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Hishamuddin disagree with submarine purchase


That title should come with a question mark but it seems that putting a title with a question mark is not good journalism. Ah well ... we are not journalist and for once, let's try put this poser without a question mark.

Defense Minister, Dato Hishamuddin Hussein Onn was in Kota Kinabalu yesterday to complete his 3 day tour. He visited the Royal Malaysian Navy base in Telok Sepanggar and was given coverage by  NST today in page 10.  

The top page news would only attract the attention of those avid followers of the military but the one below is a puller.

At a time, when there was supposed to be a truce, there is no a need for Hishamuddin to comment.

It is similar to him disputing Dato Dr Zahid Hamidi statement that previous Ministers have made similar correspondance to his controversial FB story. His name was not mentioned but he had to make a denial after the issues has died down.

It gives the impression that he wants to fight and keep the Zahid issue burning. Subsequently,  FMT got a statement from a previous Home Minister, Tan Sri Syed Hamid Albar. Only thing, Syed Hamid said he couldn't remember signing such letter.

Supposed it was not, then it could be a bad habit of Hishamuddin to seek media publicity. Both Hishamuddin and Zahid should not have such habit, because Defense Minister and Home Minister should only speak when there are probblems.

We are not going to dispute that comment because it was not what this posting was about. There is the pro and con to what he said. Lengthy ... so if any readers need to discuss the so-called quarrel between Tun Mahathir and Tun Daim versus Dato Najib, do read and comment in our previous posting, "Was the attack on Tun Daim for real?"

As we read that article, we realised he said something which became his opener to his so-called attampt to come to the defense of Najib.

For the likes of me, that is a ridiculous statement and bordering on recklessness. It sound someone not doing his homework and lacking sensitivity before talking. He is on the RMN base and saying as though the purchase of the Scorpene submarines was problematic.

Does he know that the previous Navy Chief was the one that requisition for it?

Not only that, the Navy need more than 2 submarines, at least 2 more to meet their requirement. Vietnam has 6, Indonesia 7, and Singapore has more than us. Malaysia have 2 but marred with unnecessary controversy, no thanks to Anwar Ibrahim and a group within UMNO.

It is also a good idea to have Maritime Patrol Aircrafts (MPA) to compliment the submarine warfare system.

Navy also need more frigates, multi-role ships, and many others in their grocery list. Thus, it would be an insult to the Navy to insinuate that the purchase of an asset they need, wanted and lobbied for was a mistake of past administration. 

If he is telling Tun M to stop finger-pointing on the submarine purchase, when did Tun M ever criticise the submarines purchase?

Hishamuddin sounded lost and perhaps, need to get something clear.

The submarine was purchased at a time Tun Mahathir was Prime Minister, Dato Najib was Defense Minister, delivered during the premiership of Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and all along Hishamuddin was in the cabinet.

He had always been part of the collective responsiblity in the decision to purchase the submarines. Thus he cannot claim not to know.

When we saw the page, the first thing that came to our mind was the MPA but then it is not. It is air defense for the base. But, upon reading further, we realised it was not yet a closure but only suggestion.

There is no online link to the NST news so we quote from Bernama below:
Teluk Sepanggar Naval Base To Get Advanced Air Defence System - Hishammuddin

KOTA KINABALU, Jan 25 (Bernama) -- The Royal Malaysian Navy (TLDM) base in Teluk Sepanggar here will be equipped with an advanced air defence system to combat future threats and challenges.

Defence Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein said the move was in line with rapid technological developments and the needs of TLDM to handle the current scenario in South China Sea and eastern Sabah waters.

"In this context, it is aimed at ensuring our base is safe. Whatever the defence system, it will be determined later," he told reporters after visiting and inspecting the development of the Kota Kinabalu TLDM base in Teluk Sepanggar here, today.

He said the plan was one of the efforts to upgrade the base comprehensively against any threats, especially in the waters of the state.

However, he said any upgrade and additional national defence assets would depend on the country's economic capability, political situation and potential threats.

Apart from that, Hishammuddin said the Scorpene submarine refit infrastructure under construction at the base was 12 per cent completed and according to schedule.

He said the infrastructure, encompassing the construction of three main workshops for the maintenance of submarine equipment and storage, was expected to reduce the cost of maintenance of the country's two submarines, KD Tunku Abdul Rahman and KD Tun Razak.

"There will be periodic maintenance to ensure the submarines operate to the maximum duration of 35 years, which will be carried out by the government with the cooperation of Boustead DCNS Naval Corporation Sdn Bhd," he said.

The Kota Kinabalu TLDM base, built in 2001 comprises the Naval Region II headquarters and the submarine base headquarters and enjoys close cooperation with Brunei and the Philippines through annual exercises.

The base also serves a port of call for for several foreign ships from the United States, Australia, Brunei, France, Japan, Singapore and India.

Hishamuddin today concluded his three-day working visit to Sabah to look into the preparedness of security forces especially in the Eastern Sabah Security Zone (ESSZone).


The submarine base does not have an air defense. It is only part of what is called Ground Based Air Defense or GBAD and monitored by the Sector Operational Control (SOC). At sea, ships are completed with Area or Local Area or Point Defense Missile System.

Quite sure Hishamuddin may have been supportive and sincerely looking for ways and means to support in his closed door brief. Since it is only suggestion, why need to announced it already?

Why the need to talk about periodic maintenance of the submarine to the press since that is part and parcel of owning a submarine?! The Star even gave made a report here on it as though giving a hand to reignite another the submarine not submerging spin. 

And, why the heck should he emphasised that the base will be the port of call for foreign ship? What does he have in mind?

Hishamuddin must stop behaving like a media whore. This can be dangerous at times. If it is not necessary, do not say anything. If not sure, do not commit anything.

Defense Minister is not a diplomat that need to meet and regularly be friendly with other Defense Ministers, General and Admirals. Any of your counterparts could turned enemy even in the most remote of situation.

Heaven sake, have some level of paranoia.

In a previous posting here, we hinted of "Lahad Datu, Washington, Yangoon and Katmandu". We accidently left out Bintulu, happen to know about Abu Dhabi, and now tempted to add Sepangar.

One advise to Hishamuddin, who is in an important and strategic position, is "Koho koho ....". When doing his job, he has to put aside his politics and public relation. The defense of the realm is about  country's existence.

Don't goof this one!

On rotan and Datum, everyone missed the plotsss ...


Was reading the paper and social media all morning.

It may have a happy or unhappy ending, but something noticeable was how easy issues can get loss in translation by the wrong statement or misleading reporting.

The blame can be leveled on the person making the statement or the communication support but at the end of the day, the public are also too gullible to miss the real message and easily diverted by headlines and discussion.

The above picture is a classsic. The Minister, her supporter, communication unit and public missed the whole point of the issue. In this one, it has a happy ending.


Sarawakian PBB Minister for the Ministry for Women, Family and Social Development (MWFSD), Datuk Seri Rohani Abbdul Karim made a statement on canning on children.

The Ministry must be taking advantage of the recent child neglect case that was getting public attention. Child neglect is part of child abuse in the Child Protection Act. And, sometime ago, there was statement of Ministry updating the law on child abuse in the light of the imprisonment of two parents in Sweden for child abuse.

That headline and the highlight to conform to the CRC got the public wild.

Modern parents tend to refrain from capital punishment and apply more psychology in disciplining their children but that statement has bigger implication.

It is not only about the traditional "spare the rod spoil a child" mantra but also it is something part and parcel of raising children to be practising Muslims. More frightening to the Muslims about CRC is below:

The social media was spreading opinions, theological views, statements, cartoons, and P Ramlee videos and meme, including statement from Wanita UMNO Chief and former Minister for MWSWD, Dato Shahrizat Jalil.

Shahrizat clarified that CRC is not so rigid as to ignore local tradition. She is a modern parent but is quite aware of the local and religous sentiment to the issue. It is only fair on her to express the view of Wanita UMNO.

Pity those parents like our mother whose got to handle 7 rambunctious boys. Yes, our family was like the family in the old musical "Seven brides for seven brothers." 

But, NST made it a headline looking like this:

As if we have not got our hands full with Hishamuddin and Zahid rivalry, Tun Mahathir and Tun Daim issues with Dato Najib, and now this. That send out a message as though the current Minister is at logger head with past Minister below:

Thank you NST, yesterday Hishamuddin and today it is Rohani. See the picture below:

Hopefully it does not turn into a rivalry between Wanita PBB versus Wanita UMNO. Not with Sarawak state election coming up in a year or slightly more.

In a press statement from the Ministry's communication unit explained that it is only meant for juvenile punishment. Or is it?

However, something good coming out of it is that the public is now talking about caning in raising children. Old school or modern psychological ways, hope the issue carry over to the subject of parenting and child abuse.

Since the Mrs have been doing industrial relation type of admin work, she has changed her stance on modern approach. She has been complaining of rising indiscipline and couldn't care less atttude of Gen Y that she is beginning to blame parents for not spanking these Gen Y.

Datum Jelatek

Last Sunday, there was a major demonstration along Jalan Enggang, Kg Dato Keramat, Kuala Lumpur against the development of Datum Jelatek. Without much hoo haa, it just happen and turned out to be a truly spirited one.

See the video below:

And, the one below:

In every sense of the words, it is was rowdy and aggressive demonstration. Read The Star reports here and here.

Some thought it is orchestrated by UMNO. Perkasa can be seen and some say the Ketua Bahagian for UMNO Gombak was there. Some leverage can be given to Perkasa but UMNO Gombak not to sure. They could be Azmin's proxy, as the rumours percolating in UMNO FT.

However, the video can be heard the chant, "Hancur! Hancur! Hancur Datum!" In case, peace lovng readers out there not know. That is a PKR and PAS chant. The demonstration was not partisan but led by the infamous Budak Keramat, particapated mostly by Budak Keramat and they could be UMNO, PAS or even PKR, surely it is about Keramat.

One of the first person to raise the issue of the Datum development is Anwarista and PAS state assemblyman YB Saari Sungip. Even the suggestion to claim it is about PAS and PKR doing the demo and later blame on UMNO also does not jive. Again, it is Budak Keramat leading and participating the show!

The mood is about defending the last bastion of Malay settlement in Kuala Lumpur. It may sound racial but the same would happen with Chinese.

If Federal government tookover lands in Kepong and Seputeh to do low cost development for Bumiputera, cut all my 10 fingers that Chinese would not do the same. DAP Penang government could fall should they takeover and redevelop Chew Jetty in Georgetown.

Only today we hear of a Malay student leader asking for no special privilages to Malays and vernacular schools. Cut limbs that the Chinese will agree to stop the special privilages but not vernacular schools.

There are hundred if not thousands of similar protests to highlight the point. Though it is looks racial, but it is natural. So let us not be hypocrits. 

Whenever anyone talks about business and economic interest, it does not sound racial but it is tip toeing along generally Chinese business interest. Then there is this work by Dr Ahmad Khalid:

Datum Jelatek is not about race alone but corruption! So big taukeh MCA pretend to be colour blind:

The report here.

And, PKNS trying to justify it:

Read here.

Expressing interest and eventually buying is two different matter. The local leading this protest, Salleh bin Samad or now so synonymus with the protest that he is now called Salleh Datum, stumbled into the issues when he was enquiring to buy.

He is no spring chicken on property development. The man has been there and done it . He knows the business and the game too. And he has done thorough homework on this.

Previous GM, Dato Osman Omar (OO) could only resort to character assisination to debunk Salleh. What OO is doing, whether he knows it or not, he is covering up for current MB Azmin Ali but it seemed as covering up for past MB, Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim.

Everyone in Keramat knows that there had been hanky panky going on. Azmin manipulated the project into a political campaign against Dato Dr Khir Toyo but lay off after winning.  

Initially, PKR-led PKNS had intention was to sell one block off to a China Company and international buyers. Eyes was on then senior exco, Teresa Kok as the widely broker and commission taker for any China deal in Selangor. That is why she is no more exco.

In the recent development, the local believed that PKNS wanted to hoodwinked the locals into believing that it will be a 100% Bumiputera development. The locals wanted rumah mampu milik development like the surrounding.

But they know, PKNS is already stuck with a high cost land acquisition and premium so will go according to plan. Their plan has to be a mampu tengok development.

They claim Malays could afford. Sure .... PKNS will priced it at RM700,000 and when locals can't buy, PKNS will open it to all. People are not stupid. If they are, there is social media to help enlighten them.

Put aside the racial overtone.

Pakatan Rakyat believes Kelantan deserve oil royalties on the ground of social justice. MCA is keeping quiet on local council election call by DAP on supposedly social justice. SUPP is demanding for more urban seats in Sarawak on the ground of representation and social justice.

Economic exclusion is not social justice. It is not social justice when outsiders with their big money takes over people's land and neighbourhood to exclude the population existence in the future local community.

Is it not social justice for Keramat locals to demand for homes on the land of their forefather for their off springs?

That everyone missed the plot.

Economic sabotaguers rising up to the occasion


PM got much brickbat from that statement recently.

Right now, Pakatan leaders and supporters are spreading propaganda to say that Malaysia will soon experience severe economic crisis.

Yes, there are challenges due to falling oil prices but this is currently a BUDGET CHALLENGE and not a ECONOMIC CRISIS.

Please know the difference.

A BUDGET CHALLENGE is when govt made a budget forecasting certain revenues to cover certain expenses for the year but suddenly circumstances have changed that causes forecasted revenues to drop (such as oil & gas revenues to govt).

This is a BUDGET issue and can be solved by govt by juggling around - either by cutting certain expenses or increasing certain revenues (such as increased dividends from GLCs such as Khazanah, TNB, TM etc) or by re-timing large Capital expenditures. (this is what PM Najib is doing today with the revised budget to be released)

An ECONOMIC CRISIS is when our Malaysia's economic conditions have severely weakened due to worsening consumer confidence, or high interest rates or very weak demand from our export markets that causes local and foreign demand to fall.

This is simply not the case at the moment as NOT AS SINGLE ANALYST have forecasted Malaysia having less than 4% GDP growth in 2015.

Most analysts including the world bank are forecasting growth of between 4.7% to 5.5%.

This is because low oil prices help increase demand and growth in our export markets, weaker Ringgit is a boost to our exports and our local consumer demand remains intact.

Even 4% GDP growth is very good for a country like Malaysia,

In fact Singapore's GDP growth in 2014 was only 2.8% and they only forecast GDP growth of between 2-4% for 2015.


WARNING: Pakatan leaders are trying to UNDERMINE consumer confidence in Malaysia by continually spreading propaganda that Malaysia is experiencing economic crisis. And if they are successful, it will destroy Malaysia's local demand and local Investment and slow our growth.

These irresponsible people must stop doing this as it amounts to economic sabotage and is considered treason.

That was from our WHats App group. And this morning this came in.

Rogue traders are back with a vengeance to profit from the weakening ringgit against the US dollar with one taking a short sell position against the Malaysia ringgit amounting to USD1.2 billion (RM4.32 billion).

This particular player, a former banker, has a huge appetite for more and is said to be working with a few hedge funds to up the stake. The player will be revealed our next series.

The ex-banker started in September 2014 and in a short four months he has bet at least USD1.2 billion for the ringgit to fall. He is replaying what he did in 1997 when the greed of a few unpatriotic and disgraceful speculators caused them to have no qualms about making millions, if not billions, at the expense of the country. They made a lot of money short selling currencies they believed would fall, thus worsening the situation.

Forex traders watchers believe he is following the playbook of another prominent ex-banker who lost his finance empire after being exposed as among rogues who betrayed the country. He too lost his innovative banking group and left Malaysia for Canada, only to return later.
Read on here.

It tallies with a document called Dokumen Kajang that went viral some months ago. It was believes to be a blueprint prepared by Rafizi for PKR to do an economic sabotage. Whether it is true or not, Rafizi have denied. And, it need to ascertain whether Rafizi is telling the truth or not.

But, that banker is not so difficult to guess. Another posting revealed the ex-banker who is more a stockbroker than banker:

TKO header

An owner of a prominent news media empire is casting undue influence on the financial and political state of Malaysia for his own personal monetary gain.

Sources within Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) revealed that Tong Kooi Ong, the owner of the Edge Group and The Malaysian Insider has taken a USD1.4 billion short position on the Ringgit through a proxy. The first transaction took place in August 2014 and subsequent short positions have been taken leading up to January 2015.

Tong Kooi Ong is no stranger to investments, notably during the last financial crisis, Tong took a similar short position with Rashid Hussein which resulted in a significant gain.
He is a former stockbroker, financial analyst and banker who founded and built Phileo Allied Berhad, one of the most successful and innovative financial banking groups in Malaysia in the 1990s. Phileo Allied Bank was subsequently taken over and merged with Maybank in 2000.

According to the source, Bank Negara Malaysia and the securities commission are monitoring Tong closely.

Continue here.

It happened during the flood disaster and this sabotage cannot be discounted in view of the existence of such documents, true or fake.

If true, ponder as to whether that is responsible politics and are these politicians the one the people can lay their fate with?

Are Muslim jihadists the real murderer of mankind?


The above is a fake footage done by some covert operation to instill fear amongst the public on the ISIS threat.

Today it is ISIS, before was Saddam Hussein and Osama Ben Laden. Muslims are again accused with the same label for act of terrorism and extremism and accused as imposing threat on mankind.

However, ponder below:

In the history of the world, who has killed maximum innocent human beings?
1) "Hitler" Do you know who he was? He was a Christian, but media will never call Christians terrorists.
2) "Joseph Stalin called as Uncle Joe". He has killed 20 million human beings including 14.5 million were starved to death. Was he a Muslim?
3) "Mao Tse Tsung (China)" He has killed 14 to 20 million human beings. Was he a Muslim?
4) "Benito Mussolini (Italy)". He has killed 400 thousand human beings. Was he a Muslim?
5) "Ashoka" In Kalinga Battle, he has killed 100 thousand human beings. Was he a Muslim?
6) Embargo put by George Bush in Iraq, 1/2 million children has been killed in Iraq alone!!!
Imagine these people are never called terrorists by the media.


Today the majority of the non-Muslims are afraid by hearing the words "Jihad". Jihad is an Arabic word which comes from root Arabic word "Jahada" which means "to strive" or "to struggle" against evil and for justice.
It does not mean killing innocents. The difference is we stand against evil, not with evil.
You still think that ISLAM is the problem?
1. The First World War, 17 million dead (caused by non-Muslim).
2. The Second World War, 50-55 million dead (caused by non-Muslim).
3. Nagasaki atomic bombs 200000 dead (caused by non-Muslim).
4. The War in Vietnam, over 5 million dead (caused by non- Muslim).
5. The War in Bosnia/Kosovo, over 500000 dead (caused by non-Muslim).
6. The War in Iraq (so far) 12,000,000 deaths (caused by non-Muslim).
7. Afghanistan, Burma, etc (caused by non-Muslim).
8. In Cambodia 1975-1979, almost 3 million deaths (caused by non-Muslim).
Let history speak for itself.

(A viral message from the Whats App Groups)

On second thought, Tong is not likely


A blogger friend asked us a frank question yesterday morning. Did we really think it was Dato Tong Kooi Ong that tried to do a Soros on our ringgit?

Our answer yesterday was unlikely. 

He said, "I thought so. In your posting [read here] that Rocky referred too [read here], you did not say so conclusively."

True enough, it was a qualified conclusion:
It happened during the flood disaster and this sabotage cannot be discounted in view of the existence of such documents, true or fake. If true, ponder as to whether that is responsible politics and are these politicians the one the people can lay their fate with?
There wasn't much follow up and after thought on the issue after the posting. Immediately upon uploading the posting, we went away for a long weekend holiday at the tip of mainland Asia. 

It seemed Rocky posted his doubt on the Malaysian Exposure yesterday here and cited a posting by fellow blogger economist HHisham [read here].

Tong had also made his denial [read in his TMI here].

To be fair to Tong, there are several reasons for us to say it is not him:
1. Many have pointed out and we realised it too. RM1.4 billion can't shake ringgit out of more than 30 to 40 pips i.e. thats 0.0030-0.0040.

2. The whole mumbo jumbo about hedge fund trading in Malaysia Exposure here is sheer spinning. The process flow missed the important bank leveraging part and was cunning to slot in Cayman Island.

3. The existence of a conversation log between Tong and Tun Dr Mahathir was overdone spinning [read The Edge here]. Why must they implicate Dr Mahathir?

4. Tong does not do gut feel analysis, instinctive decision making and uncanny ability to read market sentiment before charts can form it's confirmatory formations. He is no trader and most unlikely to delve in currency trading. Neither can he be considered a banker.

5. Although we are not confirming it is fake, the Langkah Kajang document cannot be verified as true.

6. To confirm our suspicion, the blog https://kronismemahathir.wordpress.com was closed.
Now to answer Rocky's question: So who's the real economic sabotaguer?

For a start, the long winded and pusing-pusing writing in Malaysia Exposure seemed familiar. As for a conspirational version, the suspected player have covered their track.

But, that is speculative.

HHisham argued that the allegation of economic sabotague and currency manipulation are false. At the right level, he argued that the lower ringgit exchange rate could be economically advantagueous.

So then, what could be the motive?

If the intention is to help Dato Najib by laying the blame on someone for the weakening ringgit, then it could be a case of an amatuerish job.

It could also be a trap on Najib. Lucky that Najib's response was cautious and gave a safe bureaucratic answer. Without any proofs, he can't be pointing fingers to anybody [read The Star here].  

If it is not to trap Najib by his response, then it could be to trap Najib for something else.

Events had made Dato Dr Zahid Hamidi adversarial towards Malaysiakini to the point of barring them from his press conferences. So it could be to pit Najib against The Edge and The Malaysian Insider or international press that made wrong conjecture.    

Someone out there could fill us in on how it could trap Najib.  

There is also the possibility that it be orchestrated by someone who could benefit from a weaker ringgit. At this level of ringgit, it could generate more ringgit to investors or Malaysians bringing back their money home.

Could that be 1MDB pushing the ringgit lower first to bring back their Cayman Island money by selling US dollar and buying ringgit? If it is not 1MDB, it could be some foreign investors.

Since Dr Mahathir was implicated, why not say Tun Daim or Dato Habibur Rahman or Jho Loh could be bringing down the ringgit to prop it up later for a tiny couple of hundred million profits. 

For all these possibilities to happen, size matters. 

Speculative report by FMT here

There is also the factor that ringgit came under heavy selling of ringgit and buying of US dollar by big corporation channeling and keeping their money abroad. This is more logical since big named corporate players was heard to be doing so for quiet sometime. 

Capital flight happen over a period of time and when it is confirmed, only do traders jump in. Even if traders realised it was happening, they cannot capitalise on it till market is ready to break the support and resistance levels.

Currency traders are short term players. They close their books daily and seldom carry it more than 2 days. Most Bank bosses have no balls to allow structural trade. In our days, we did carry a position over almost 2 weeks with endless papers submitted for BOD ratifications and the shivering knees of the bosses and MD. 

Another seasonal factor that can never be discounted is what market players used to call the 4th quarter witching hour. It is the time of the year to close their trading books and go away for the Christmas or Hanukkah holidays.

Market is usually thin and big traders can move the market. It can also be easily manipulated. Support and resistance level can be easily triggered to cause market crashes or pandemonium. Usually by first quarter, rationality sets in and market level is back to a certain stability

HHisham's macroeconomic explanation is logical but it takes sometime to set in. The most important determinant to the ringgit direction is order flow.

None of those mumbo jumbo Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) theory nonsense. That takes forever or never to reach the desired equilibrium. Market is always in a state of flux that it never settles in.

Only Bank Negara has a full picture of the order flow in and out of the country. On top of that our Central Bank has a loaded ammunition of more than RM400 billion reserve. If she or her traders have the balls, Zeti can be the person to say, "Go ahead. Make my day, punk!"

Maybe the weakening ringgit is intentional.

Be damn with the politics!!! Time for consumer power


Since appointed to the post of Minister of Agriculture, Dato Seri Ismail Sabri had taken as his "jihad ekonomi" to fight against unscrupulous middlemen involved in cartel to monopolise the food supply chain and dictate food prices. 

In a recent statement, he called on consumers to boycott traders refusing to bring prices of goods down. This message was relevant in the light of suspicion of cartel trying to sabotage GST and push prices up to ignite anger among the people.

Petrol pump prices was lowered three times but no lowering for prices by traders. It must have been frustrating for Ismail that he made statement and comments which irked the Chinese traders. All the Chinese parties - MCA, Gerakan and DAP - vehemently attacked Ismail Sabri for racism.

It is an open secret that traders association and guild have strong political influence in the Chinese community because traditionally, swing in Chinese votes in a particular community is determined by their taikoh. These parties cannot afford not to defend their source of support and finances.

As a result, it became was missed opportunity to spark a consumer awareness among the public.

Lack of awareness

Although groups like Consumers Association of Penang (CAP) have tried it for decades but it failed. All the years of educating the public did not work.

On many occasions, bloggers attempted to a campaign to boycott chicken which strangely spiraled up whenever approaching Ramadhan. At a time, Muslims eat less and presumably demand should be less, prices of chicken goes up.

However, it failed to take-off because many parents refuse to sacrifice their children over-dependence on chicken that they block their mind from the need for consumer power.

Politically, there was an attempt by pro-BN bloggers to undertake Boikot Barang Cina DAP (BBCD) campaign. They assumed that only when their wallet is affected will awake the Chinese from taking a political direction different from the majority Malays.

It failed because Malaysian or Malays have no consumerism awareness.

They say unity is strength but subconsciously refuse to believe. Seldom they reasoned that such slogan are self serving to a certain groups and there will eventually be those that cross the line to betray.

And, they could not see that the current unity by Chinese have benefited them immensely. They only praised the Chinese but not try to emulate them. Melayu mudah lupa that it was Malay unity that enable them to pressure the British to cancel Malayan Union and that led the eventual struggle for independence.

The video below should highlight that the weak and fragmented could become strong by mere unity:

The public need some sort of shock treatment or controversy to get the public have a taste of consumer power. It needs some sort of leadership. Even if Ismail Sabri may not be everybody's fancy of a leader, his statement was the first of such kind of strong statement against the traders cartel.

Breaking the Monopoly

These days, whenever it is to justify a certain corporate business interest, one can hear the mantra of free market is good. It is supposed to encourage efficiency through competition.

However, it does not actually exist in the wholesale and retail trade and no one talks of the need for free market efficiency.

The reality of Chinese traders monopoly in the wholesale and retail trade as mentioned by Dato Noh Omar refers to the existense of monopoly or oligopoly market.

The market of certain product or services is tightly held and control by guild or clan association that new entry players, especially Malays and Pribumi and including Indians, will get gangbang-ed to bankruptcy.

They can only exist as small retail outlets in which they are discriminated by higher wholesale prices and short or no credit term by suppliers.

Racist it may sound to say so frankly, but there is no accusation of racism has been levied to thse unethical businessmen [remember our past posting here].

Ismail Sabri was not given the slack for this frank FB posting. It is the existence of this FB posting that justified Malaysiakini to spin his full statement in the same direction.

In the full statement, he did qualified himself that not all Chinese are traders and they are also victimised consumers. For that, Dato Najib has every basis to say Ismail Sabri was not racist and meant it for all traders.

In the cabinet meeting, Ismail Sabri defended himself on that basis despite getting strong criticism from certain Chinese members of the cabinet. He was back to his 'jihad ekonomi" in last night's TV forum on RTM.

Ismail Sabri received the support of 50 UMNO Division Chief who presented themself with placades at his press conference on Tuesday. All VPs except play safe Hishamuddin gave support to Ismail Sabri. He received support even from Tan Sri Joseph Kurup and Dato Ruhani from Sabah and Sarawak, respectively.

181 MCA Divisionals gave their support to the MCA Youth Chief that lambasted Ismail Sabri. MCA and DAP demanded Ismail Sabri resignation.

In turn, 92 UMNO division responded o seek the Youth leader sacking.

Some will say Ismail Sabri as stupid for not remembering that he has 40% Chinese voters in his Parliament. As a member of the cabinet, he was supposed to be a team player. Did any cabinet members lambasted Dato Hishamuddin for not supporting Dato Zahid hamidi in the midst of a recent controversy? ?

There is also the criticism that he should maintain his decorum as Minister and his FB statement to openly question KPDNKK was unnecessarily.

Pity on Dato Hasan Malek for getting some brickbats for his poorly constructed response. Do not blame him, he is just old school. Maybe too much sardine.

If that sneer remark towards Hasan Malek represent the public opinion, maybe Ismail Sabri controversial statement made it's impact. His remark had something to do with Rafizi and Lim Guan Eng.


Rafizi, Chegu Bard and SAMM had been campaigning for lower petrol prices. When petrol prices was lowered, three times in fact, the campaign turned around to be when are traders to bring prices down.

It was obvious that the traders, mostly Chinese since it them that determined wholesale prices and set the retail prices yardstick, were not bringing prices down.

For quite some time, info was heard and it has spread that there is a cartel plan called Chapter 2 to raise prices when GST is implimented. By right many goods should be lower because there is no more the hidden 11% SST and only add back 6% GST.

There seemed to be a plan to make the government GST program failed. Traders were only willing to cooperate because shop owners with annual revenue more than RM500,000 cannot evade taxes any more. They will have to declare their income and pay tax or they will not get the GST rebate to them.

Rumours has it that DAP had requested the trade associations and guild to not lower prices when oil come down but quickly raise prices when oil goes up. It was intended to make public angry with the government and eventually, lead to the downfall of the BN government.

There was an expose of the plan

The two Lims was revealed to have planned ala communist subversive sabotage style of the past by requesting on trade associations and guilds. They could not response to the allegations. If they do response, they would end up having to answer for raising many state charges and tarif in Penang.

Lim Guan Eng was already in a hot soup with his Mercedes-es and the controversy on his wife -  Betty's collection of expensive handbags and her appointment on the Board of Trustee of Penang Chinese Chamber of Commerce to take charge of property.

Unfortunately, MCA cannot see the political game going on. As far as supporting consumerism, the party of taukey is most unlikely to support it.

So it is time that we ignore the politics or racial innuendos, but as consumers, be unite and show the strength of the market on these monopolistic unscrupulous traders that have been profiteering and sucking on the blood of consumers.

We are with Ismail Sabri. We are joining the boycott!!!

Update: 6:00 PM

They joined the boycottt:



Moody blues: First Malaysia, now 1MDB ...


Back in November 2013, this blog posted a friendly reminder to Dato Abdul Wahid Omar for being too comfortable with international rating agencies. Re-read "Bought and sold by rating agencies".

Bankers like AWO rely on rating from such agencies to enable them to source cheaper cost of funding for their clients. Now as Minister, AWO have to ensure the financial management of government is in sync with international expectations. 

The danger of being trusting of rating agencies is one can never know what rating agencies are up to. That advise could fall on deaf ears.

Bigdogdotcom last posting here reported AWO getting more bullish despite lower oil prices. Our rating improved further and he could now say, "Thanks for the reminder but ... I am right!"

Moody latest on 1MDB could also make them say they are right. It will put few in "Moody Blues".

In the Edge Financial Daily yesterday, they reported Moody giving a comforting statement on 1MDB. It came as a surprise since Tun Mahathir had just said Dato Tong Kooi Ong was accused of weakening the ringgit for attacking 1MDB.

Ex-KITA Zamil Ibrahim pressured Tong to hold a press conference because he merely used The Edge and The Malaysian Insider to defend himself. However, having Zamil give a statement was a dead giveaway as to who was behind the frame-up of Tong.

No too smart.

Anyway, the report below: 
Edge Financial Daily: ‘1MDB’s defaults unlikely to threaten Malaysian banks’

By Yimie Yon

There will not be any systemic threat to Malaysia’s banking system even if 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) defaults on its loan as local banks’ exposure to the state wealth fund is collateralised, said Moody’s Investors Service.

“We don’t rate 1MDB so we don’t know if it’s going to reform its debt or not. But if you look at the scale of its debt, it would not represent a systemic threat to the financial system. Firstly, we think the banks’ exposures are collateralised. So, if the worst-case scenario happens, the loss will be probably limited and they will take collateral,” Moody’s vice-president and senior credit officer for financial institutions Eugene Tarzimanov told The Edge Financial Daily.

He was met after a roundtable discussion on Moody’s 2015 outlook for Malaysian sovereign, banks and corporates yesterday.

Moody’s vice-president and senior analyst of sovereign risk Christian de Guzman also hinted that any failure by 1MDB to repay its loans would not affect Malaysia’s sovereign credit ratings as he does not see the government providing support to 1MDB beyond its contractual obligations.

“While we did note there is concern for the sovereign debt — there are contingent liabilities that are looming, in particular the case of 1MDB — we think the government will be hard-pressed to support 1MDB over and above its contractual obligations and I think these are well known [that] it’s limited to RM5.8 billion [in] explicit guarantee.

“But perhaps [even] the support of the RM5.8 billion won’t be as forthcoming, given the political sensitivity around this organisation,” he said, when asked how 1MDB’s debts would affect the country’s sovereign ratings.

Malaysian authorities said last year that the country had provided an explicit guarantee on only RM5.8 billion of 1MDB’s loans.

Malaysian banks are also stable despite global market volatility, said Tarzimanov, adding that Moody’s stress tests revealed that the banks “are pretty strong with lots of buffer, robust capital level and robust profitability”.

Moody’s also downplayed the threat of lower oil and commodity prices on Malaysia’s economy, with De Guzman pointing out that Malaysia’s diverse economy is more resilient compared to other oil-exporting countries.

He said Malaysia’s economy has always been portrayed as an oil and gas story, but the reality is that it actually relies more on the services and manufacturing sectors.

He added that Malaysia’s economy is just expected to slow down when there is an oil price shock. Comparatively, other oil-exporting countries such as Venezuela and Russia, may actually see contractions in their economies, which was why Moody’s downgraded the ratings of some of these countries in the past month.

De Guzman commended the Malaysian government for being “proactive” in revising its budget following the oil price slump, compared with other oil-exporting countries.

Moody’s also thinks Malaysia’s corporate credit is resilient, but warned that there might be lower corporate earnings and dividends for commodities-related companies this year.

“The decline in CPO (crude palm oil) or the oil price means the top line is lower [and] the margin will be squeezed, so that will affect earnings. and dividends,” said Moody’s vice-president and senior credit officer for corporate finance Alan Greene, adding that CPO is expected to trade around RM2,240 per tonne.
It is a comfortable endorsement for Dato Najib's budget restructuring.

And, it is a much needed pause for the under-sieged 1MDB. That comforting words could make them complacent and boasting "Thanks for the reminder but ... I am right!".

Their regular detractor have stopped repeating the same answer-seeking questions but actually it is actually a legally safe re-worded accusations of financial mismanagement. He has gone down to writing salacious gossip on Jho Loh.

But we are not complaining. Nothing like rumours and gossips to liven up your day.

Betrayal of an UMNO division leader


The controversial FB posting supposedly belonging to Dato Seri Ismail Sabri expressed the frustration at seeing Muslim Malays lacking consumer consciousness to still visit Old Town White Coffee (OTWC) chains despite its questionable halal status.

One of the shareholder is strongly believed to be Perak DAP Chairman, Dato Ngeh Koo Ham.

Ismail Sabri wished Malay consumers could unite and apply pressure on such establishment to conform but they couldn't care less and still frequent the place.

Before UMNO leaders can expect such unity and support from the Malays, UMNO itself should be seen as united and free from betrayal themselves. In a closed door meeting, it is heard that one UMNO leader demanded on Ismail Sabri to apologise.

That sort of betrayal is common but the betrayal in this posting is more revolting.

In the recent budget restructuring, Dato Najib announced that the next batch 2 and 3 of the scheduled PLKN session will be deferred. That will be a setback for the beneficiary of the PLKN, i.e. Gunung Capital Berhad. [Read The Star here.]

The major shareholder and managing director is the UMNO Division Chief for Bukit Gantang, Dato' Syed Abu Hussin bin Hafiz Syed Abdul Fasal.

He reminded of our friend, the UMNO candidate for Bukit Gantang parliament, Ismail Mohd Pian for the last general election.

He lost and the seat was won handsomely by Ngeh's second cousin and former Perak MB, Datuk Seri Muhammad Nizar Jamaluddin.

Our political intel confirmed that Ismail's campaign was sabotaged by the UMNO Division Chief and it was Syed Hussin. 

Syed Hussin's Gunung Capital is a transport operator was awarded another three-year contract worth RM165mil by the Defence Ministry to provide bus services for the PLKN programme [read this December 29 2014 announcement here].

The deferment by government will affect his company and it's shares.

A source described Syed Hussin as per the description by a blog here, a "low profile businessman". He said, "Dia sama melepek macam kita juga" [see his background in pg 12 of 2013 Annual Report here].

That was until he got the PLKN contract in 2009/10.

The company website here could not be upload. The stock is still traded [see Chartnexus.com here] but one source told us, Gunung Capital will be going private. That could be the suspected reason the website is shut.

The Bloomberg report provide the following brief on the company:
Gunung Capital Berhad, an investment holding company, charters its fleet of land-based passenger transportation assets and specialty vehicles principally in Malaysia. It operates in three segments: Transportation Services, Hydropower Activities, and Investment Holding and Others. The company’s portfolio comprises various vehicles, including coaches, city buses, and vans and pick-up trucks, as well as mobile clinics, such as general clinics, optometry clinics, dental clinics, and mini mobile clinics. It is also involved in property investment activities; and the development, maintenance, and operation of mini-hydro power plants. The company, formerly known as Taiping Super Berhad, is headquartered in Subang Jaya, Malaysia. 
The original major shareholder of the company was one Low Bak Teik who controls Latexx Partners Berhad. He is said to be the richest man in Taiping Perak.

Gunung Capital was badly in the red and they announced in April 2010 a corporate exercise to undertake a capital reduction, acquisition of Syed Hussin's company, rights issue and M&A.

Syed Hussin's company, GPB corporation was awarded the transportation contract for PLKN till December 2014. [read the Circular to Shareholders here.] 

By the end of September 2011 and after a series of shares acquisition by Syed Hussin and shares sales by Low Bak Teik, Syed Hussin emerged as the major shareholder [read this announcement here].

Gunung Capital was never in the radar of analyst and it is difficult to get information on the Internet except for this July 2011 posting here. The blog wrote:
... noticed that Dato’ Syed has been consistently increasing his stake in Gunung, now with a 22% stake. Compared with Low Bok Tek’s (via Erayear Equity Sdn Bhd) and Nominees amounting to a 21% equity stake, the stage is set for a possible fight for control. 

As such, I am expecting that Low Bok Tek may be willing to sell out is his stake in Gunung to concentrate on his Latexx Partners Bhd, which is currently undertaking an exercise to make Latexx Partners Bhd the largest nitrile glove manufacturer in the world (this would make him the ‘King’ of nitrile glove manufacturing, a title that a ‘Taiping lad’ would dearly strive for). 

So who will be taking up his stake in Gunung? ...
There is no jealousy for the good fortune of this guy who used to melepek macam kita. But, this comment only raised curiosity. Where did he get the money to undertake such a massive corporate exercise?

A reliable market player source told us that the reason there was no battle for control was because he was merely a proxy for Low Bak Tek.

To say Syed Hussin betrayed the UMNO cause for sabotaging UMNO candidate or selling contract to Chinese for easy money, it would not bat an eyelid among UMNO people. It is so rampant that they are tired of talking about it.

Maybe this will get their attention.

Low Bak Teik is a financier of DAP and he funded and helped Lim Kit Siang's campaign for the Gelang Patah parliamentary seat in the last general election.

Syed Hussin allegedly sabotaged UMNO's candidate and his partner, or boss to be more precise, funded DAP's campaign.

The government contract given to him as a Bumiputera entrepreneur but was sold to a DAP financier.  The DAP financier will be able to recover the past years losses of Gunung and secure more business opportunities, local and abroad.

If Low Bak Tek continues to fund DAP, why would one not puke to hear him utter "memperjuangkan agama, bangsa dan negara" at the Division Annual General Meeting?

Profiteering not as bad as IS millitant?


Saturday's The Malay Mail Online reported Defense Minister Dato Hishamuddin Hussein saying:
Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob’s recent jibe against Chinese traders was nowhere as bad as the atrocities committed by Islamic State (IS) militants ...
The Malaysian Insider also reported:
.... Ismail Sabri Yaakob’s racial rant against Chinese traders for refusing to bring down prices is nothing compared to the atrocities committed by Isis militants...
For the last 24 hours, we've been trying to figure out the link between Ismail Sabri's statement on Chinese traders profiteering and IS militants violence.

Since Segambut DAP MP called Hishamuddin's remark as nonsence, there will be those that expect upon this Johore-born blogger to defend the colourful son of a Johor feudel family.

The MP should be criticised for over exaggeration and accused him of attempting to fan May 13 sentiment.

But, we are not going to. We do not subscribe to feudelism. It is the cause of Malay malaise

MMO reported:
Segambut MP Lim Lip Eng said there was no way the atrocities committed by the terrorist organisation could be seen in the same light as Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob’s call for Malays to boycott Chinese businesses.

“What is Hishammuddin’s motive for saying that? Does he want to see a Chinese trader burned alive like what the IS did to a Jordanian pilot recently before he criticises Ismail Sabri’s racist statement?” Lim said in a statement.
As it is, we are still trying to understand the rationale of drafting an Anti Terrorist Act at the request of the American.

The willingness of Dato Dr Zahid Hamidi to secede to the American request could eventually make Malaysia end up having to categorise the oppressed Palestinian as terrorist in sync with American policy.

Maybe to quell sceptics like us, TV3 reported of an IS millitant that cooperated with the Suluk or precisely the Tausug of Phillipines that attack Lahad Datu in 2012.

Hishamuddin have angered the Sabahans when he said IS millitants exist in Sabah. TV3 report serve to clarify Hishamuddin too.

All along, anyone with common sense would expect that there should be more IS millitants in Semenanjung than in race and religion tolerant Sabah.

In Semenanjung, there is PAS that used to feed and harbour such extremist views. There is no such phenomenon in Sabah or Sarawak.

For a PM aspirant, Hishamuddin seemed to have trouble expressing what is in his head and what comes out of his mouth.

Maybe it is because he has an exceptionally wide mouth.

But, it that his problem?

Or in this case, is it a case of typical spinning by the evil media of Malaysiakini, TMI, FMT and now fortified MMO as Leslie Lau is expected to be Chief Editor for Malay Mail, off and online?

Sincerely hope he has no other intentions like trying to say Ismail Sabri as not reflecting the suddenly fashionable moderate view and dubbed him extremist. 

TMI reported:
The defence minister said the remarks by his cabinet counterpart in charge of agriculture should not be used as a yardstick to define Malaysia's moderation agenda.

“If you want to talk about moderation, I think Isis burning the Jordanian pilot is far worse than this case involving Ismail,” he said at a press conference today referring to the incident this week where Isis militants had torched a Jordanian pilot locked in a cage and posted a video of the act online.

If anything, Hishammuddin said, Ismail’s remarks made in a Facebook post should spur all Malaysians to fight profiteering by traders.

“It has helped raise consciousness among the public, irrespective of race, about the cost of goods and services,” he said.
Then again, it is TMI reporting.

Politically, some friends viewed that remark as Hishamuddin's proxy attack on Dato Dr Zahid Hamidi. Never knew that Pahang MP, Ismail Sabri is an allies to Zahid.

So what then is intended by Hishamuddin's IS comment that had irked Sabahan?

Is it a proxy fight against Dato Shafee Apdal? After Zahid, the next in seniority to Zahid in UMNO is Shafee.

Politics is alway not quiet straight forward.

For that matter, it should be reminded that if Hishamuddin had not got Sultans to canvass for him, his 10 votes win over Dato Mukhriz's ragtag campaign team could have been wiped out too.

So much for politics.

That is not a smart statement from Hishamuddin.

The IS video of the pilot being burned is suspect. Cannot believe IS could speak in such accented English native speaker accent. Never believed the crude IS millitants to be good at cyber psywar.

If he is defending Ismail Sabri's controversial statement by stating it as consumer issue, then it didn't come oyt that way. IS is a security issue and not that of consumer or racism issues.

Such wrongly said words of politicians only invites speculations. It is not the first time Hishamuddin made such mistakes and create bad perception of himself.

If he continues to do so, it only perpetuate the perception that he does not have IT to assume the top leadership.  

* Edited 12.30 pm

1MDB: Anonymously sourced allegations


The FMT report, 'Pin-drop' silence on 1MDB's over-due RM2b loan few days ago led us to browse the portal for recent allegations against 1MDB.

Something was immediately noticeable. From the day Arul Kanda joined, all allegations hurled at 1MDB are not confirmed by 1MDB. More glaring is that all recent allegations made against 1MDB can be traced to reports from other media which are based on anonymous sources.

Though useful in investigative reporting [read here], there is no credibility to any allegations made based on anonymous sources. All the doomsday predictions made of 1MDB but yet none are confirmed by any parties with a name.

Loan default

According to the said FMT report, Tony Pua claimed 1MDB had defaulted on a loan repayment scheduled for November 2014. The loan purportedly a rescheduled loan due for repayment for November 2013. He went on to exaggerate the implication of failing to repay the loan.

It wasn't too long ago that Tony started this accusation in an earlier 28th January report, 1MDB may seek ‘shocking’ 3rd postponement of RM2b loan. Using a Bloomberg report, he claimed Maybank and RHB were not paid. 

The Bloomberg report may have used "anonymous sources". Till today, no confirmation have been coming from the two banks.

A subsequent January 30th report by FMT claimed Ananda Krishnan comes to the rescue. The source this time was the Edge Financial Daily claiming T Ananda Krishnan "has been said" and "a source said." The January 11th FMT report, RM2bn question mark on 1MDB power deal with AKwas merely based on "Edge Review sources."

Tony Pua went on to embellish further in February 6th FMT report that Bank Negara queried 1MDB's lenders. Still no confirmed source was mentioned.

Cayman Island
According to the pin-drop silence report, Tony Pua tried to implicate to the recently clarified status of 1MDB's investment in a Cayman Island fund.

Many accusations was made on the fund. One blogger had once accused Cayman Island to be a cover-up and Datin Rosmah Mansor had absconded the money presumably to make movies in Hollywood. Questions was raised as to why a sovereign fund place money in a tax haven like Cayman Island.

After repeated denials and dodging the bullets, 1MDB finally announced and on January 13th, FMT reported Malaysia’s 1MDB fully redeems $2.3b Caymans investment

Another FMT report can be found here.

That got Tony Pua and Rafizi desperately trying to cover-up for their wrongful accusations. On January 13th, Tony Pua asked Where is 1MDB’s other ‘mysterious’ US$1.56b stashed?On January 28th, Bank Negara urged to act on 1MDB funds in Cayman Islands by Rafizi. 

Upon clarification from 1MDB that the Cayman Island redeemed fund will be used to repay US dollar loan, he was still asking had repeated the question Where is 1MDB’s Caymans RM3bn now? 

Tony has not desist too as he asked yesterday: Why not pay off RM2bn debt first, Pua asks 1MDB.Someone whose company, Cyber Village failed and bankrupt have no credential to teach credible corporate man how to run their company's financial affair.

In all these allegations, 1MDB only denied without giving them much bullet to work on. Thus far it is only speculations.

Goofy Rafizi tried to raise a new issue. 

A January 31st reported him askingHow will 1MDB pay off new US$1bn loan? The bond to raise money in October is due to mature in September 2015. He should have asked Deutche Bank as to why they still dare give loan to 1MDB. 

It could be the Cayman Island money la ... lembu!

After continuous crafting allegations against 1MDB, there was an attempt to create the impression that the listing plan was detoured and more troubles coming. 

FMT dated February alleged that No bonds, no power plant job for 1MDB? 

They quoted from Reuters that a proposed RM8.4 billion bond sale by 1MDB had been called off and 1MDB will pull out of a power plant project in Negeri Sembilan. That is quite a head turner!

Reuters used be internationally reknowned for their journalism and was a trusted source of information to financial market traders back in the 80s and 90s. By the look of it, they have now stooped so low as to quote anonymous banking sources.

That is not still enough. On February 6th, FMT reported Malaysia’s sovereign ratings poised to move south. The content had nothing definitive on the matter. In fact, our past posting here reported Moody giving a positive view on 1MDB and Malaysia. 


The new CEO Arul Kanda came in with the eagerness to engage the likes of Tony Pua.

But, Tony Pua turned around on his words as he tried to turn the engagement into a political circus. Now Arul realised it is pointless to engage them. Yesterday, February 8th, he was reported by FMT to have saidSerangan ke atas 1MDB bermotif politik.

For some sensationalising, the critics had taken cue from a blogger's posting to draw the attention to Jho Loh. 

The man leading the attack on 1MDB through his business media, The Edge, Dato Tong Kooi Ong planned to sue Jho Loh. He was claimed to be the person behind the anonymous blogs that accused Tong as instrumental in weakening the ringgit. 

Even if Tong could trace the IP, they will have to prove a writer wrote it and not someone else. There-on, Tong must establish the link to Jho Loh and prove many other legal issues. One can expect an interesting wayang (acting) to come to town. 

Now we have third thought on the owner of The Edge and TMI.

The anonymous blogs also accused Dato Nazir Razak for sabotaging 1MDB. And, Nazir was reported to have given statement of his intention to sue Jho Loh too. It is interesting that Najib's brother collaborating with Anwar's man to sue Jho Loh. 

But, Nazir's reaction will endorse the perception that Nazir sabotaged.      

Without hearing the explanations from 1MDB top management itself, all these are merely a case of a mysterious elephant and the blind men. Despite accusations after accusations hurled at 1MDB, no substantive response have come from 1MDB.

Those following the 1MDB issue would presume there is a cover-up. The longer 1MDB maintain their silence these critics would continue to conjure up new accusations and pose more accusative questions. Eventually, the public will not believe any official statements and announcements.

The only plausible reason 1MDB is ignoring critics is that they are damn sure with what they are doing and confident everything will nicely fall into place. So let "the proof of the pudding is in the eating."

The eating is the successful listing of 1MDB Energy. It should par down their liabilities and see further appreciation in asset value. Help resolve the legacy issues linked to IPP. Instead of tycoons benefiting from IPPs, the public can reap the benefits too.

Dato Najib will come out looking like a hero. A calculated risk that handsomely pay-off. Till that fairy tale ending happens, we will just have to wait then.

D Day: Deal or DNA [Updated]


Latest received 12:00 PM: 
"Prosecution has established the case beyond resoanable doubt, appeal is dimissed."
Anwar goes in.

Court in recess to meet at 1:00 PM. Maybe on prosecution appeal to increase sentence to more than 5. There is also the possibility of contempt of court charges. That depends on AG office.

Today is D Day for Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Today the 5-bench federal court judges will announced the final decision on his second sodomy trial. It had taken more than 6 years of court time from High Court, 68 post-phonements, and 39 appeals.

Thus far the expectations have been mixed. There are those that felt Anwar will be free because there was deal done.

The speculation is that it happened during Dato Najib's recent visit to London. There are those that speculated that it was during the golf with President Obama on Christmas Eve in the midst of the flood disaster in Kelantan.

The US State Department position on Anwar's case is clearly stated. Despite it being in court and will depend on the process of law, they did the appalling thing to appeal to Dato Najib to interfere.

Dato Zulkifli Nordin does not see all that. He has told everyone that he has openly asked PM in a meeting at his office. Najib's response was to let the due process of justice takes its case. Read his blog here.

Off course, some sceptics will say both are politicians.

As of yesterday, there was a source that claimed the result thus far is 2-2. The temptation is to laugh it off but the fella e-mailed us stacks of documents that look like a judgement.

However, it turns out to be briefs made by lawyers. Which lawyer wrote it and for whom was not revealed. Interesting as to who will be the 5th judge to decide on Anwar's fate?

One source with close association with Bar Council lawyers used to say Anwar will be out because the prosecutor, Tan Sri Shafee Abdullah was acting as a defense lawyer than a prosecutor in the Federal Court proceeding.

The source thinks highly of the ability of Gopal Sri Ram to cut deals, if you know what I mean. However, Anwar's statement few days ago that if he goes in, BN will fall only indicate Gopal could not cut that deal.

Furthermore, the source was impressed with Anwar's lineup of top lawyers with the ability to do research. The source knows lawyers because he has gone in and out of courts that he practically live in court. He said all Anwar's team need to do is to create just one substantial doubt in the prosecutor's case.

As of two days ago, he has turned around to say Anwar is going in.

Whatever it is, our limited legal ability see that it all boils down to the DNA evidence. Not the arguments presented by Gopal Sri Ram or Surendran.

Can they find any one trouble issue with the witnesses, IO, sample, procedures, etc.?

Though reports painted a smooth presentation by the lawyers arguing the DNA issues, Sangeet Kaur and Ram Karpal, things are believed to be not so smooth. Both were badly scrutinised by the judges and their position seemed quite made up.

This posting by The Unspinners here from a Whats App message that had gone viral described it.


Guilty or innocent, it is a criminal case but since it is Anwar Ibrahim, it all comes back to politics. Does it has relevance to politics?

YES and NO.

YES. Without Anwar, there could be topsy turnvy in Pakatan Rakyat. As it is PAS is on an inevitable internal head-on.

DAP is on slow boil but the strong Chinese support will deter a major internal confrontation.

PKR is dependent on the existence of Pakatan Rakyat. Without Anwar, who could put the glue together on these three parties of diverging views and ideologies?

Maybe they have a solution.

Last night at the political rally, Anwar said something about passing the mantle of leadership to the younger untainted new generation. Kit Siang's blog last night posted the same message.

The NO part is that LGBT is now out in the open and it may not have much impact on politics. And not to be discounted, the public have had too much of it that the moral issue is no more relevant.

Expose of sexual encounters had been over used that no one cares about it. The video of Nurul Izzah allegedly kissing her professor had no impact but got her to win Lembah Pantai against a Cabinet Minister. 

The public thinks differently these days. They want substantive arguments and not psywar mumbo jumbo to sway their political opinions psychologically although they can be often deceived.

If Anwar goes in, Pakatan will be headless but the opposition have a unifying factor.

But if he is much at large, Anwar will be increasingly irrelevant. His rallies are not pulling in the crowd as he used too. So it may not matter.

After all, it is all left to UMNO who has this uncanny ability to continue to shoot their own feet all the time.

Tun Dr Mahathir has already resigned to the fact it is left to the judge. What ever is the decision, all parties must accept with an open heart.

The victim Saiful Bohari has accepted it too but he said if he does not get justice on earth, he will surely get his justice in the hereafter and on the Mahsyar field.

The decision is due anytime in the next few minutes or hours. So stay tune  

Statement of a delusional man


This came in through our Whats App group:
Statement by Anwar Ibrahim upon the judgement of the Federal Court on 10th February 2015

I maintain my innocence of this foul charge - this incident never happened.

This is complete fabrication- coming from a political conspiracy to stop my political career.

You have not given proper consideration to the case presented by my counsel from day one - that this incident never happened at all.

I can go on and on but I see from your statement today that it will be fruitless - it appears as i have been condemned again as I was in the court of appeal. only here we went through a facade of an 8 day hearing!
It is not a coincidence how the of the PM was able to release a full written statement on your decision barely minutes after you handed your judgment today even before sentencing.

In bowing to the dictates of the political masters, you have become partners in crime for the murder of judicial independence and integrity. You have sold your souls to the devil, bartering your conscience for material gain and comfort and security of office.

You had the best opportunity to redeem yourselves – to right the wrongs of the past and put the judiciary on a clean slate and carve your names for posterity as true defenders of justice.

But instead you chose to remain on the dark side and drown your morals and your scruples in a sea of falsehood and subterfuge. Know you not that you are now wallowing in filth and foulness and the stench of your injustice will permeate through every nook and cranny of this so-called Palace of Justice and I do pity you all.

Yes, you have passed judgement on me – and I will, again for the third time, walk into prison but rest assured my head will be held high. The light shines on me.

But the shame is on you for you will be judged by history as the great cowards of humanity. Sitting on that high horse of judicial power, you have stooped so low to become the underlings of the political masters.

Students of law and professors of jurisprudence will scrutinise your judgments and as they dissect your reasoning and your decision, your credibility and integrity will be torn to tatters. And you will be exposed as the fraudsters who don the robe of judicial power only to pervert the course of justice.

Do not forget that, as all of us will have to, you too will have to answer to your Maker. You will have to answer why you turned your backs on the principles that you had so solemnly sworn to uphold.

People who come into your court have to bow their heads and address you as ‘My Lords’ but don’t you know that you too will have to answer to your Lord one day? By then you will need more than bowing and prostration to justify why you wilfully transgressed Allah’s command as ordained in Surah an-Nisaa, verse 58:

Going to jail, I consider a sacrifice I make for the people of this country.

I have fought most of my life on behalf of the people of this country - for the people I am willing to go to jail or face any other consequence.

My struggle will continue, wherever I am sent and whatever is done to me.

To my friends and fellow Malaysians let me thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the support you have given me. And Allah is my witness. I pledge and I will not be silenced, I will fight on for freedom and justice and I will never surrender!

Anwar Ibrahim
10 Feb 2015
All allegations but it cannot be substantiated. This is the facts:

Justive have been served.

Answer on Gitmo and the torture prisons around the world first


The American Embassy in Kuala Lumpur issued a statement to express their deep disappointment and concern for the court's decision to reject Anwar Ibrahim's appeal.

Although it did not came as fast as the PMO communique [the reason stated in Malaysian Digest  here], the American official in Kuala Lumpur expressed serious concern regarding "the rule of law and court independence".

Sure, maybe they can explain to us under what rule of law do Gitmo and the American torture prisons all over the world operate under before interfering in our domestic affair.

There is a lengthy article and many links that exposed the corrupt American legal system. So they should clean-up their court before trying to expressed their so-called concerns. 

This statement is directed to the Malaysian government thus it is an acknowledgement that American had asked the government to interfere into the independent judiciary system.

Instead, they accused our court as not independent. Cheap trick!

The full statement of the American Embassy below:

Read more in here.

The mentioned torture prisons are below:

This map with German labels displays the location of black torture sites around the world where various countries collaborate in an exchange program under the CIA extraordinary rendition.

Here is a second image of torture and black site torture prisons around the world. There are a few differences from the one above, but we can see some in countries that we are supposedly at war with.

More in the article here.

America's independent court

The American Embassy can learn a thing or two about rule of law and independence of the court from this article about their own court system, below
America's Corrupt Legal System - A Danger to Visitors, Travellers as Well as USA Residents

by Dr Les Sachs (Dr Leslie Sachs)

(This article, may be freely reproduced and republished in full by anyone, anywhere.)

The tragic reality of the world's biggest corrupt legal system - America's rigged courts, bribed judges, fake and phony trials, extortion by lawyers, and over 2.2 million prisoners in the USA gulag.

Why USA "justice" is not like in Hollywood movies, and why YOU could be the next victim on USA territory - innocent and sent to prison, or strapped to a table and put to death; or robbed of your life savings by American lawyers.

Why YOU can be tortured, have your freedom and rights taken away, and why people in America are afraid to help you, or even tell what happened to you.

Right now, about 1 out of every 45 working age males in the US (that is, not counting children or the elderly) are BEHIND BARS inside the US empire - Many of those millions of US prisoners are innocent. Maybe YOU are next.

The recent pattern of American violations of international law are ultimately based in the corruption of the USA domestic legal system. Phony USA courts are very dangerous even for travellers and visitors to America, who can easily wind up among the USA's more than 2 million prisoners, or lose all their family's possessions to corrupt American lawyers.

All world citizens should know how the corrupt USA legal system, is a danger to every traveller, visitor, and guest worker from overseas, and to every individual who takes the risky step of entering upon American territory. Just ask the overseas families of prisoners who were put to death inside the USA, with their embassies never even being informed that they were arrested - or the many foreign people serving hugely long prison terms in America, after they were jailed on flimsy tainted "evidence" from criminal snitches.

The reality is that the United States of America, which proclaims itself the "land of freedom", has the most dishonest, dangerous and crooked legal system of any developed nation. Legal corruption is covering America like a blanket.

The corruption of the USA legal system is well-known, but also well-hidden, by the news services of America's corporate-owned media. The US media companies are afraid both of reprisal, and of the social revolution that would come from exposing the truth.

Here is what the US media companies know, but are afraid to tell you about American "justice".

Concentration camps with concrete walls

America has the largest prison gulag in the entire world - yes, right there in the United States of America, the self-proclaimed "land of freedom". The starting point for understanding anything about the USA, is to digest the fact that just this one country, the United States of America, has twenty-five percent of ALL of the prisoners in the entire world.

More than 2.2 million prisoners - more than 1 out of every 150 people in America - are behind bars in the American gulag. This is now the world's biggest system of what are effectively concentration camps, though most of these prisoners are behind masonry walls and inside prison buildings.

For minorities, the statistics are even more brutal. For example, the USA is now imprisoning about 1 out of every 50 black Americans, about 1 out of every 20 working-age black males. American "justice" is especially focused on jailing people who its government thinks might organise into opposition to the government.

Quite amazingly, Americans and the American government, continually criticize the legal systems and so-called "political" legal proceedings in other countries such as China, Russia, and even Belgium among many other places. Yet, for example, the proportion of prisoners is 30 times higher in the USA than in China, even though China is a country regularly criticized and denounced by the USA government.

No one imprisons people as readily, or casually, as does America. As you learn more about America's horrifying legal system, you find out how easily and carelessly America arrests people, and tosses innocent people into prison. It is estimated that America has at least 100,000 completely innocent people in jail, but the statistics of innocence may well run far higher. The number of people known to be innocent, and yet who were actually sentenced to death in recent years in America, is already running into the hundreds.

The USA jailing of more than 2 million people is also, quite literally, a revival of slavery and slave labour, on a scale not seen since the days of the Nazis. USA business corporations are using these prisoners as a giant slave labor pool. Prisoners are forced to produce goods and products while earning mere pennies per hour, which they sometimes have to pay back to the prison for their own upkeep. The expanding system of USA prison slave labor is not only a major source of business profit, but also a wedge to drive down the wages of workers outside the prison walls.

This USA policy, of using mass casual imprisonment as a way to revive slavery, is targeted particularly at minorities, but ends up affecting all working people. Supervised by malicious judges and corrupt lawyers, this culture of mass prisons and slave labour is sold to the citizens by creating a psychology of fear among USA residents. This climate of fear is nourished in the USA by both the media and the government, who work together with the judges and lawyers to maintain the whole crooked game.

Of America's more than 2.2 million prisoners, about 50,000 are known to be foreign citizens. This proportion might seem small, but remember that 50,000 prisoners is more than the entire prison population of many other countries. It only appears as a small percentage, because of America's obsession with jailing its own people, who have had more time to get caught in America's web of legal horror.

The USA is extremely casual about the jailing of foreigners, and not honouring their rights under international law or treaties and agreements. Often, foreign citizens have been sentenced to death, while the USA didn't even bother to notify the foreign government that their citizens were arrested.

Several other governments are working hard just to try and obtain even the most primitive judicial rights for their own nationals, who have been seized and held in abusive conditions by the USA empire. And yet, the United States of America somehow still brags about its own legal system, while criticizing other countries.

Understanding that America has such a huge percentage of even its own people in prison, is to start to understand the subconscious fear behind much of American life.

Before you set foot in America, you should have a clear picture of the terror of America's legal system - the judges and lawyers and money and bribery, that have made this system of fear so pervasive. There is not yet enough public media information about America's domestic legal horrors, horrors which have been rapidly increasing. And the American public, even the victims of its legal system, have a hard time realizing why it is so hard to fight legal corruption there.

The situation is so bad, that a social explosion is beginning inside America. You can read some news stories - about people murdering judges, or attacking the families of judges, or people setting fire to courthouses in the USA - and see the pattern that is emerging, even though the news media are afraid to connect the dots and suggest what might be behind all these events. America is trying to maintain its myths about its legal system, even while the desperate reality of life inside the USA is starting to blow back into escalating social upheaval.

USA torture and illegal jailing overseas, starts with USA domestic torture and illegal jailing at home

The world press has documented clear violations of human and legal rights by America in its overseas jails, such as the infamous situations in Guantánamo and occupied Iraq and Afghanistan, and the even more secret network of prisons in places like Diego Garcia or on board American ships.

But the problem is much bigger, than America's legal abuses under its military invasions and "war on terrorism". These USA violations of international law, are consistent with the corruption in America's home legal system within its own borders, and have partly evolved from America's legal abuses against its own citizens and residents.

American prisons are often horrible, with lots of torment of prisoners, like you would expect in some petty dictatorship. Conditions are brutal in USA jails; rape and beatings are common, and there is little help for abused inmates. In addition to the many official USA executions, numerous people are also illegally killed in jail cells, "mysteriously" said to have hanged themselves or been "found stabbed to death".

Scandals of overseas prison abuse, as in the USA-run Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, have arisen from sources much deeper than America's foreign policy. These scandals are, in part, replications of inmate abuse inside of America's domestic prison gulag. Without diminishing the brutality of the crimes committed by Americans in Iraqi prisons, it is also true that such crimes are consistent with the brutality of prisons inside America.

In the regular functioning of the USA courts, America's domestic lawyers and judges, threaten people with illegal jailing, and rape, torture and murder in jail, just like the threats used by Americans against Iraqi subjects of the American occupation. America will play the song about "just a few bad apples in the barrel" whenever an abuse scandal gets exposed, either domestically or abroad, but the cover-up of such abuse is more the routine response.

Theoretically, torture and abuse is totally outlawed by America's Constitution, but some of the nice words in America's Constitution hold little power anymore, despite how often people quote them. The Americans who still believe that the US Constitution protects them, are mostly those people who haven't yet dealt with the judges and lawyers of America's corrupt legal system.

America's Bill of Rights and Constitution are nearly dead, not just because the judges will no longer enforce them, but even more because America's lawyers will not even fight for them. The two American "political parties" are not fighting for them, either, and America's news media are also very passive. If you look at America in depth, you can see there has been a widespread moral collapse in America's legal and political structures. This means that America's legal system has become largely a tool of government terror, and of bribery for the rich and the powerful. The average person is just fodder for the meat-grinder of America's courts.

America's lies and sleazy arguments to make excuses for torture, or to deny people the rights of the Geneva convention, or holding people for many years without charges, are also just an extension of the deviousness in America's domestic legal system. Inside America, neither its laws nor its Constitution nor the facts nor evidence nor anything else, no longer have real authority inside the American courts.

All that's left is what American lawyers and judges call "the game". As part of playing this game, USA lawyers and judges just twist words around, in order to produce any excuse, however flimsy, to achieve their objective, whether that be to jail an innocent person, or to obtain the verdict that was sought by the big company that paid the big bribe through its law firm.

It is an endlessly devious manipulation of words and phrases to get the desired result, it is just devious falsehood and lies backed by the naked power of the US judges. The only "real" part, in the midst of these lies, is the raw malicious power that the judges and lawyers hold in America, to jail you and take away your property. The words of the law don't protect you in the USA, because American judges and lawyers have no scruples about bending them to mean the opposite of what they say.

America's lawyers are controlled by the judges, and don't really work for you - that's why they sell you out to the government, or to the big companies that pay bribes

There's some very special aspects about the way American lawyers are controlled by American judges, which is central to why America's legal corruption is so much worse than any other advanced nation. Even if you are paying an American lawyer huge amounts of money, he or she doesn't really work for you, and in fact may sell you down the river to the jailhouse.

American lawyers are directly under the thumb of the judges and the government, and must submit to the culture of bribery and perversion of justice, or else face terrifying revenge. Lawyers, just like you yourself or any other victim, can be instantly jailed by an American judge on flimsy pretexts, and American lawyers can be quickly stripped of their right to practice law, and personally and financially destroyed, if they dare to criticize legal corruption. Lawyers who try to fight the system can find themselves not only dis-barred, but also criminally charged and jailed, and no other lawyer will help them. It is a horribly crooked system in America.

This is different from other advanced countries, where lawyers are usually a professional guild, whose status and right to practice law, is under the control of only their fellow lawyers. This means that, in other countries, the judges and the government cannot so easily ruin or attack the lawyers for purely political reasons. This is also part of why, in other developed countries, outside of America, you more often see lawyers fighting for un-popular clients, or challenging the government, and asking for justice.

But in America, it's different. Over the past century, the American lawyers lost the right to regulate themselves, and instead fell under the power of the judges. So American lawyers are afraid to do things in court, that the judges don't want them to do. America's army of nearly 1 million lawyers, is almost totally under the control of a few thousand judges, with their entrenched culture of bribery and fraud and miscarriage of justice.

Some USA lawyers don't like this, but they are helpless and can't fight it. Most lawyers in America have, to one degree or another, signed up with the devil, to do things the way the devil wants them done.

That means that any time you hire an American lawyer, he already is in a conflict of interest. He has to make the judge happy first. And if the judge wants to make the government happy, or make some corporation happy who is paying a big bribe, then guess what? You are destroyed. It doesn't matter what you paid the lawyer. He works for the judge, first and foremost.

So a totally unique factor in USA legal corruption is the amazingly dishonest profession of American lawyers, these lawyers who "play the game" with America’s judges and politicians and police. It is a savage culture of legal fraud, where lawyers work with judges to rob and terrify people, especially minorities, but also foreigners, and above all those who dare to question the system.

People accused of serious crimes have the "right" to a lawyer, but this may only provide a crooked lawyer who is stage-managing the victim. to help the government and prosecutors. If the lawyer does not betray the victim to help the government, he can be put out of work and not "assigned" to any more cases, or treated badly the next time he is in a courtroom.

This legal fraud is the core of the danger to those who visit America. A lawyer who is "representing" you in the USA, whether the government is paying him, or even if you are paying him yourself, may just be a stooge who is helping the prosecutors to put you in jail, even though you are innocent.

The judges of America gave every accused criminal the "right" to a lawyer, not because they cared about the rights of the accused, but because it helps stage-manage the victim, with a lawyer who has to do things the judge's way. In America, such government-appointed lawyers are the means by which hundreds of thousands of poor people are railroaded into prison. Some of these people were just foreign tourists, in the wrong place at the wrong time, and wound up rotting in an American prison.

Some lawyers are fairly subtle about it, and their victims never realize the lawyer has sold them out to the judge and the government. Most American court cases never go to trial, never see a jury; it is the job of the victim's lawyer to "sell the deal" that the judge has decided will happen, or else. This is how people accept a "plea bargain" so they accept going to jail for 3 years even though they are innocent, instead of going to trial before a jury: The victim is warned: you accept a "bargain" of a few years in jail, or you go to jail the rest of your life.

Because of the corruption of lawyers under the thumb of the judges, there's a very fake and phoney aspect of court proceedings in America. They are really fake "show trials" in many cases, sometimes very obviously so, where both purported "sides" of lawyers are actually working together for the government, or for the big corporation or rich person that is bribing the judge.

You will also find, in the American legal system, that you essentially have no recourse whatsoever against wrongdoing by your own lawyer. A lawyer can sell you out, betray you, steal your money, engage in malpractice, help out the other side, hide the evidence that proved you were right, or commit felony crimes against you, and there is nothing you can do about it, so long as the lawyer made the judge happy, and the judge got his cut of any money the lawyer stole from you.

Innocent and being arrested - they don't like to admit a mistake in America

Yes, lots of people live their whole lives in America and never get arrested. And yet, some poor foreign visitor comes to America for a short holiday, gets arrested by mistake, and gets sentenced to death by lethal injection even though he is totally innocent. Well, that's the lottery of life for those who live in, or even visit, America.

The police and prosecutors in the US have no concern at all whether they have arrested someone who is innocent. They just don't care. When a crime is committed, they try to arrest somebody, anybody, just to say they got the bad guy. And they never like to admit they made a mistake. Once they arrest you, they will try to make up and plant false evidence, to help try and convict you. A common trick is to take other criminals they know, who are facing jail on other charges, and get those criminals to be false witnesses against you. The cops justify this kind of thing by saying to themselves, "Well, if you didn't commit this crime, you probably committed some other crime we don't know about."

If they do arrest you in America, they like to pile on all sorts of criminal charges. The idea is to charge you with 10 crimes, because it makes you sound bad, and maybe convict you on 3 of them or you will accept a plea bargain on 1 or 2 of them. Any kind of guilty plea, and they call it a success, even though you were totally innocent.

For the police and prosecutors, it's all a kind of sporting game, so they can bring about their "high conviction rate". Perhaps part of the reason America has so much crime, even with more than 2.2 million people in prison, is because the people who actually committed the crimes were never arrested. Also, many poor people feel that the odds are high they will be arrested someday anyway, so they may as well be criminals and try to enjoy a few things in the meantime.

The system is extremely racist, of course, and white people are arrested less than many minorities. But no one is safe. Any innocent person can get railroaded to death in America.

Multi-millionaires and big corporations, vs. everybody else

The only people who really can get expect some fairness in American courts are multi-millionaires and big corporations who pay political contributions and bribery money, and who protect the interests of other rich people. Nobody else really matters to American judges and lawyers.

There is a huge amount of bribery in America, perhaps even more than in the courts of any other country in the world. Even some American ex-judges have admitted the near-universality of bribery there. Nearly all bribes are given to the judges by lawyers; this is considered the safe way to bribe a judge. Bribery is rarely spoken about, just understood.

Here's how it works. Rich people pay huge amounts of money to law firms with connections, the lawyers walk around with a certain amount of cash in their jacket, and they pass it to the judges in their quiet moments together. It is mostly all cash of course. Sometimes the bribery is blatantly obvious, because of the other crimes that lawyers and judges commit in broad daylight together. In the courtrooms you can see the judges being extremely friendly to their rich lawyer friends who pay big bribes.

As an average person, there's no real way to out-bribe a big corporation, regardless of what your lawyer promised you. That's why the big companies win most of the time.

American judges are very devious, and use all sorts of techniques to prevent a victim from getting justice. Lots of judges issue gag orders, and bans on freedom of speech, to help prevent other people from finding out what is going on. Judges set up a trial in all sorts of ways, giving orders that all sorts of evidence be hidden from a jury, for example. The judge may declare, for example, that the evidence that proves you are innocent or right, will not be allowed at the trial.

Jury trials are actually very rare in America, unlike what you see in the movies. Most cases are settled through some deal or extortion or intimidation, before there is an actual trial. If there is a jury trial, they tend to stack the jury with un-educated idiots who will tend to believe whatever lies they are told by the judge and the government. If you are trying to fight a rich person in court, the judge might let the fancy lawyers for the rich person say anything they want, while he tells you to shut up as soon as you start talking. The judges have a thousand ways to rig a legal proceeding, to benefit rich people or the government.

It's no wonder so many innocent people go to prison. With the fundamental brutality and harshness of life in America, American citizens are confused and fearful, and gullible to propaganda. So, a jury in a courtroom, these people who tend to be poorly educated, will tend to go along with any lies presented by government prosecutors. In this environment of fear, the feeling of safety for the jury, comes from following the "strong" government in sending various "suspected criminals" to jail.

Yes, there are "appeals" courts, but these are just more judges, who are usually friends with the lower court judge who originally sold you out. The appeals judges tend to go along with the lower court judge, unless you have suddenly acquired some politically powerful backing on your side.

Americans love to talk about "taking it all the way to the Supreme Court!", but this is a nearly empty hope for real people. The U.S. Supreme Court simply refuses to consider most cases that are presented to it.

Read on and many more articles here

Shame on you America!

Can an innocent wiener end you up as Anwar cellmate?


Before exploring that issue, let us go through this whats app message received on why Anwar got sent to prison.
Why is Anwar charged and convicted and why Saiful goes free?

Penal Code 377 ‘Unnatural Sex’ Law has seven sections

Of these, four of them (sections 1, 3, 6, and 7) – covering bestiality, non-consensual oral and anal sex, non-consensual vaginal sex by foreign object, and inciting a child to gross indecency,

The three sections that are VOLUNTARY are:
s(2) 377A – Carnal intercourse against the order of nature
Sexual connection with another person by the introduction of the penis into the anus or mouth of the other person is said to commit carnal intercourse against the order of nature. Penetration is to be sufficient to constitute the sexual connection necessary to the offence described in this section.

s(3) 377B – Committing carnal intercourse against the order of nature
Whoever voluntarily commits carnal intercourse against the order of nature shall be subjected to punishment. (Maximum penalty: 20 years imprisonment, liable to fine and whipping)

s(6) 377D – Gross indecency
Any person who, in public or private, commits, or abets the commission of, or procures or attempts to procure the commission by any person of, any act of gross indecency with another person, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years. (Maximum penalty: 2 years imprisonment)
Anwar was convicted under 377(B)

Under sections 377(A) and 377(B) of the Penal Code, anyone who commits “carnal intercourse against the order of nature” by inserting the penis into the mouth or anus of another person is liable to whipping and imprisonment of up to 20 years.

Penetration must also be sufficient to constitute the sexual connection necessary to the offence described in this section.

However, the code only affects the male person who is penetrating another person, while the male or female person whose mouth or anus is penetrated will not be subject to any form of penalty.

Therefore, it is the law that says the POKER will be charged and not the POKED - hence Saiful goes free.

This is because the other person cannot force you to actually insert your object into him or her. The action is only possible if you do it and it is within your control whether you want to do it.

WITHIN YOUR CONTROL - this part is key!  You control your OBJECT and where it is pointed and where it is going into.

(One way you can look at it is that if a person ask you to stab him with a knife and kill him. If you actually stabbed and killed him, you are still liable for murder even though the person asked you to do it).

By the way, Section 377 gets used quite a lot more than you think. If you google for "Unnatural sex charge or conviction", you will find that there are lots of cases in the past years.
Ok now ...

If some horny bloke had got the permission of his female partner to stick his weiner into her mouth but after not brushing her teeth and wash her mouth for two day, she decided to go to GH and made a she goes to the police to make a report, will that mean the poor horny bloke may end up in Sungai Buloh as Anwar's cellmate?

One former politician and lawyer explained, any person who has sexual connection with another person by the introduction of the penis into the anus or mouth of the other person is said to commit carnal intercourse against the order of nature. He explained further that penetration is sufficient to constitute the sexual connection necessary to the offence described in this section.

Going back to the message, the poor POKER could end up getting POKED daily for the next 5 years for that 5 minutes of pleasure!

Time for Jho Loh to start singing


In American crime or detective movie and TV series, singing means start talking. Loh Taek Jho or Jho Loh in short can choose to make a press statement through his PR agency or grant an interview to a media.

He cannot ignore the damaging article published by The NY Times website [read here] on the eve of Anwar Ibrahim's Federal Court decision. It explains why a certain blogger had been prepping up on Jho Loh's flamboyant lifestyle before this.

The NYT article, that was overshadowed by Anwar's prison sentence, was slanted in a manner to described Jho Loh's business dealings, especially involving 1MDB and anything to do with the Prime Minister Dato Najib and his family member, as less than kosher. Mentioned too was real estate dealings of Hollywood film producer and Najib's step son, Riza Aziz.

Whatever it is, Jho Loh has to start singing loud. Sue NYT to disapprove all the allegations made against himself.

Otherwise, Najib will have to start cutting him off and distance himself from yet another wunderboy repeatedly created since the days of Tun Abdullah as Prime Minister.

Anwar-Soros link

There is no specific allegations made by NYT because they did presented Jho Loh's side of the story - his denials and statements albeit a short one.

However, it is obvious that NYT does not appreciate Jho Loh's practise to be private and confidential in his dealings. On many occasions, they seemed disappointed to have met dead end in their investigations to do money trails.

NYT articles had raised eyebrow amongst journalist and Hantu Laut had written of it too. The article was linked to an NYT Malay version here. It must be the international breakthrough for the Malay  language that language activist like Dato Samad Ismail had long fought for. For the first time, Malay is used in a NYT publication!

There is also a Chinese version and it must have been contributed by their Malaysian counterpart. One of them is Sister-in-Islam activist and ex-MRSM Seremban student, Masjaliza Hamzah. She is the younger sister to the late Masjuita Hamzah [read about her here].

The mere mentions of Sarawak Report, in which that is where they had source the story on Riza Aziz and Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor, and the quote from a Global Witness Director points to the suspected invisible hands of George Soros.

The blog AIDC have tons of researched materials on this sort of things.

All one need to do is to recall back to an Anwar Ibrahim's trip to the US in July 2010 to meet the various top international media players and Jewish head honchos. It happened after he had lambasted Israel for boarding a Turkish ship, MV Marmera with Malaysians bound for Gaza and that trip was called the Apology Tour.  [read here].

It is divulged by Ezam Md Noor and Lokman Noor Adam that PKN, the predecessor to PKR had received money from George Soros.

The link here in Malaysia are Tian Chua, and Sivarasa. It involves an intricate web linking NED, Konrad Adreneur and Asia Foundation to pro-opposition organisations like SUARAM, Bersih, Malaysiakini, SIS, PKR, CIJ, IKD, etc. This NYT story may have been the last handiwork of Anwar Ibrahim before going in the slammer.

Previously Najib was accused of cavorting with Anwar Ibrahim for the cytros attack on Tun Daim and Tun Mahathir, but since Anwar Ibrahim had went in and there is no deal done, now it looks like the accuser is cavorting with Anwar.

Mystery man

Coming back to Jho Low, as far as we remembered, we got to know of him when it cropped up in the late Bernard Khoo's blog, Zorro Unmasked in November 2009 [read here] on an international mystery man from Malaysia partying about town in New York.

The man was Jho Loh and sources said he was "fronting" for a wealthy Arab, who paid for the party but was afraid his father would know he has been consuming liquor and doing other'haram'indulgence [read this link here]

Bernard wrote that the then 27-year-old Jho Loh was linked to Sarawak based UBG Berhad and the 2008 Annual Report described him as:
“He currently serves as group advisor of several international corporations, involved in global private equity, mergers and acquisitions, buyout, government-to-government off-set structured investments and financing, networking and financial aid, amongst others.”
Not knowing better, the late Zorro went on to blab about some poor soul in Thailand. Bless your soul, Bernard. 

 Sarawak Report was aware of the publicity given by NYT to recycle their past article. They are now pursuing Jho Loh and Riza Aziz on allegations of bribery and tax evasion here. It is still speculative.

The latest today here, Sarawak Report is going something more personal and further away from Sarawak and that is the partying habit of an ex-APCO and PMO Communication team. 

Ooo la la ... 


It is the talk of the town that Jho Loh was involved in 1MDB since the days it was called TIA. He must have been hawking his structured investment all about Malaysia and using his American networking and hob-nobbing with Hollywood celebrity to the hilt.

He was said to be wealthy and NYT report confirmed it but as NYT reported also his father, Larry was not so much as a player in the corporate scene. He was only the owner of low key and boring Penang based company MWE Berhad. 

According to NYT, Jho Loh managed to get TIA to invest RM1 billion in Petrosaudi. That investment angered the Sultan of Terengganu, then the Yang Di Pertuan Agong. It is an open secret his majesty was angered by the knowledge that one of his sibling took a commission from Jho Loh TIA had to be federalised and turned into 1MDB. 

Petrosaudi was said to have bought a stake in UBG thus Jho Loh's presence on the Board. That gave a difficult start to new CEO Arul kanda who used to be with RHB (the later UBG) and the Abu Dhabi bank owned by Jho Loh's associate. Arul has denied such allegation that questions his professionlism [read here].

Despite his denial of merely giving advise for free, Jho Loh remained closely associated with 1MDB and it only smears the good name of Najib, wife and family. The NYT article have given fodders for Tony Pua to continue to question PM on Jho Loh [read The Edge here]. 


The problem with 1MDB is transparency and communication. Tun Daim was reported by The Malaysian Reserve to ask on the Government to clear the air [read here]. 

This blog too have asked the same here although we did speculate that 1MDB may have planned to wait out and show it all upon listing. In an earlier posting here, we had wrote below:
1MDB still has a long way to go and need the support of bankers, stockbrokers, institutional investors, and public, locally and internationally. They cannot allow mysteries surrounding Jho Loh, their Middle East partners and Petrosaudi to continue on the loose. 
If Jho Loh could "subtly" threaten lawsuit against Dato Tong Kooi Ong and Dato Nazir Razak for linking him to the anonymous blogs that made several accusations against Tun Dr Mahathir, Tong,  and Nazir [read Uppercaise here and here], then he should start having his lawyers look intoto suing the NYT. 

The good name of the first family is at stake. A lawsuit serves to clean up the good name of people close to Jho Loh and his family. The NYT article had given Malaysia a negative prominence in the 6-part series on the NY real estate play - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5 and Part 6.

As it is some strong Najib supporters, who knows Jho Loh and family well, are not happy and accused him of undertaking sordid business transactions that only smeared the good name of the first lady. The same accusations to all other previous wunderboys.

Even if it is Jho Loh's bloody damn business, Malaysians will not be comfortable that someone so young, lavish and flamboyant being too close and advising the Prime Minister on matters of such significant implication.

Al Fatihah

How come 1MDB already settled their debt, Tony Pua?


This statement came in yesterday in our Whats App and is already in today's papers:
Media statement by Arul Kanda, 1MDB President and Group Executive Director

Issued on 13 February 2015
For immediate publication


"I can now confirm that 1MDB has settled, in full, a RM2 billion loan owed by an operating subsidiary of ours to Malaysian banks. The loan was settled in advance of the due date, per the terms of the loan facility agreement. With the settlement of this loan, I reaffirm 1MDB’s commitment to continue meeting all our debt obligations as they become due”.
In our posting 1MDB: Anonymously Sourced Allegation [read  here], Tony Pua had strongly championed this allegation that 1MDB had defaulted on an RM2 billion loan. In addition, one ex-banker was "screaming loudly" that public money at RHB and Maybank was squandered away.

How come? Is 1MDB lying? Pail Stadlen must be drunk and got our of bed with a strange woman next to him.

But, this is an official statement. They can't do that.

1MDB can get sued and government can get voted out for lying. Tony Pua and that ex banker must explain this to help us get out of this confusion. The truth, verifiable truth must be told.

Only yesterday, NST had published this Reuters report of Tan Sri Ananda Krishnan. The same Reuters report can also be found in The Malaysian Insider here.

From a business perspective, it does not matter how one skin the cat as long as it got skinned. Can Ananda confirm this first because it will knly make anonymous sources look bad.

Will that mean 1MDB will be able to get it's energy subsidiary listed on the Bursa?

The Reuter report was not based on confirmed sources but still anonymous sources. Then, it should be reminded that anonymous sources have it's hit and misses unlike confirmed sources.

The last we checked Reuters is still a news agency and has not turned into an agency for blogs and bloggers. While Tony Pua was a blogger.

If Tony Pua missed on this again, he will unfortunately be looking increasingly like a goblog and not the Oxford graduate in PPE he is. His business venture, Cyber Village bankrupted, representing someone else's neighbourhood in parliament and now goblog.

Maybe time to return to Tanjong Labuh, Batu Pahat and help his body building dad rear chicken.

Finally it happened


Two major GLCs made a major reshuffling to their top position this week.

On Monday, it was announced that Datuk Wan Zulkiflee Wan Ariffin as the new CEO for Petronas to replace Tan Sri Shamsul Azhar Abbas.

Today, a news report claimed Dr Emir Mavani will leave Felda Global Ventures Berhad (FGV) and be replaced by Tan Sri Ismee Ismail from Tabung Haji.

Finally it happened. By right, both Shamsul and Emir shouldn't have been there in the first place. 


Tan Sri Shamsul Abas
In the eyes of many socio-political activists, Shamsul have not been seen favourably. He had became somewhat of a political liability to Malay voters with his rambunctious remark made last year.

That served as confirmation certaib accusation by certain parties that he discriminated against Malays, instead of being rational in his preference for outsiders, particularly Shell, to fill up top positions in Petronas.

There was allegations that he systematically pressured Petronas executives and engineers to resign in order to make way for outsider to takeover. This was said to have resulted in an exodus of staff abroad.

However, Petronas officials denied such occurence and claimed that the so-called wave of resignations were not protest but normal attrition to greener pasture.

Shamsul was faulted as discriminating Bumiputera and Malaysian contractors in favour of foreign contractors. Groups like MTEM had been vocal on this matter. However, certain MTEM personality had been devious in their engagement with Petronas.

In an engagement between Petronas and an NGO, in which we were present, a lengthy explanation was given and it seemed to the contrary, at least at the surface. They claimed some contracts are just beyond the capability of locals.

Whilst, some of the existing Bumiputera contractors have been too complacent and reluctant to up-grade themselves. Seldom is the case in which they are too comfortable as go-between traders between their foreign principal and Petronas. As a result, they get left out when industry requirement was raised.

When appointed CEO in 2010, Shamsul had already retired for few months and was called back.

The negative image on Shamsul was his on doing. In the first week of his appointment, he raised eyebrow of bloggers for hiring former PKR official, Sheryl Stochard.

Where Tan Sri Hasan Merican resisted, it was Shamsul that obligingly brought in the controversial Dato Omar Ong as member of the Board of Director.

Dato Wan Zulkiflee

A better choice then would have been Wan Zul.

Now 54, Wan Zul should have been CEO at 50. By now, he would have acquired the experience as CEO to better take Petronas to higher level. The news report on Wan Zul appointment here


Tan Sri Ismee Ismail

The Star Saturday reported that Tan Sri Ismee Ismail of Tabung Haji is expected to takeover as CEO of FGV.

This dispell the earlier rumour that the ANSARA Seremban boy with family roots to Mukim Bagan, Batu Pahat is due to takeover the helm of PNB [Read here].

Thus far, there have not been much controversy of this former banker said to be the trusted circle of corporate boys to Dato Najib.

The Pemandu implanted Dr Emir Mavani Abdullah will end his contract in July. At Pemandu, he was in charge of the sector for oil and gas.

It came as a surprise when he was appointed as CEO of oil palm based FGV. Where oil and gas involved extracting from few thousand feet underground, palm oil is extracted from above ground fruits of oil palm trees.

There was also noises on the accredition of his doctoral degree.

A roti canai seller impersonating Emir
After the listing of FGV, Emir Mavani was appointed CEO in September 2013 at the insistence of Tan Sri Isa Samad. He was supposed to takeover the role of leading FGV's diversification and foray abroad from previous CEO Tan Sri Sabri.

Since becoming CEO, he has landed in many controversial and questionable deals like the acquisition of Pontian estate in Sabah, questionable discounts to supply palm oil to China, acquisition of palm oil plantation in Papua New Guinea, and many other acquisitions [Search in Big Dog here].

There was even the suspicion that kickback had taken place. And, this was the very fear instilled by PAS instigated ANAK and one corrupt former Felda DG that opposed FGV's listing. Many that fought tooth and nail for the listing was disappointed with his appointment.

Few seasoned planters had privately express dismay at Emir Mavani's acquisitions. He was made a laughing stock for not knowing the choicest place to acquire oil palm plantations. He should have gone for Sumatra, Indonesia where the soil and sunlight is the best!

In his blog posting here, Dato Kadir Jasin made the following comment on FGV below:
9. Tidak percaya tanyalah peneroka Felda atau sesiapa saja yang melabur dalam saham Felda Global Ventures Berhad. Bukankah harga saham FGVB telah merosot daripada harga IPO RM4.55 pada tahun 2012 kepada RM2.18 pada 9 Jan, kejatuhan lebih 50 peratus? 
This drop in FGV shares is a potential political timebomb and Emir just have to go. He had to leave after hardly two years in that position. 
It either proves his incompetence or he is to return to oil and gas. It is said that Dato Idris Jala will be given a golden handshake upon expiration of his senatorship and minister post to lead an oil and gas outfit. Emir may join that outfit. That has to be confirmed.
The changes at least is a comfort that Dato Najib do hear the growling on the ground and willing to do some firing. It is heard that there is more to come. If only he attempted to get feedback first before making his appointments, much mistakes could be avoided.

There are many strength of Dato Najb that is not known by the public but not allowed to be made known. His deft touch abroad has placed Malaysia in strategic position and generate revenues for the country. His domestic situation is different.

One major weakness of Najib is in the area of appointing right people into the right job and to fit with the right situation. Dato Najib has much to learn. He does not surround himself with people of respect and calibre as Tun Mahathir. We know, we know ... you gonna say Tun kept failing to pick the right successor.

A foregone perception of Dato Najib is that he is incapable to be a Donald Trump to say, "You are fired!" to the incompetent ones. It made the incompetents more complacent and bold. That list of incompetents in his government, party and office is growing long by the day and cost the IRD's money.

Pushing it to The Edge


One of the 58 Johanian (Alumni of St John's Institution, Kuala Lumpur) from the class of 1975 (born in 1958) alerted us of one spinning by The Malaysian Insider (TMI) that they found as disgusting.

They wrote a letter to TMI [read here] expresing concern on "extremist viewpoints as championed by those bent on racism and religious bigotry".

They shared the view of their fellow Johanian, Dato Najib Tun Razak that "the decades ahead of us are and will be far more competitive, challenging and equally exciting" thus the country should not get trapped with such dogmatism and "applaud the initiative of the prime minister in launching the Global Movement of Moderates (GMM) in the year 2012". It was if an extremist and shallow liberals not appointed as CEO.

However, TMI twisted their call into a report "Former students of Najib’s alma mater tell him to stop extremism" which subtly accused Najib as the cause of extremism and he should stop it [Read it here].

That must sent them aghast with such pushing to the edge journalism by The Edge online news subsidiary.

RM2 billion paid

In another matter, The Edge had twisted the official statement made by Arul Kanda last week that the much said RM2 billion debt was settled [read here].

That set off a flurry of speculation that it was paid by Tan Sri Ananda Krishnan. So far, none of Ananda's public listed outfit have confirmed. So it leaves the option that it could be his private entity.
This has to be confirmed before a respectable paper like The Edge could claim in the first line of the report below that it settled via a loan from Ananda:

Not only, The Edge reported unconfirmed report involving Bank Negara as though it is the truth when no news and confirmation on the claim have emanated from Bank Negara yet.

Absolutely none.

So far, Arul's statement had said it was paid ahead of it's scheduled time. Full stop.

However, the evil online news had no shame to admit their allegation had been wrong but went further to demand something that no on-going concern business entity would divulge. They wanted to know how it was paid, and PKR went on to alleged that Putrajaya paid for it [Edge subdiary, TMI wrote here].

The Banks are under the banking secrecy of BAFIA thus cannot divulge such information. Should Bank Negara not charge them for BAFIA?

Maybe the evidence is not forthcoming and they are waiting for them to get over the edge.

"If PAC were to act"

What matters is 1MDB did not defaulted as many of these evil online media had alleged. Without any confirmed information, what is the basis for them to make such allegations?

It only goes back to our previous posting, "Anonymously sourced allegations" [read here] that all allegations have yet to be substantiated.

Anonymous sources provide us the lead and story but it need to be confirmed and substantiated before it get published. Otherwise, stop pretending to be journalist and join us as bloggers.

On the PAC enquiry, so what they managed to quote from Dato Nurjazlan.

He has said that there is no enquiry on 1MDB. So TMI reported he express concern but there was no confirmed concern. Nurjazlan was said to say. "He was informed by Bank Negara" blah blah blah but who informed him?

He confirmed that Bank Negara has yet to  confirm their concern because he will only enquire from them.

And important quote "if PAC were to act". The word is "if" but TMI made as though there is a PAC enquiry. Read the rest of the report below:

Shabby twisting

Over the weekend, Arul giiven an interview with Mingguan Malaysia. FMT [read here] and TMI spinned spin his words to say Arul said Jho Loh has no connection with 1MDB.

TMI immediately went about town to say Arul lied and made a piece to expose on of the Director of 1MDB is his father's busines partner.

The non-executive director Tan Sri Ong Gim Huat is a friend, and business partner of 30 years to Jho Loh's father, Tan Sri Larry Low Hock Peng in a property company. The report here came complete with ROC documents.

Arul immediately clarified that FMT and TMI had misquoted him [read TMI here]. He said in Mingguan Malaysia:
The actual quote is "Malah, dakwaan yang mengatakan ayahnya atau kawannya menjadi pengarah di 1MDB juga tidak tepat". Translated, this means "In fact, the claim that his father or his friends are directors at 1MDB is not accurate".
TMI intentionally chose to ignore.

While it is naughty on TMI, Sir Wenger J Khairy highlighted important public relation lessons to Arul. The important one is to never try to create a false impression [read him in TMI here] because there are others more pro at that game. 

As raised by us  here, it is "Time for Jho Loh to start singing" or Najib has to cut off this controversial fella. He should have been cut off from the beginning when he was allegedly caught sharing his commission or a better word for it is kickback with one of the Sultan's sibling.

The lifestyle and business affair of this young investment banker is his private affair, but it attract negative perception of Najib and he has already too much slanders to handle.

Happy CNY

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