

Zainal Ajamain, an authority and the activist actively in promoting the call to Respect the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (Hormati Perjanjian Malaysia 1963) ridiculed both sides. [His twitter here]

He blasted them for focusing their reactions on the Report of the Royal Commission of Enquiry on Illegal Immigrants in Sabah or RCI Report and making fruitless police reports.

Zainnal said the illegal immigrant problem is not only restricted to Sabah so the attitude must be to look at it as a national problem.

The Semenanjung side is facing the same problem with the Cameron Highlands incident as the tip of the iceberg. While, Sarawak is in the process of creating its own illegal immigrant problem.

Zainnal questioned the overzealousness of all parties in being the first to make a police report. After the RCI report was released, one party made a police report.

Before that, it was PBS. Zainnal said “Actually during the recent PBS Congress, the Prime Minister already offered Tan Sri Joseph Pairin the means to get this done – but instead of start cracking to establish the necessary mechanism and getting the necessary powers and authority– PBS went to make a Police Report.

"They are more interested to get cheap publicity, instead working to seek solutions – They are more interested to carry out a political event rather than making sure a solid process is established." 

Zainnal highlighted that the police is not in a position to act on a report based on a royal command and to investigate both Commissioners and witnesses given immunity under Act 119, Section 21.

It shows the lawmakers making the police reports are ignorant of the law.

Zainnal said, "To be honest, the Police reports that they are making are the same as they have already accepted the RCI Report and that they are making the Police reports because they are not satisfied with only some parts of the report."

Instead of making police reports, he insist on going over the 5,000 pages Commission’s transcripts.

Zainnal reminded Pairin that the offer was made not to the President of PBS but to a Deputy Chief Minister of Sabah for the reason that the problem of illegal immigrants is a Sabah problem and not a PBS problem.

He suggested that the body be established to solve the problem should be empowered to enforce, prosecure and arrest such as the various authorities under Home Ministry and able to develop strategies and seek solutions.

Sabah can be the subject expert in helping deal with the nationwide problems of illegal immigrants.

SUARAM's HR report resembled their Scorpene submarine allegations


Human rights is the raison d'etre of contemporary liberals.

The liberals placed so much importance on human right-ism that the individual human's right to practically do anything they wish have superceded the need for national security, community peace and harmony, economic prosperity, religious value and belief, public morality, and so on.

One such liberal group is SUARAM and in their quest for human's right, they are willing to lie, compromise national interest and destroy nation building.

SUARAM released it's 2014 Human Rights Overview of Malaysia three days ago on Tuesday. It can only be expected that there will be no glowing praises for Malaysia. And, it could make sense to say that Malaysia had not met their's or some International body's standard of human rights.

However, to say it is a new low for Malaysia is utterly ridiculous.

Couple of years ago before the 13th General Election, SUARAM was the suspected CIA-funded organisation made wild accusation of corruption and murder behind the purchase of submarine Scorpene.

When French court investigation documents were released to the public, it was proven that SUARAM's claims and allegations were an absolute sham.

All the claimed illegal money trail turned out to be fair and legit. 

New low?

In their report, they claimed there had been "increased repression on freedom of expression, assembly and association".

Compared to 10 or 15 years ago, Malaysia is now flourishing with endless politicial ceramah, demonstrations, unregistered NGOs making statements, Internet portals and social media, opposition backing mainstream media, etc.

All these activities are left unhindered. 

SUARAM claimed detention without trail is back in business. One wonder which law can that be done? Under Najib, ISA and the Emergency Ordinance had been abolished but the repeal of the Sedition Act has been U turned.

So it means there had been progress in that department, almost a complete if not heightened provocation on racial, religious and sovereignty threat by the left wing liberals, and oppositions. Compared to 10-15 years, it is a significant progress.

SUARAM claimed there had been increase arrest under several new laws. If the law is broken and upon being charged, the court found them guilty, what is the issue? The important point is the process of law had been undertaken.

Is SUARAM saying laws should not be enforced?

How could they claim human rights had reached a new low? Are they saying human rights abuses are better when ISA was law under Najib's predecessors?

No Dong Zong and Hindraf

In their report, they had, in coordination with other parties, including MCA, The Star, liberal inside UMNO, opposition parties, left wing NGOs, etc, conveniently blamed it on Perkasa and ISMA. However, they conveniently left out groups like Dong Zong, Hindraf or any off-shoot of the group, or many others.

In highlighting major trends developing in 2014 that worries them, they specifically blamed  Perkasa and ISMA but blamed them for increase of racial and religious hate speech. Both organisations maybe blunt and fiery in their remarks but it has seldom deviated from the rights stated in the constitution. Seldom it is a reaction to provocation from other parties.

Why were no mention was made on the provocateur of the law and constitution, such as church groups, Dong Zong, etc.? It takes two to tango.

No fault of employer?

Another factor mentioned was "free falling of international rankings on trafficking of persons and worst country for migrant workers".

If it is the worst country for migrant workers, how come Malaysia is saddled with illegal immigrant problems from endless stream of immigrants slipping inside from Sabah to Johor and all the way to the Thai border. 

Should any blame should be leveled at, it should not be the government but opportunistic businessmen and human traficking agents.

Any ill treatments should not be pointed any merely government officials but the employers. The authorities is just ill-equipped and under staffed to handle.

Destabilise government

They took up issue on the Enforcement Agency Integrity Commission (EAIC) for failing to make the police accountable for corruption and abuse of power. Could they provide any verifiable data to prove EAIC had failed?

This issue is only expected to come because they are insistence on their proposed IPCMC and any other approach of dealing with the matter will never be acceptable.

Most organisation deal with disciplinary issues internally and external parties like MACC are brought in when corruption offenses done. Why should it be different with police?

They claimed intimidation by Home Ministry and ROS on few of the civil liberties NGOs aligned to them. How inconsistent they are when they could be insistent on NGOs like Perkasa and ISMA be denied freedom of expression?

Groups like COMANGO have been making wild accusation and slandering on human rights abuses in Malaysia at local and international forums but they had deviously denied any parties from Malaysia to explain the truth or at least, the other side of the story.

Finally on the international ranking, where are Israel, US, Angola and other outright human right offenders placed?

SUARAM will never give any honest answer to all these replies and inconsistencies. The reason being their intention is nothing more than to weaken government instutution and law and order to enable intervention from their foreign minders. 

The press release below:     


9 December 2014

Launch of the 2014 Suaram Human Rights Report Overview

2014: A New Low for Human Rights Under Najib’s Administration

Suaram is pleased to launch its 2014 Human Rights Overview of Malaysia today in conjunction with the International Human Rights Day, which falls on December 10.

The Overview concludes that the year 2014 represents a new low for human rights in Malaysia under Najib’s administration, charaterized by the increased repression on freedom of expression, assembly and association, detention without trial back into business as usual, free falling of international rankings on trafficking of persons and worst country for migrant workers and epitomized by the prime minister’s infamous about-turn decision on his public promises to repeal the Sedition Act at the UMNO General Assembly.

Suaram wishes to highlight six major trends developed in 2014 that are worrying and warrant immediate actions from the government and the general public to halt their development.

Firstly, the increase of racial and religious hate speech by right wing groups such as Perkasa and Isma. Such incitements are no longer only coming from the government or ruling parties’ politicians.  Despite their incitement of hatred and violence, these non-state actors have enjoyed a free reign in threatening and intimidating other racial and religious minorities with almost total impunity under Najib’s administration. This is in stark contradiction to the moderation that has been preached by the prime minister at international high profile meetings. Suaram warns that if no action is taken to halt such development by the government, such trends will not only undermine freedom of religion and racial equality, but will eventually go out of hand and destroy the social fabric of the multi-ethnic, multi-cultural and multi-religious society of Malaysia.

Secondly, with prime minister Najib Razak caved in to the right wing groups, Sedition Act has been invoked arbitrarily to investigate or charge or convict 44 individuals in 2014 who were allegedly challenged the monarchy, Islam, the Malay special positions, the government and the judiciary when they merely exercising their right to freedom of expression. The chilling effects of the Sedition Act have harmed freedom of expression, which is crucial for a functioning democracy.

Thirdly, 2014 saw the return of detention without trial in full force, following the introduction of the Security Offences (Special Preventive Measures) Act 2012 (SOSMA) and the Prevention of Crime (Amendment) Act 2013 (POCA), essentially replacing the abolished Internal Security Act 1960 and the Emergency (Public order and Prevention of Crime) Ordinance 1969. In 2014, through to November, 31 people have been detained under SOSMA, bringing the total to 146 since SOSMA came into force. Another 116 were reportedly detained without trial under POCA in the first month of POCA came into force in April 2014 while no official figures was given by the government on those detained under the Dangerous Drugs (Special Preventive Measures) Act 1985. More injustice is expected to take place under detention without trial in the coming years. 

Fourthly, the Malaysian police continued to operate with little oversight with the continued resistance of the government in establishing the Independent Police Complaint and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC). To make matter worse, even the ineffective Enforcement Agency Integrity Commission (EAIC) was without chairperson and commissioners between April and November 2014, effectively rendered the commission a defunct institution. Meanwhile, 13 cases of death in police custody were reported in the year through November, a figure similar as in 2013 despite the announcement of establishing of coroner’s court in every state by the de facto law minister Nancy Shukri in April. The institutional reform of the police force introduced under Najib’s administration has thus far failed to hold the police force accountable for corruption and abuse of power.

Fifthly, there have been increased attacks on the right to freedom of association of civil society and opposition parties, leading to the shrinking space and environment for organizing dissent. The intimidation launched by the Home Ministry and the Registrar of Society on the Coalition of Malaysian NGOs in the UPR Process (COMANGO), Negara-ku, Sarawak Association for Peoples' Aspiration (SAPA), Sisters in Islam (SIS) in 2014 is a continuation of such trend of intimidation of Bersih 2.0 and Suaram in 2013.

Finally, 2014 is a disastrous year for non-citizen in Malaysia as well. Refugees, migrant workers, and victims of trafficking continued to be treated terribly, a fact which was highlighted in Malaysia drop in ranking in the US State Department’s Annual “Trafficking in Persons” Report to tier three and its poor showing in the “Global Rights Index: The World’s Worst Countries for Workers,” where Malaysia was ranked alongside Laos, Cambodia, Qatar, North Korea, and Zimbabwe.  

Suaram urges the government to take immediate actions in stopping and reversing the above six major trends of human rights violations. This should include, but not limited to, a thorough and comprehensive law reform of all outdated legislations; legislate the necessary law such as freedom of information law, anti-torture law and refugee law; ratify all major international human rights treaties; establish the necessary independent institutions such as the Independent Police Complaint and Misconduct Commission and Equality Commission; put in place a National Human Rights Action Plan; carry out nation-wide human rights education program; etc.

Suaram also calls on the silent majority of fellow Malaysians who love peace and harmony, who cherish human dignity and fundamental liberties, who value democracy, who treasure the richness of multi-ethnic, multi-religious and multi-cultural society, to rise up and speak out against human rights violations. The silent majority cannot afford to sit idle anymore while watching the development of our beloved country being held ransom by a small group of extremists.

For inquiry, please contact:

Mr. Yap Swee Seng, Executive Director, tel: +60 12 2015272 or email: detention@suaram.net

Eminent concern or Eminent deception?


On Monday, The Star published an open letter from 25 Malay former senior government servants, ambassadors, professionals and activists expressing their concern on unresolved disputes on Islamic law and called on the leadership to initiate a consultation process.

The pro-opposition alternative media have dubbed them as the 25 Eminent Malays.

Their felt there is an unclear division on federal-state power on Islamic matter and incursion by Islamic authorities beyond their jurisdiction thus a need for a consultation to resolve.

The idea of a consultation is fine and had been advocated by this blog before. [Read our 2013 Christmas wish here and 2007 lecture review here].

Problem with past initiative for consultative process is that it could not get off the ground due to the adversarial nature of legal issues.

Attempt for consultation like NUCC had been marred by attempt from certain party to exclude certain party/ies. For this supposedly sincere concern, there was unnecessary blame insinuated and openly mentioned towards certain parties. The blamed parties have big followings but they were intended to be excluded from process of consultation.

The mere mention of "As moderate Muslims ..." made us cautious of a certain agenda being promoted [read on theological warfare in Civil Democratic Islam here].

We are Muslims, no further categorisation required. 

The letter in blue and our comment in black, below:


Published: Monday December 8, 2014 MYT 12:00:00 AM
Updated: Monday December 8, 2014 MYT 8:02:31 AM

Need for a consultative process

WE, a group of concerned citizens of Malaysia, would like to express how disturbed and deeply dismayed we are, over the continuing unresolved disputes on the position and application of Islamic laws in this country.

The on-going debate over these matters display a lack of clarity and understanding on the place of Islam within our constitutional democracy.

Moreover, they reflect a serious breakdown of federal-state division of powers, both in the areas of civil and criminal jurisdictions.

We refer specifically to the current situation where religious bodies seem to be asserting authority beyond their jurisdiction; where issuance of various fatwa violate the Federal Constitution and breach the democratic and consultative process of shura; where the rise of supremacist NGOs accusing dissenting voices of being anti-Islam, anti-monarchy and anti-Malay has made attempts at rational discussion and conflict resolution difficult; and most importantly, where the use of the Sedition Act hangs as a constant threat to silence anyone with a contrary opinion.

Comment: It is only the forth para and the unnecessary bashing (in italics) began.

Dato Saifuddin Abdullah, a WANTED name to the eyes of many, made no bone to target his bashing on Perkasa and ISMA. Read in his FB here.

Refering to the statement, is it logical for such religious matter like fatwa be subjected to Federal Constitution, democratic practise and consultation beyond the learned elders of the faith?

If the intrusion of legalistically inclined into the realm of religious affair is not bad enough, a non-Muslim lawyer had openly commented that the Quran has to be re-interpreted.

Yet the 25 Eminent Malays did not response and decided that ...

These developments undermine Malaysia’s commitment to democratic principles and rule of law, breed intolerance and bigotry, and have heightened anxieties over national peace and stability.

As moderate Muslims, we are particularly concerned with the statement issued by Minister Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom, in response to the recent Court of Appeal judgement on the right of transgendered women to dress according to their identity.

Jamil viewed the right of the transgender community and Sisters in Islam (SIS) to seek legal redress as a “new wave of assault on Islam” and as an attempt to lead Muslims astray from their faith, and put religious institutions on trial in a secular court.

Comment:Ah ... the moderate Muslim term.

Isn't it strange that a Minister on Islamic affair not be allowed to express his view on a wave that is obvious and had been building up since the Lina Joy case?

Are they trying to handcuff a Minister from undertaking a position and exercising his authority?

Article 121 (1A) on the division of syariah and civil case clear, thus where does it undermine the rule of law. In the opinion of former CJ, Tun Hamid, the transgender case is not the purview of the Court of Appeal. Perhaps, so does the SIS case.

Are these 25 eminent people contemptously trying to sway the court through their influence on public opinion? Only Islam Liberal and Pluralist believed that there should be room for ijtihad for the unlearned.

Upon expressing their legal concern, they steer into politics ....

Such an inflammatory statement from a Federal Minister (and not for the first time) sends a public message that the Prime Minister’s commitment to the path of moderation need not be taken seriously when a Cabinet minister can persistently undermine it.

These issues of concern that we raise are of course difficult matters to address given the extreme politicisation of race and religion in this country.

However, we believe there is a real need for a consultative process that will bring together experts in various fields, including Islamic and Constitutional laws, and those affected by the application of Islamic laws in adverse ways.

Comment: Would they be SINCERE to bring all the relevant expertise or in the case of the NUCC, the experts that meets their purpose?

We also believe the Prime Minister is best placed with the resources and authority to lead this consultative process.

It is urgent that all Malaysians are invested in finding solutions to these longstanding areas of conflict that have led to the deterioration of race relations, eroded citizens’ sense of safety and protection under the rule of law, and undermined stability.

Comment: To do this, it has to be done with sincerity and in the course to include the minority, it must not exclude the majority.

There are many pressing issues affecting all of us that need the urgent leadership and vision of the Prime Minister, the support of his Cabinet and all moderate Malaysians. They include:

Comment: From the claim as moderate Muslim, they then claim themselves as the voice of moderate Malaysians. Are they representative of certain quantifiable numbers of followers or members that is comparable to the followers and members of PERKASA and ISMA?

Is their so-called categorised moderate Malaysians the majority?

Their issues...

i) A plural legal system that has led to many areas of conflict and overlap between civil and syariah laws. In particular there is an urgent need to review the Syariah Criminal Offences (SCO) laws of Malaysia.

These laws which turn all manner of “sins” into crimes against the state have led to confusion and dispute in both substance and implementation.

They are in conflict with Islamic legal principles and constitute a violation of fundamental liberties and state intrusion into the private lives of citizens. In 1999, the Cabinet directed the Attorney-General’s Chambers to review the SCO laws.

But to this day, they continue to be enforced with more injustices perpetrated.

The public outrage, debates over issues of jurisdiction, judicial challenge, accusations of abuses committed, gender discrimination, and deaths and injuries caused in moral policing raids have eroded the credibility of the SCO laws, the law-making process, and public confidence that Islamic law could indeed bring about justice.

Comment: So Government is not efficient. What is the new development then?

So far merely presumption and generalisation made. Specifics please!
ii) The lack of public awareness, even among top political leaders, on the legal jurisdiction and substantive limits of the powers of the religious authorities and administration of Islamic laws in Malaysia.

The Federal Constitution is the supreme law of the land and any law enacted, including Islamic laws, cannot violate the Constitution, in particular the provisions on fundamental liberties, federal-state division of powers and legislative procedures.

All Acts, Enactments and subsidiary legislations, including fatwas, are bound by constitutional limits and are open to judicial review.

Comment: What specifics has the Islamic laws (or Syariah Criminal Offense) violate the fundamental liberties and federal-state division of authority in the Constitution? Does civil criminal offense not violate fundamental liberties should a prison sentence be applied?

iii) The need to ensure the right of citizens to debate the ways Islam is used as a source of public law and policy in this country.

The Islamic laws of Malaysia are drafted by the Executive arm of government and enacted in the Legislative bodies by human beings.

Their source may be divine, but the enacted laws are not divine. They are human made and therefore fallible, open to debate and challenge to ensure that justice is upheld.

Comment:Ah ... the Islam Liberals and Plural argument against the authority of ulamak. It only shows the liberalists and pluralists ignorance in the process to issue fatwa.

If the application is not as divine, then are they ready for hudud law? Surely they will say no.

iv) The need to promote awareness of the rich diversity of interpretive texts and juristic opinions in the Islamic tradition.

This includes conceptual legal tools that exist in the tradition that enable reform to take place and the principles of equality and justice to be upheld, in particular in response to the changing demands, role and status of women in the family and community.

Comment: True, but it has to be interpreted by those with authority and adhered by opinionated former senior civil servants, ambassadors, professionals and activists.

Not the other way around.

v) The need for the Prime Minister to assert his personal leadership as well as appoint key leaders who will, in all fairness, champion open and coherent debate and discourse on the administration of Islamic laws in this country to ensure that justice is done.

We especially urge that the leadership sends a clear signal that rational and informed debate on Islamic laws in Malaysia and how they are codified and implemented are not regarded as an insult to Islam or to the religious authorities.

Comment: So far it is an insult and open request of an uninformed nature. How do you start to even begin a rational and informed debate?

These issues may seem complex to many, but at the end of the day, it really boils down to this: as Muslims, we want Islamic law, even more than civil law, to meet the highest standards of justice precisely because it claims to reflect divine justice.

Therefore, those who act in the name of Islam through the administration of Islamic law must bear the responsibility of demonstrating that justice is done, and is seen to be done.

Comment: Thus, those with neither the responsibility nor authority, power-wise or knowledge-wise, should trust that the practising and learned Muslims are equally and perhaps more concerned in their aspiration to attain divine justice.  

When Islam was revealed to our Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. in 7th century Arabia, it was astoundingly revolutionary and progressive.

Over the centuries, the religion has guided believers through harsh and challenging times.

Comment: To appreciate so, the believers must learn to understand Islam from the perspective of Islam and not from a skewed and slanted liberal or pluralist view of orientalist.

It is our fervent belief that for Islam to continue to be relevant and universal in our times, the understanding, codification and implementation of the teachings of our faith must continue to evolve.

Comment: Evolve? Religion cannot be applied Darwin's questionable theory of biological transformation. Refinement could be more accurate.

Only with this, can justice, as enjoined by Allah S.W.T. prevail.

1. Tan Sri Datuk Abdul Rahim Din
Former Secretary-General, Home Ministry

2. Tan Sri Ahmad Kamil Jaafar
Former Secretary-General, Foreign Ministry

3. Tan Sri Dr Aris Othman
Former Secretary-General, Finance Ministry

4. Tan Sri Dr Ismail Merican
Former Director-General, Health Ministry

5. Tan Sri Datuk Mohd Sheriff Mohd Kassim
Former Secretary-General, Finance Ministry

6. Tan Sri Datuk Dr Mustaffa Babjee
Former Director-General, Veterinary Services

7. Tan Sri Nuraizah Abdul Hamid
Former Secretary-General
Energy, Communications and Multimedia Ministry

8. Tan Sri Dr Yahya Awang
Cardiothoracic Surgeon and
Core Founder, National Heart Institute

9. Datuk Seri Shaik Daud Md Ismail
Former Court of Appeal Judge

10. Datuk Abdul Kadir Mohd Deen
Former Ambassador

11. Datuk Anwar Fazal
Former Senior Regional Advisor
United Nations Development Programme

12. Datuk Dali Mahmud Hashim
Former Ambassador

13. Datuk Emam Mohd Haniff Mohd Hussein
Former Ambassador

14. Datuk Faridah Khalid
Representative of Women’s Voice

15. Datuk Latifah Merican Cheong
Former Assistant Governor, Bank Negara

16. Lt Gen (Rtd) Datuk Maulob Maamin
Lieutenant General (Rtd)

17. Datuk Noor Farida Ariffin
Former Ambassador

18. Datuk Ranita Hussein
Former Suhakam Commissioner

19. Datuk Redzuan Kushairi
Former Ambassador

20. Datuk Dr Sharom Ahmat
Former Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Universiti Sains Malaysia

21. Datuk Syed Arif Fadhillah
Former Ambassador

22. Datuk Zainal Abidin Ahmad
Former Director-General
Malaysian Timber Industry Board

23. Datuk Zainuddin Bahari
Former Deputy Secretary-General
Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Ministry

24. Datin Halimah Mohd Said
Former Lecturer, Universiti Malaya and President,
Association of Voices of Peace, Conscience and Reason (PCORE)

25. Hendon Mohamad
Past President, Malaysian Bar


The indirect attack on Perkasa and ISMA, published by Dato Wong Chun Wai's The Star and affirmed by Saifuddin's statement only leads to the suspicion it is orchestrated by Global Movement for Moderate (GMM), hijackers of the term wassatiyah.

Board of Trustees of GMM is chaired by Tan Sri Razali Ismail, and Wong and Redzuan Khusairi as members [see the Board of Trustee here]. Saifuddin is the CEO [see here].

Among the many, Saifuddin and Wong have been known to be fervent critics of Perkasa and ISMA. Saifuddin has exploited his media social platforms for this purpose. Wong used his DAP-studded, The Star newspaper.

He criticised and negatively label Perkasa, ISMA and any emerging voices championing Islam and Malay constitutional rights. As someone believed by blogger Helen Ang as an agent of deceiptful "evangelism", Wong had been instrumental in suppressing any voices demanding such rights from being exercised. 

He has been a constant voice demanding the prosecution for Dato Ibrahim Ali for the Malay Bible burning despite told of no case by Attorney General, Tan Sri Gani Patail. No decent thinking AG would charge Ibrahim Ali with a federal court judgement on the Malay Bible with kalimah Allah in his favour.

Ibrahim Ali was recently acquited by the Court of Appeal for contempt of court [read MI here]. He plans to sue Wong [read FMT here] and maybe even Khairy. Any more nasty remarks from the likes of Dato Wee Ka Siong, and Dato Nurjazlan, they should make themselves ready too.

Strangely, none came from the opposition.

With this in the background, there had been few bad exchanges between some of the 25 personalities with Perkasa and ISMA position holders. It only divert what ever good intention left of the 25 Eminent Malays.

The impact of the 25 influential Eminent Malays has yet to be ascertained but opposition leaders like Teresa Kok and liberal PAS like Dato Mahfuz Omar have jumped in with the hope to gain the support of government servants.

However, in a conversation yesterday with a former senior civil servant and contemporary to those named, he expressed surprise and doubt they have betrayed the common cause they held on to. Before that in a private conversation,  one Tan Sri said senior civil servants do not make such position openly and would usually do so discreetly. An Islamic activist-lawyer had his father-in-law in the list and doubt had such strong legal view against Islamic religious authorities.

Thus, could some of the eminent names been deceived?

Maybe some had agreed to a certain objective of the open letter but instead, it was written and/or published differently. Wong probably knows as to who wrote it.

He has expressed willingness to see Ibrahim in court [read The Star here]. It is not usual for this lallang to be this brave.

Could there be more not known behind this open letter? With so many outstanding interfaith issues, it is the cross dressing and SIS cases that was given prominence.

Interesting ...

* Edited  10.30 AM 14/12/20


Comes a time
when you're driftin'
Comes a time
when you settle down
Comes a light
feelin's liftin'
Lift that baby
right up off the ground.

Oh, this old world
keeps spinning round
It's a wonder tall trees
ain't layin' down
There comes a time.

You and I we were captured
We took our souls
and we flew away
We were right
we were giving
That's how we kept
what we gave away.

Oh, this old world
keeps spinning round
It's a wonder tall trees
ain't layin' down
There comes a time.

- Neil Young (1978)

Divorce case to answer decades old rumour


The divorce case between the MUI and Laura Ashley's tycoon, Tan Sri Khoo Kay Peng and wife of more than 30 years and former Miss Malaysia, Puan Sri Pauline Chai is on-going in court.

Initialy, Pauline filed for the divorce to be trailed in the UK but the Malaysian court decided it be held in Malaysia. If it had been in the UK, she felt her chance are better and the settlement could be 50:50.

Prior to the case, sordid family story had been spilled out in public. Contrary to Khoo's image as a born again Christian, it was revealed he was cruel and practically abandoned his children [read in MMO here].

There are people who accused the children to side with mother for a cut of her eventual settlement. It looks to be a typical scene in LA Law TV drama but that is their family business.

Our interest is only how the wealth of Khoo would eventually be divided up. In particular, how will the one block of 20% shares in MUI be sorted out. Will it get mention in court?

Holy than thou, huh ...

An interesting article in The Star:

Pic left: Tan Sri Khoo Kay Peng. Pic right: Chai (2nd from left) attending the court hearing in Kuala Lumpur recently.

High cost of a divorce

Saturday, 8 November 2014

HAVING to go through a bitter divorce can be excruciating for all parties but when the person involved is a big corporate figure, then the dimensions can take on a different perspective.

Being in the public eye means greater scrutiny to proceedings in the court and the end result can mean a substantial loss of wealth for the corporate figure should the judgement go against him.

That scenario is at stake in the divorce battle between Tan Sri Khoo Kay Peng (pic), the founder of the MUI Group and chairman of Laura Ashley, and his wife and former Miss Malaysia Puan Sri Pauline Chai Siew Phin.

The fight in the High Court between the parties is to determine jurisdiction and domicile issues. The decision of the court will be telling as Chai has filed for divorce in London and the High Court there has agreed to hear the case on Khoo’s behest.

It seems as if Khoo is reluctant to want to the divorce to be heard in London. But the current scenario could end up in a highly irregular situation: both the courts in Malaysia and in the UK could end up hearing the divorce petitions of this case.

Lawyers say such a scenario has never happened before, at least in a case involving Malaysian and UK courts.

Chai has succeeded to have the case heard in London premumably because of the generous awards by divorce courts in London, which has given rise to the monicker Divorce Capital of the World.

That is why the court hearings in Kuala Lumpur are filled with claims and counterclaims on the areas of domicile with regards to where Chai resides.

If the case is heard in London then the sums paid out can be extraordinary. The record divorce payout is held by late Russian oligarch Boris Berezovsky. It was reported that he paid up to RM842mil (£160mil) to his former wife Galina Besharova in 2011.

The press in London argue that the settlement between Khoo and Chia could break that amount.

Impact on the businessman

The impact on any businessman going through a divorce would be the settlement amount he has to pay. If the payout is substantial, then it could burn a hole in his pocket.

“It has an indirect impact if the businessman has to sell his assets,” says a family law litigator.

“If he is a good businessman he can recover but if he is going to give half his wealth away, then it would be hard to do so.”

In Khoo’s case, Chai is expected to demand half of Khoo’s estimated RM2.3bil (£440mil) fortune, according to British media.

Khoo has a wide ranging business empire which stems from the MUI Group which owns a plethora of assets but the value of his wealth differs from what the British media says.

MUI owns 100% of Corus Hotel and 35% of Laura Ashley. Khoo directly and indirectly owns 47.67% of MUI and he has a 25% direct interest in Laura Ashley.

Furthermore Khoo owns almost 100% of Central Point Group. Corus Hotels Ltd has net assets of £119.7mil and Forbes values Khoo at £193mil.

Even though the MUI Group is a pale shadow of what it used to be, after having been hit badly during the Asian financial crisis, it is still worth a sizeable amount of money.

Its market capitalisation is RM733.1mil while the market capitalisation of Laura Ashley is RM1.09bil (£205mil).

If the divorce case is heard in Kuala Lumpur then the payout by Khoo will be far less than what the High Court in London will dish out to Chai.

The impact of a divorce on the businesses that are control or owned by Khoo is said to be negligible.

Out of court settlement

Khoo is not the first and he would not be the last businessman to have gone through a messy divorce.

In the late 1990s, Tan Sri Halim Saad was entangled in a divorce case with his wife Puan Sri Norani Zolkifli that was splashed over the news.

In the end, the divorce was settled out of court as was the divorce between Tan Sri Lim Kok Wing and his former wife Puan Sri Tessie Lim Kok Wing. It was reported that Lim agreed to pay RM11.65mil as part-settlement for his divorce and alimony to his wife.

Datuk Seri Mahmud Abu Bekir Taib is now embroiled in a divorce case with his former wife Shahnaz Abdul Majid who is seeking more than RM384mil in a seperation payout. The news of the court preceedings fed salacious interest among the public on the intricarcies of life of the powerful and wealthy.

Lawyers say it is for that reason that most divorce cases involving the rich and famous tend to be settled out of court as the last thing they want is to reveal private details about their wealth and lives.

“If it is a high-profile case, they will try to settle out of court. It is privacy that they want,” says a lawyer.
MUI was a counter we used to dabble in when we first started losing our savings in order to learn about playing the stock market.

That was in the early part of our working life in the early 80s.

Back then, MUI was said to be associated with a certain politician. Khoo seems to be able to get whatever he wish for.

He had a macai in a former ITM lecturer, who acts as his proxy in certain counters. However, the whole market linked MUI with this politician.

The politician was a high flyer from a young age. Still in politics, but rather dormant.

These days he is heard to work himself through NGO and trying to revive the visions of Tunku Abdul Rahman. And he is being rumoured to try do another 916.

His portion kept under proxy with Khoo could be revealed in the open in court should his portion is taken out from balance to be divided.

That is unless he is not willing to have it made known and allow it to be foregone. It will be one expensive cost to maintain a name.

If there is no such exclusiom, there will be no truth to the decades old rumour.

A mysterious elephant and the blind men


Overnight, an elephant mysteriously appeared in a small village populated by blind men. The villager could only hear the sound of the elephant trumpeting.

The village head call the animal as One Mysterious Darwin in memory of the scientist Darwin. One mysterious Darwin is more polite and respectable than calling the poor creature one miserable dumbo.

After placing out a bunch of banana and water, the animal became approachable. The blind villagers hurdled around to touch and figure out what is the animal.

One blind villager held one of it's feet. He said, "This animal has feet like a tree trunk. It must be strong and unwavering to winds."

Another village held it's tail. He replied, "The animal feels like a rope with bushy end. Suspicious ..."

The blind villagers holding one ear said, "I do not know what to make out of this animal but it feels like a large wing. This could be a very big bird and can fly and disappear in a big way." 

One elderly villager said, "It can't be a bird. From my end it feel slippery, smooth and pointed. Very sophisticated and probably very complicated animal," said one elderly blind villager. 

Then one lady holding the trunk howled, "Yes, it is smooth but wet at the end of a snake-like body. It feel like a moving tree branch. It could suck water into the animal body and suck to spray water elsewhere"

"No," said another villager.

"It is like a wall," he said referring to the elephant body.

"Just can't past through or even push it. We will never know what it is."

The villagers decide to get some consultants to come over and examine the animal. They called their blind friends working as consultants.

The blind consultants came and hurdled around the animal.

One of the clever consultant friend touched the body and concluded, "Ah this animal is a burden. It is too big and we will need a lot of money to feed it. What kind of food does it take? How much water it consume?"

While, another clever consultant holding the trunk said. "I am not worried about that. As long as it is useful, it can be used to generate income. This trunk can be useful for work. It can lessen the villager  daily burden. And we can get our consultancy fees....

"Only thing is do we give the animal the food first before it generate income for the villagers or generate the income first before giving the animal food," he asked.

The cleverest among them was holding the tusk.

"This pointed object could be used by the animal to get food in the wild. It's material is smooth and hard. There is something exotic about the tusk.

"It must be a premium to own and can generate high return. With the high return, we can do many things and be very creative."

The consultant at the tail replied, "That is interesting.

"However, we are all blind and the villagers are also blind. We only understand about this animal from what we could get hold off. We do not know whether this animal is safe or dangerous to hold."

The cleverest blind consultant agree.

"I think it would be a great idea for the villagers to keep this animal. It is an attraction and can generate income for the villagers. We can get someone to help them tend the animal. We should convince the villagers in the simplest of language."

The clever blind consultant holding the tail felt differently. He cautioned them, "No, we need to get some expert or someone familiar with the animal convinced it is safe and useful first. If the expert are not convinced, we should not pursue.

"No point of us trying to convince the villagers. The experts will say something else and the villagers will stop believing us."

The clever consultant touching the body still ask, "How are we to generate the money to help the villagers?"

Hillary admited American conspiracy against Islam


As bombs start dropping in Syria and Iraq, the world is once again being asked to cower in fear of a shadowy terror group that most people hadn't heard of just a few months ago.

But even the most cursory examination of ISIS's past, its connections, and the actors populating it reveal a very different story than the one we are being asked to believe in.

Fake terrorists. Foreign backers. False flags. Meet the new boogeyman, same as the old boogeyman.
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